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Ms Moncha
10/24/2009, 05:22 PM
Hello to all of the VX Family.

I want to give you a brief update on Scottie today. The drug that the Denver Neurologist has placed him on (the ONLY drug apparently that treats increased cerebral spinal fluid pressure) is ravaging his body. The side-effects are worse? than the headache caused by the increased pressure. He has severe intestinal cramps, nausea, vomiting and a quick two step to the bathroom. The worst part is that he still has a headache of huge proportions, 8-9 on a scale of 10. I think it is really an 11, but he doesn't want us to worry. Yesterday, he was down to 178 lbs. because his body cannot absorb any nutrients. (Remember, he is 6'3", so he looks like a beanpole.) His doctor placed him on the BRAT diet that is used for babies that have intestinal disorders and chemo patients. He is now just eating Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. So far today, he is able to keep some of it down and "appears" to maybe be a little bit better. He is really trying to keep it all together and act "normal", whatever that is.

He thinks it helps him maintain. If you believe you are normal, then you are.??

I still read him your posts, as hard as it is for me to do it. I can't get thru them without breaking down with emotion on just HOW MUCH ALL of you truly care about us and everyone else in this Family. It brings me to my knees every time I log on. Right now, I am having great difficulty in getting this typed. But I want you to know how he is without having to guess or wonder, etc. I can only thank you again for your support. Please keep Scott in your prayers and good thoughts. He will be back on the Forum as soon as he can and does sometimes actually log on himself.

We love you and without this Forum, life would be VERY SAD and empty, if he didn't have all of you "pulling" for him.

Thank you, again for your support, love, good wishes and prayers.


10/24/2009, 05:36 PM
Thank you Laura and god bless from Me and Sandy.

Hope he found Steve Jennes joining the group as exciting as I think most of us have.

Thanks again and god bless both of you

Riff Raff
10/24/2009, 05:53 PM
Thanx for the update, as we all constantly worry about Scott and pray for his expediant recovery. Scott is truly the wind in our sails and his bright beakon of light shines through the fog by keeping us between the white lines on the road. Our faith and prayers for Scott will never deminish and he motivates us to always excel, as we patiently wait for his return. All of our best wishes to you Scott and to your family. Come back to us, we miss you!!!:yeso:

don moore
10/24/2009, 05:57 PM
Thanks for the update Ms Moncha

Well we are here and If we could be there we would in a heart beat... you know the VX family will do anything they can for you two..
tell Scott Im pulling for him.and my beautiful wife said she has been praying for you and scott daily..oh me to..
well ... chin up.
and to let you know ..without this forum I would have never found my VX or my new family of fellow VXers...



10/24/2009, 06:20 PM
Hello to all of the VX Family.

His doctor placed him on the BRAT diet...

When we first read that we were thinking a brat diet? :drool2: some sauerkraut... that'll put more than just meat on the bones! :yesgray:

They'll get him eating the good stuff soon, we just gotta wait out the storm first. Bananas aren't bad... :dan_ban:

You both are in our thoughts, as always! Lots and Hugs and Kisses to you two. :heart: :flower:

10/24/2009, 07:35 PM
The both of you are good people. Things will turn around.
Your always in my thoughts and prayers.

VX crazy
10/24/2009, 08:08 PM
Gosh what else can go wrong huh? I pray for so many people its amazing I get any sleep! LOL

I will continue to pray for both of you, its amazing how some people have to go through so much in their time here.....and others dont......but what are you gonna do.....EAT BANANAS!!!

Love ya both!

10/24/2009, 08:56 PM
Laura, U R a true angel :angel: and I know Scott thinks the same! From my family to yours, we continue to pray for a speedy recovery and the boss to be back to his old self. We appreciate you taking the time to give us an update and take all the time you need. As any of us would do, if there is anything you need, just call. The VX fam is true, strong and will never cease. God Bless Team Moncha and the VX fam!
:flower: :_group2:

10/24/2009, 09:06 PM
Ms laura thank you for the post.

God bless you guys,tell scott we really miss the call of duty weekend's meet. :o

10/24/2009, 09:53 PM
laura, thanks for the update. we are all pulling for scott to get better. it just hurts my heart to know people who are so good going through this type of trouble.
as always, he will stay in my thoughts. please let me know if there is anything i can do. im really not far at all. :thumbup:

10/24/2009, 10:23 PM
Thanks for updating Ms. M!
Thoughts are always with you and Scott.
Hoping for a full and speedy recovery!

