View Full Version : Bummed Out !

09/23/2009, 09:25 AM
Money makes the world go round eh !! well its a pain as i've got none to spend on the VX :( what with my VX being robbed last week and getting a new alarm fitted its cost me around £800 :( thats the money set aside for the on board air, boot build and safari roof rack :mady: gutted!!

Also, living in this city is sucking my wallet dry !! Claire and I are living in a decrepid (but large) shared flat and we really want to get out of it, theres some dodgy people about even though its the most afluent area in London. Found a bloke in the garden (whilst me and my neighbor were fitting security lights around the property so our vehicles are safe) picking up some hash someone left for him.......i almost lamped the guy and he actually had the nerve to get anoyed at me for accusing him of breaking into my car!!! Plus the fact the flat was almost robbed a month ago when someone tried to break through my flat mates window at 11pm with the lights on and him in the room !!!!

All in all we really want to move and im trying to buy our first property but i can't find a 1 bedroom flat (were talking 42 sqm) for under £160,000.00 (262,503.70 USD !!! ) it's just rediculouse. The only ones i found are part-buy (you get say 50% and pay rent to a landlord on the amount you don't own) and it was well over £1000 a month for mortgage + rent etc etc and an extra £950 a year to use a space in the car park !!!!! Anywhere that is affordable either doesnt have parking, transport links or you'd have to were a stab vest to walk around (we dont have guns here :D )

Thats my moan done with for today :D

09/23/2009, 09:31 AM
I feel your pain neighbor! I love my house and my property but HATE my neighborhood. Yet if I sell I will lose money... if I stay I will prob'ly be robbed again... the 3rd robbery will most likely happen INSIDE my actual home and I will turn into something nasty. I don't have a lot of options right now so I'm just trying to deal with it all... Here's to hope!

09/23/2009, 10:18 AM
too bad brother... guess your going to have to put your VX inhibitions on hold for now.

we all have to do it from time to time even if we dont wanna. :(

give it some time, you'll get through it and it always gets easier

09/23/2009, 10:46 AM
Move to the US???

It's a buyer's market here right now.

Of course, yer not allowed to wear skinny ties & shiney shoes to work here:)

09/23/2009, 11:39 AM
That just bums me out big time Crotchrocket and Zeus. Ya'll (that's southern for you all) are welcome to a copy of my new security sign I put in my yard.1184

Seems to be working.

09/23/2009, 12:04 PM
lol, nice sign!!!!! Seams even in a recession London prices remain extreme!!!! Zeus, that sucks man! at least i am renting at the moment so theres no loss envolved, just cant get my foot on the property ladder!!

09/23/2009, 12:46 PM
For $262,503.70 I'll sell you my house, all the furniture in it, and I'll even throw in my dog.

09/23/2009, 12:51 PM
For $262,503.70 I'll sell you my house, all the furniture in it, and I'll even throw in my dog.

Hmm didn't offer the vx too?

09/23/2009, 12:57 PM
For $262,503.70 I'll sell you my house, all the furniture in it, and I'll even throw in my dog.

Dont tempt me!!!! we've been fantisizing about moving to New Zealand, Canada, America etc !!!

09/23/2009, 01:02 PM
We had an Engineer exchange program with UK a couple of years ago. The first guy they sent over here kept extending his visit till they made him go home:)

He was a great guy tho - wish he could've stayed.

09/23/2009, 01:06 PM
Dont tempt me!!!! we've been fantisizing about moving to New Zealand, Canada, America etc !!!If you move over here and can't bring the VX with, don't forget to rob yours of the t-case! :)

09/23/2009, 01:06 PM
Im actually watching The Long Way Round as i type and they just arrived in Alaska from Russia, AWSOME scenery, amazing roads............perfect!!! ill see alot of the US in the next hour of DVD lol

09/23/2009, 01:13 PM
Remember - location location location... ;)

09/23/2009, 01:37 PM
Remember - location location location... ;)

Moab Moab Moab:dance:

09/23/2009, 01:52 PM
Hmm didn't offer the vx too?

For $262,503.70 I'll sell you my house, all the furniture in it, and I'll even throw in my dog.

