View Full Version : I would love to...

10/07/2009, 08:12 PM
...show up at ZuZoo pulling the VX with THIS (http://www.slrcaravans.com.au/Adventurer%20Motorhome.html):yesy:
The only problem would be deciding which Zu to take out on the trail!:bwgy:

(be sure to watch the video on that page)

10/07/2009, 08:22 PM
ya, thats pretty rad....

could be the ultimate zoo person EVER haha...
although, i fear that the other zu guys would think we are more crazy than they already do.

10/07/2009, 08:42 PM
I would so take that thing up Hells Gate!:bwgy:

10/08/2009, 07:14 AM
Dude that is so bad arse. I especially like the Marlin-esque front bumper. :D

10/08/2009, 07:27 AM
But what is with using the same shots over and over again. The only impressive driving seen inover 2 minutes was driving through that little stream and they showed it 6 times. They cant take other shots? Not too mention why are they using the UPS to display it?

10/08/2009, 07:55 AM
Thats awesome

10/08/2009, 09:35 AM
I'd hate to see the carnage in the camper after doing some serious 4 wheelin.

10/08/2009, 10:17 AM
Driving thru streams is about all your going to tackle with that beast. Not my type of Expo rig...

10/08/2009, 10:54 AM
(be sure to watch the video on that page)

Oh... my... gosh.

Triathlete, how am I going to get those three minutes of my life back?

10/08/2009, 11:36 AM
I dig it! Lame video yes but sweet rig! Be a helluva lot better than offroading our isuzu box truck at work!

10/08/2009, 02:40 PM
Okay, the "wheeling" part of the vid was kind of lame. But all the cool stuff that rig has is pretty impressive. All those cubby holes filled with BBQ's, outside frig, dual gas bottles, 6 batteries to power everything...:thumbup:
and I think it would do just fine off road with a change of tires! Of course it won't do any hardcore stuff but thats not what it is designed for. It will definately get you off the beaten path and be a very comfy home base!