10/24/2009, 10:49 PM
Hang in there, the storm has to pass soon and the horizon will be bright! We will send you our love & prayers always!

Sue & Dave

10/24/2009, 10:55 PM
Thanks for the update, Laura. We know that you have a lot more to think about than updating us, but we're all thinking about Scott and you, and we appreciate whatever news you have. It often seems like the best of us have to deal with the biggest challenges, but we know you guys will get through this. Try to keep your spirits up; we're all here for you!


10/24/2009, 10:57 PM
Laura, U R a true angel :angel: and I know Scott thinks the same! From my family to yours, we continue to pray for a speedy recovery and the boss to be back to his old self. We appreciate you taking the time to give us an update and take all the time you need. As any of us would do, if there is anything you need, just call. The VX fam is true, strong and will never cease. God Bless Team Moncha and the VX fam!
:flower: :_group2:

laura, thanks for the update. we are all pulling for scott to get better. it just hurts my heart to know people who are so good going through this type of trouble.
as always, he will stay in my thoughts. please let me know if there is anything i can do. im really not far at all. :thumbup:

Thanks for updating Ms. M!
Thoughts are always with you and Scott.
Hoping for a full and speedy recovery!

Hang in there, the storm has to pass soon and the horizon will be bright! We will send you our love & prayers always!

Sue & Dave

There ain't a whole lot I can add to all that...that'll learn me to be late to the party...:rolleyesg

Thanks for the update Laura, we are all SO hoping for some good news, one of these days it'll happen...:thumbup:
Let the Boss know he's in our collective thoughts & prayers...:heart:

All Best Wishes from L W & Pat...:yes:

An don't forget the nanner...:dan_ban:

Mark B
10/25/2009, 02:01 AM
I was just wandering how Scott was doing.
Thanks for keeping us updated.
My thoughts and prayers are with him and you.

10/25/2009, 04:14 AM
Everyones basicaly summed up some of the things i could of posted

But yea get well moncha be good to see ya back asap!:bwgy:

Scott Harness
10/25/2009, 07:13 AM
Keep(to watch over and defend us from harm) on keeping on Laura and Scott
praying for you two, as always sending much love and chi:yes::flower:

10/25/2009, 08:16 AM
Th=ank you for taking time out of your day Laura to give us and update. You two are in our thoughts and if there is anything needed let us know please.

10/25/2009, 08:54 AM
Thanks for updating us. It just hurts me to know what you and "the Boss" are having to go thru. I'm so happy I became a member of this forum. Before joining here I could barely do an e-mail. Thanks to the way Moncha set this up I've learned how to cut and paste, post pics on the forum, and even toss in a dancin nanner or two.:dan_ban::dan_ban:
Plus I've made many friends whom I've never even met, even a Doctor of Divinity(cause of a little + after his name or that's what he told me it stood for). I've got to believe the warmth of this forum comes from the top.
I've also added Scott to a friends prayer list. I believe powerful things happen when you have total strangers praying for you. I'm a prime example, cause I know total strangers are praying for me, especially when they see me drive.
Plus "the Boss" has got to put on some weight I don't want to meet him for the first time and weigh more than he does (he's 6'3" and I'm 3'6").
Good thoughts, prayers, chi, and mojo are flowin your way, plus tell Scott the ninnyhammers have been behavin pretty good too.

10/25/2009, 09:25 AM

Thank you for your update. It's nice to know that you and Scott have the support of those on this forum and that it's gives you both strength to get through these challenging times. Thoughts are with you from the east.

10/25/2009, 12:32 PM
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to give us an update on Scott. The two of you are always on my mind, and I'm hoping that everytime I see you're name on a post that it's good news. I know it will be good news soon, and the VX family around the world will breath a collective sigh of relief. Keep us updated when you can, and in the mean time we'll be here hoping and praying for both of you.

10/25/2009, 09:22 PM
Thank you for the news. We're all puling for Scott, and believe that your physcians and support staff are doing their very best to provide for a speedy recovery.