We had an Engineer exchange program with UK a couple of years ago. The first guy they sent over here kept extending his visit till they made him go home:)

He was a great guy tho - wish he could've stayed.

I can't believe he'd offer the dog, wife maybe (as domestic help), but not the dog.

I don't know if Florida has any kind of Engineer exchange program. With the recession there's not as many trains running now.

09/23/2009, 02:20 PM
Crotch, you would love Moab. Hell, you would love the entire Western US. I can't say that we have much work over here right now, but why not shoot some resumes out? :D

I feel your pain about the living situation. My last flat in Chicago was like this. I had this psycho hippopotamus of a woman living above me that would go freakin' ballistic if she could here my radio or TV through the floor. And then there was this ghetto trash living below me that would come home every night at 3am and rap on his cell phone for 20 minutes outside his door (he lived in the garden unit and got no phone service) which was just below my bedroom window, waking me up EVERY night. Then I found out from my slumlord that he stopped paying rent months ago and they were in the eviction process. The police would regularly visit his place for who knows what and the best part is, I found a heavy duty extension cord coming out of his place that was plugged into the laundry room that we all shared (because he obviously hadn't paid his electric bills either). Bikes were stolen, my grill got stolen 3 times outta my back yard WITH HOT COALS still in it. Just all sorts of petty ridiculous crap. I don't miss the city AT ALL.


09/23/2009, 02:22 PM
Oh, and I can relate about not having the money to work on your VX. All I can think about lately is getting my Falcon restored and the Trooper where I want it and I don't have enough money to do any of it. Its gonna take a long time. Keeps me up at night.

:( Bart

09/23/2009, 02:31 PM
thanks for the comments guys!! and Bart, definately sounds like your better off out of there! that Falcon's gonna be awesome!!

Forgot to say leaving the car park this evening the barier decided to drop down half way along, got caught on a roof bar and i ripped the whole barrier arm off.....oops, thankfully not much damage, just the plastic coating. Maybe i'll get some new bars.............................................. ..doubt it!!!

09/23/2009, 02:38 PM
looking on google, and yep....Moab looks awesome!! id give up the city life for a happy country life anyday!!! anywhoo, quater to 11, my bed time!!!!

09/23/2009, 02:41 PM
good night and may nobody rob you while you sleep

09/23/2009, 02:43 PM
That just bums me out big time Crotchrocket and Zeus. Ya'll (that's southern for you all) are welcome to a copy of my new security sign I put in my yard.1184

Seems to be working.

Nice, but I can tell you were not military trained or your group would be 2 to the chest 1 to the head!:bwgy:

09/23/2009, 02:51 PM
(we dont have guns here :D )


Booooo to that. What happens when all hell breaks loose? You throw rocks at the invaders?

I don't know if I would want to live too close to Moab, I think it would lose some if its magic IMHO

09/23/2009, 03:14 PM
Booooo to that. What happens when all hell breaks loose? You throw rocks at the invaders?

I don't know if I would want to live too close to Moab, I think it would lose some if its magic IMHOI know what you mean. I think I would have to live IN Moab for that to be a problem though. I go around 5 or 6 times a year it seems now. I have considered a career change from architecture/design to trucker and THEN moving to Moab. The beauty is I would be working on the road but on vacation when I got home! :)

09/23/2009, 04:15 PM
Speaking of career changes...I wish I could do something else and make the same kinda money. I am soooooo sick of sitting.


09/23/2009, 04:36 PM
That is why I love my job, I move every 3 years or so, have been around the world multiple times, probably moving to Japan in 2 years. New job every time. Very cool. Bad part, being away from family and friends for 6-8 months at a time sucks.

09/23/2009, 06:11 PM
Long haul trucker life is hard on a family. My wife hated me being gone all the time so i took a pay cut and a local driving job:_steering. I live in southern Idaho where we have most of the city kind of stuff but not as much of the crime:_cop:. And extremely affordable living and housing. And offroading we have mild to extreme rock crawling, mud, sand dunes and simple fire roads (greenlanes in English?) all within an hour drive. :thumbup: If only we could get the Californian's to stop moving here and put a limit on the Northbound travel from Utah we'd be set:laughb: (except the good one's who drive sanely and own Isuzu's;)) Yep Idaho, birthplace of great things like TV and......the potato?:bwgy: Plus we have decent (normal) beer:_beer:;py; (another jab at Utah for those of you not from the area) Just don't expect the weather to act the least bit normal or anything:_snowplow. Plus it makes vacation's to such places as Moab reasonable and helps the magic along.... or something.
(off my soapbox) :smilegray

09/23/2009, 07:08 PM
Dont tempt me!!!! we've been fantisizing about moving to New Zealand, Canada, America etc !!!

Dont tempt me!!!! we've been fantisizing about moving to New Zealand

And theres even some Nice Vxs over here for you to choose from :p

09/24/2009, 01:24 AM
I know what you mean. I think I would have to live IN Moab for that to be a problem though. I go around 5 or 6 times a year it seems now. I have considered a career change from architecture/design to trucker and THEN moving to Moab. The beauty is I would be working on the road but on vacation when I got home! :)

Hey me too!!! I work in a property developers www.abnassetti.com (new website launching at the end of the week so check it out then!!) doing the design work, architectural drawings, project management etc. Lets move to Moab and start a practice :D although not sure there’s much out there to practice on!!

09/24/2009, 04:22 AM
500,000 expat Brits can't be wrong......Come to Florida! Put the chill dampness behind you.....no state income tax, just seals the deal. For the money you are talking about, you can have a 2600 sq ft home with a pool, 2 car garage, and 1/3 acre yard! And NOT in a war zone.....no vest required! The locals even speak the language.....albeit a funny and strange version of it......but you'll catch on quickly enough! Problem solved!

09/24/2009, 06:44 AM
That is why I love my job, I move every 3 years or so, have been around the world multiple times, probably moving to Japan in 2 years. New job every time. Very cool. Bad part, being away from family and friends for 6-8 months at a time sucks.

Do I smell a new source for JDM parts? :D

09/24/2009, 06:55 AM
Nice, but I can tell you were not military trained or your group would be 2 to the chest 1 to the head!:bwgy:

OK Billy, I'm busted! I copied the sign off the internet (cause i like the saying). I wasn't too impressed with the grouping. OH and by the by, Rifle Expert, Pistol Expert, U.S.M.C. here.

500,000 expat Brits can't be wrong......Come to Florida! Put the chill dampness behind you.....no state income tax, just seals the deal. For the money you are talking about, you can have a 2600 sq ft home with a pool, 2 car garage, and 1/3 acre yard! And NOT in a war zone.....no vest required! The locals even speak the language.....albeit a funny and strange version of it......but you'll catch on quickly enough! Problem solved!

Good Idea Chopper, love to have Crotchrocket here..he could set up his business and Claire could own a chain of car washes. We'd have em sayin ya'll before ya know it.

09/24/2009, 08:19 AM
Hey me too!!! I work in a property developers www.abnassetti.com (http://www.abnassetti.com) (new website launching at the end of the week so check it out then!!) doing the design work, architectural drawings, project management etc. Lets move to Moab and start a practice :D although not sure there’s much out there to practice on!!
:coolgray: There's not. ...much to practice on there, I mean! ...Even if the economy was less gloomy, there wouldn't be. A career that allows you to work from home in any part of the world is my dream job. :yeso: An acquaintance of mine develops video games (cheesy ones) and has lived in Cali, Vegas, the mountains of Colorado, Scotland... he just moved back to Colorado having the same job the whole time. :mado:

What CAD software are you using over there anyway? I have used AutoCAD for 13 years, Revit for 2 years (off and on), Impression for 1 year (off and on).