10/25/2009, 09:40 PM
thank you for the update. if it helps i can send over some vegimite. full of goodness and yummy to boot!

on a serious note, my thoughts to both of you. :yesy:

10/25/2009, 10:16 PM
It's gotta be agony for Scottie but sounds like he's bein' a real Trooper. My prayers are with you both.

10/26/2009, 06:10 AM
Scott & Laura,

Keep being strong. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Maybe it's a good thing that my daily commute takes me through some stretches of road that are the heaviest patrolled in the nation. Every time I see a cop, I say a quick prayer for Scott.


10/26/2009, 06:53 AM
It sounds like by now everyone has covered all the bases on what to say. I just want to send good vibes and let you both know youre in mrs. crncnn's prayers and in my thoughts.

10/27/2009, 07:24 AM
Like everyone else has said, we are all here to provide support for the Boss Man. Hope to hear good things in the near future, but we're here for the long haul, if necessary. Hang in there, Scott!

10/27/2009, 04:38 PM
Thanks for keeping us posted.

Get well soon, Scott.


Jolly Roger VX'er
10/27/2009, 04:54 PM
yeah.........what they all said! Get Well Soon! And....only eat the dancing nanners as they are harder to catch & consume so you'll whip yourself back into shape faster! :dan_ban:

10/29/2009, 02:58 PM
While Gloria and I are fairly new members of this group and have never met you or Scottie, we appreciate what Scottie has done with this site to keep it healthy. We also appreciate what you are up against watching your loved one fight something like this. We are on your team and pulling for you both. Give Scottie our best.

Sincerely, John & Gloria

10/29/2009, 05:11 PM
Thinking about you Scott.. The way you think about us


10/29/2009, 07:43 PM
After several months of absence I get back to the forum to learn about Scott's health issues.

I pray for a fast recovery. Please keep us all posted.

11/01/2009, 06:37 AM
This really seems like a textbook case for the use of medical marijuana to keep his appetite up.

don moore
11/01/2009, 04:01 PM
hot wasabi junky...ouch..

get well Scott..God bless

11/01/2009, 11:55 PM
Thanks Ms Laura for the update.
Actually it wasn't an update for me. This was the first time I heard about it. I haven't been at the forum lately.
My wife and I will be praying for Scott. With that many people praying things should get better. I hope we'll hear a praise report soon.

11/08/2009, 09:39 AM
Just a update from me.. I'm doing beter, still have major headache and problems reading/writing. I just wanted to pop in and say hi and thank yoou. You and all your prayers do a wondeful job of keeping a guy postive. I want to get back to finish my update but taht takes lot of brain power that I don't got lots of righ now. I'll start posin more as I can, I miss everyone!
Thnak you lots!

Love Scott!

11/08/2009, 09:46 AM
Good to hear from you again! Keep up the recovery! :D

11/08/2009, 09:48 AM
Nice to hear from the Boss! Take your time getting back in shape, this site is going nowhere. It'll be here when you're up to it.

11/08/2009, 09:53 AM
Man, it's great to read your voice! I about fell outta my chair when this was posted by "the Boss" himself. I'm so happy, you just take care and don't over do it or try too much too fast. All the prayers and good stuff flowing your and Ms Moncha's way ( and with a little more spring in my step and a big smile on my face.

11/08/2009, 10:01 AM
This about says it all!!

don moore
11/08/2009, 10:44 AM
Thx Scott we miss you...

11/08/2009, 10:46 AM
Awesome to hear you are doing better, keep your chin up and keep plugging along!


11/08/2009, 10:54 AM
Take care of yourself Boss, There are plenty of people here to hold down the fort...

11/08/2009, 11:51 AM
Man, it's great to read your voice! I about fell outta my chair when this was posted by "the Boss" himself. I'm so happy, you just take care and don't over do it or try too much too fast. All the prayers and good stuff flowing your and Ms Moncha's way ( and with a little more spring in my step and a big smile on my face.

This about says it all!!

Thx Scott we miss you...