09/24/2009, 08:47 AM
What a fun post! :) "Long haul trucker life"... that may suit me just fine because I have yet to find a lady who can put up with me! Bittersweet! ;Do; I used to live in Boise... not long (summer between college years) but it was in '97, I think. I wanted to move there permanently at the time. The population has since tripled and it has changed quite a bit. The last time I was in Boise SPAZZ and I installed the 4.77 3rd members in my VX! After that visit, Boise no longer interests me. It's just as you said, too many Californians moved in... same thing happened when I lived in Denver! Take any booming American city and I think what you will find in common is an abundance of illegal immigrants, a growing Texan population, and a growing Californian influence and population - that statemnt is kind of redundant, I know, but what do you get from that combo? ...Another city full of the worst drivers who moved to get away from the southern border and the gangs their teenagers belonged to! :bgwo:

You are right about the beer here. Sure, they got rid of the membership requirements a couple months ago, but now any time someone under 35 goes into a bar they have to sign what I call a permission slip. It's almost like you have to have a credit check just to drink in Utah - ridiculous! :_beer:
Long haul trucker life is hard on a family. My wife hated me being gone all the time so i took a pay cut and a local driving job:_steering. I live in southern Idaho where we have most of the city kind of stuff but not as much of the crime:_cop:. And extremely affordable living and housing. And offroading we have mild to extreme rock crawling, mud, sand dunes and simple fire roads (greenlanes in English?) all within an hour drive. :thumbup: If only we could get the Californian's to stop moving here and put a limit on the Northbound travel from Utah we'd be set:laughb: (except the good one's who drive sanely and own Isuzu's;)) Yep Idaho, birthplace of great things like TV and......the potato?:bwgy: Plus we have decent (normal) beer:_beer:;py; (another jab at Utah for those of you not from the area) Just don't expect the weather to act the least bit normal or anything:_snowplow. Plus it makes vacation's to such places as Moab reasonable and helps the magic along.... or something.
(off my soapbox) :smilegray

09/24/2009, 08:57 AM
If only we could get the Californian's to stop moving here

Yeah, same goes for Nevada. I got a "Smoking Vehicle Observation Report" letter from the DMV this week. My guess is some California hippy driving a Prius saw the Trooper puff a little smoke and called the "hotline". Frickin ridiculous. I passed emissions 3 months ago and I have never seen any smoke spew from the Trooper...I can't say the same for my VX however. :rolleyes:

500,000 expat Brits can't be wrong......Come to Florida! Put the chill dampness behind you.....no state income tax, just seals the deal. For the money you are talking about, you can have a 2600 sq ft home with a pool, 2 car garage, and 1/3 acre yard! And NOT in a war zone.....no vest required! The locals even speak the language.....albeit a funny and strange version of it......but you'll catch on quickly enough! Problem solved!

:laughing: Palm Coast must be in northern Florida. Cause lemmi tell ya, Dade and Broward Counties are not nice places to live, imo. The worst crime I was ever exposed to was when I lived in Florida. :eek: And I'll take the cool damp over the hot damp any day! But I am happy here high and dry and with no state income tax either!! Woo Hoo! :)


09/24/2009, 03:27 PM
Central east coast.....not Broward at all. We even get frost here. I was a Diesel Demon for some time. I ran dry freight at first, then produce and frozen stuff. Getting married ended that, but as a single person...it was an ideal job for me. Somewhere different every time I opened my eyes. I didn't even have a home for a few years...just a storage locker. I earned enough to buy a home for cash in less than three years. It has been 16 years since I ran Cali to NY in a truck....and I miss it to some extent almost every day. I just love my home, animals, and wife more than I love being a gypsy I guess. But like gravity....I'll always feel the pull.

09/24/2009, 03:39 PM
Central east coast.....not Broward at all. We even get frost here. I was a Diesel Demon for some time. I ran dry freight at first, then produce and frozen stuff. Getting married ended that, but as a single person...it was an ideal job for me. Somewhere different every time I opened my eyes. I didn't even have a home for a few years...just a storage locker. I earned enough to buy a home for cash in less than three years. It has been 16 years since I ran Cali to NY in a truck....and I miss it to some extent almost every day. I just love my home, animals, and wife more than I love being a gypsy I guess. But like gravity....I'll always feel the pull.As I said before, you have really lived! It seems you have had just about every occupation there is, aside from stripping... I hope. :p Eh, I get idea after idea and only act on 10% of them, probably. I suck. Who knows what I will do next...