Those three sum it up nicely...:yes:

Had a helluva day trying to replace my front rotors/bearings/seals/pads/etc...:upsetgray

Wrong parts from O'reallys, compounded by rain...:uhohgray:...:rolleyesg

Get stuff put away, not done, hitchin' a ride to work tonight with TLMP...:upsetgray

Then I read THIS...all better...:dan_ban:.:dance:.:dan_ban:

Keep sluggin' Boss!...:thumbup:

11/08/2009, 01:05 PM
Had a helluva day trying to replace my front rotors/bearings/seals/pads/etc...:upsetgray

Tell me about it! I'm smack in the middle of major overhaul on the Trooper. Got the motor out in preparation for the 3.4 swap and now I am working on replacing ALL of my steering components plus new ball joints, CVs, cleaning and repacking both manual hubs and bearing, whoa, it's a JOB.

But, like you said, knowing that the Boss Man is on the up and up, :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


11/08/2009, 03:24 PM
Scott, you brought a smile to my face today. Thanks.

11/08/2009, 03:52 PM
just made my slow day at work much better boss man!

good to hear from you. i was just thinkin today, that its not like you to at least pop in and tell us to hold on.

11/08/2009, 07:39 PM
Great to hear from you, Scott! Keep getting better!


11/08/2009, 08:46 PM
Great to here from you Scott! Take your time and make a full recovery. We will all still be here and then some!:wave:

11/08/2009, 09:37 PM
:dance: This is great news! Very glad to see a post from you Scott. You made our day! Thanks for the update on your health. The site update can wait. Keep on getting stronger... we are right there with you bossman!

11/08/2009, 11:54 PM
Thanks for the quick shout Scott and glad you are on the mend. Take care and looking forward to you "gettin back in the saddle!"

11/09/2009, 06:54 AM
Good to hear from you Scott. Keep getting better. Your the man. :bwgy:

11/09/2009, 07:24 AM
Scott, it was SO good to see your post; really made my Monday morning. I know that we can be more of a headache than anything else, but let us know when you and Mrs. Moncha can entertain visitors and the Colorado VX family will show up on your doorstep.

11/09/2009, 09:29 AM
SCOTT!!!! Your fingers work! I need you back, everyone is picking on me... ok so that is half right. We miss you so keep on coming back ASAP!

11/09/2009, 05:55 PM
SCOTT!!!! Your fingers work! I need you back, everyone is picking on me... ok so that is half right. We miss you so keep on coming back ASAP!

Yeah, come back soon Scott. I needs help pickin on Zeus.

Great to hear from you. Keep gettin better.


11/17/2009, 06:02 PM
OMG!! I read that last post I wrote and that is just plain messed up. I'm doing better, feel like I'm alive a bit more than before. Got lots more testing to go through but that will come.. I'm trying to get caught up as much as I can and as fast as I can so I'm not out of the loop so much... It aint over but, I'll get my stuff together.

Just to let you know, I missed you all!!

11/17/2009, 06:13 PM
OMG!! I read that last post I wrote and that is just plain messed up. I'm doing better, feel like I'm alive a bit more than before. Got lots more testing to go through but that will come.. I'm trying to get caught up as much as I can and as fast as I can so I'm not out of the loop so much... It aint over but, I'll get my stuff together.

Just to let you know, I missed you all!!

YAH!!!!! GREAT TO HEAR SCOTT, KEEP ON GETTIN' BETTER!!!!!!:jump::dance::dance::clap::clap:

11/17/2009, 06:27 PM
Glad to hear of the improvement Scott. Just keep doing what you got to do to get back to 100%.

11/17/2009, 06:57 PM
YAAAAY! Glad you are feeling better! We missed you too! You can go back and fix your typos later... LOL XOXO to you and Laura.

11/17/2009, 07:26 PM
Hey scott glad you are felling lil better buddy :yesgray:

One step at the time & you will be there.......hang in there :)

11/17/2009, 08:38 PM
OMG!! I read that last post I wrote and that is just plain messed up. I'm doing better, feel like I'm alive a bit more than before. Got lots more testing to go through but that will come.. I'm trying to get caught up as much as I can and as fast as I can so I'm not out of the loop so much... It aint over but, I'll get my stuff together.

Just to let you know, I missed you all!!

BOSS DUDE...:dance:

Glad to see you're feeling a bit better, we've been kinda worried aboutcha...:heart:...:yes:

Keep on doing what the Docs tell you & feel better soon.

Best to You & Laura,


11/17/2009, 10:10 PM
Best wishes,

11/17/2009, 10:35 PM
bossman, glad to hear your back! the kids played nice while you were gone.

dont worry, between all of us we can figure out how to keep the site up and going while your gone.

get all healed up ;)

glad your back though!!!

11/17/2009, 10:40 PM
Sweet welcome back :D


11/18/2009, 05:49 AM

So glad you're on the road to recovery. We need you here. Zeus has been picking on me sumpin terrible lately. Handee & pb haven't been very nice either.

Gotta love this family.


EDIT: Woops, forgot to add the smileys. JUST KIDDING guys.

11/18/2009, 07:25 AM
839 post to go through.. It'll take me a while to get through them. I have my days so, as long as I can, I'll keep reading... If anything is pressing or important, let me know and I'll get on it right away. I've got bunches of PM's as well and it'll take a time to get through those so, be patient.

Man, it feels good to be able to read and make sense again!

Scott Harness
11/18/2009, 07:37 AM
EXCELLENT!! pm sent

11/18/2009, 07:38 AM
Scott, it's SO good to see you posting (coherently) again. Really brought a smile to my face this morning.:biggringr Take your time and heal well.

Let us know when you and Laura can do a little Colorado VX get together and we'll rally the troops.

Good to have you back.:dance:

Riff Raff
11/18/2009, 08:03 AM
SCOTT--- It's so awesome to see you posting once again. I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. Keep doin' what the Doctor's tell 'ya and get back to 100%.:yeso:

All of the ninny-hammers have played nice since you've been absent, and L-dub has even turned over a new leaf in his overall compassion (or so it seems).:bgwb:

Thumbs-Up to you, Scott!!!:thumbup:

11/18/2009, 08:03 AM
dont worry, between all of us we can figure out how to keep the site up and going while your gone.

Boss , if that statement doesn't scare ya back to being healthy nothing will !


Zeus has been picking on me sumpin terrible lately. Handee & pb haven't been very nice either.

Don't ya just hate a snitch.....ya jack a couple of threads, throw a couple of barbs and a certain member can't wait to tell on ya.

Boss, as I said before it's great to read your voice again...don't do too much to quick.

11/18/2009, 08:20 AM
839 post to go through.. It'll take me a while to get through them.

You can skip the discussion about the color of the hood insert. It's not worth it. That autta save you some time. :rolleyes: :laughing:

Glad to see you back, Scott!

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: Bart

11/18/2009, 08:58 AM
"Don't ya just hate a snitch.....ya jack a couple of threads, throw a couple of barbs and a certain member can't wait to tell on ya."

{turn on evil laugh} Heh, Heh, Heh {turn off evil laugh}

"Boss, as I said before it's great to read your voice again...don't do too much to quick."

COUGH, COUGH, HACK, WEEZE ... Handee is right Boss - slow & steady

Wasn't sure I could get that out ... I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

11/18/2009, 09:26 AM
[QUOTE=nfpgasmask;178245]You can skip the discussion about the color of the hood insert. It's not worth it. That autta save you some time. :rolleyes: :laughing:

Yeah Scott, I started it and it got a "little" drawn out plus cyronman added a "poll." It was all in good fun though!

Glad to have you back! :bwgy:

11/18/2009, 10:20 AM
Scott! Don't believe the hype! I have mostly been good.... mostly. :) Just ignore Tom and Handee and Dub and Raff and Marlin and Jack and Gussie and Dumke and crotchrocket and Bart if they say anything cuz THEY started it... ;)

It really is good to see you up and at 'em...

11/18/2009, 10:28 AM
if they say anything cuz THEY started it

Its funny because it's true.

11/18/2009, 10:48 AM
and L-dub has even turned over a new leaf in his overall compassion (or so it seems).:bgwb:

Where do you come up with this stuff? . . .:laughing:

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/r-r_L0L.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=16170)

11/18/2009, 10:57 AM
Yeah, I was gonna say... less compassion yet more coy! :)

11/18/2009, 03:14 PM
G'Day Scott, great to see you back on the board and know you are feeling better.

Anita and Larry have done a great job in your absence.

Even made me toe the line most of the time.:bwgy::smilewink:bgwo:

But seriously, take your time and work at a pace you are comfortable with.
Achieving a little bit each day is a great healer, but stressing over what is not done can undo all the good.

All the best to you and Laura.