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09/11/2009, 01:55 PM
So a previous post by Zeus got me to thinking that it would be good to get movie suggestions. So here is my post.

There are no rules can be old, new or one that you are waiting to come out. Low budget, high dollar, foreign, engrish (without subtitles)... it doesnt matter. I figure with such a diverse group of people there will be alot of diffent suggestions if not for everyone for me to check out.

I will start out.

A buddy of mine from Austrailia got me to check out "Chopper" staring Eric Bana.


Edit: Almost forgot here was the post by Zeus in case intrested http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?threadid=16536

09/11/2009, 02:08 PM
I really want to see "Love The Beast" with Eric Bana as well.

Yesterday I watched an interesting/weird/low budget film called "Severed Ways: The Norse Discovery of America". I still don't know quite what to think.


09/11/2009, 02:24 PM
The last movie I watched was "Into The Wild"...very good movie but the end is a bit depressing.

One of my all time favorite movies is "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" starring Sean Penn in what I think is his best role!

And also pretty much anything Terentino (sp?)!

09/11/2009, 02:48 PM
The last movie I watched was "Into The Wild"...very good movie but the end is a bit depressing.

I liked Into The Wild, but I seem to have a different opinion than most about it. Why was it depressing? If you wandered off into the Alaskan wilderness without ANY preparation, and subsequently die, I do not really feel so bad. In my opinion, it was just stupidity, or possibly mental illness, but certainly not sad. And then there is also the possibility that he intended to end his life that way. It's like The Grizzly Man. Sure, it can be seen as depressing, but in my opinion, it was a long time coming, sad or not. Know what I mean?


09/11/2009, 02:49 PM
And also pretty much anything Terentino (sp?)!

Including "Inglorius Bastards"?
That one was a nodder, IMHO. But then again I like Star Wars, Michael Bay movies and Marlin's bumper;), so there's no accounting for taste;)

09/11/2009, 03:05 PM
Including "Inglorius Bastards"?
That one was a nodder, IMHO. But then again I like Star Wars and Michael Bay movies, so there's no accounting for taste;)

I loved Inglorious Bastards. Just a brilliant film. See, a lot of people can't handle all the dialog, its too much for their little Michael Bay loving brains to handle. :laughing: I also really like to see films with all the different languages and characters. But then, there are some people who have trouble with subtitles to, makes their brains hurt or something. :laughing: Still, Reservoir Dogs is his best.

I will say this though, Brad Pitt is HIGHLY overrated. Every time I watch him, I don't believe him. I think to myself, that's just Brad Pitt acting. He's no Gary Oldman...


09/11/2009, 03:32 PM
Have not seen Bastards yet...I generally wait for the DVD so I can watch from the comfort of home. Theater seating kicks my *** literally...I can not get comfy.

As far as "into the wild"...have you read the book also Bart. It goes into a bit more detail about his preparing by going to the library and doing some pretty extensive studying of what was eatible and not in the area. He did not go in "blind". He was actually heading back out of the wild except for a little problem with the river flooding. I guess to me the depressing part is that is just a hell of a painful way to die. I'd rather die a little quicker! And then to be found just a few days too late...kinda sucks.

09/11/2009, 03:44 PM
As far as "into the wild"...have you read the book also Bart. It goes into a bit more detail about his preparing by going to the library and doing some pretty extensive studying of what was eatible and not in the area. He did not go in "blind". He was actually heading back out of the wild except for a little problem with the river flooding. I guess to me the depressing part is that is just a hell of a painful way to die. I'd rather die a little quicker! And then to be found just a few days too late...kinda sucks.

Yeah, I mean, I sorta get all that. But, its just wheeling in Moab. If you put yourself into a dangerous situation and something bad happens to you or your vehicle, I'm sorry, but I just can't feel bad for you. I'm not a humanitarian though either. Bad things happen to good people every day. The people who died on this day in 2001, now that's depressing. Someone who went camping and ate the wrong kinda berries and died because of it, well, its a sad accident, but I hardly feel sympathy. That's all I am saying. If you mess with Grizzly bears and one day get eaten, yeah, that sucks, but you asked for it.

And no, I haven't read the book. I bet it is better. Personally, I COMPLETELY identify with what he was doing/trying to get away from. I sometimes feel like doing the exact same thing. And if there is anything depressing about that story, it is the fact that our modern society could drive a person to that outcome. If I could find a way to go camping for 50% of the year, I would do it in a hot minute. This mundane day-to-day life most of us are a part of is not the way mankind should be living. It sucks, plainly.


09/12/2009, 12:06 AM
I will say this though, Brad Pitt is HIGHLY overrated. Every time I watch him, I don't believe him. I think to myself, that's just Brad Pitt acting. He's no Gary Oldman...


I found his performance in "Burn after Reading" to be believable...though he may not have been doing all that much acting...:rolleyesg...:smilewink

As Coen Bros. movies go, I found that steaming pile to be not too good..:thumbdn: :thumbdn:

In the Japan film category, I liked "Azumi" (sp?)

And in no particular order...
Big Lebowski...................................Me, Myself & Irene......................The Great Santini
Predator........................................Ha ppy Gilmore.............................The Party (one of Sellers best)
ElDorado.......................................Dir ty Dozen..................................Rocky Horror Picture Show
Blade Runner..................................Magnificen t Seven........................Being There (another Sellers great)
Support Your Local Sheriff................Most Monty Python.......................Road Warrior
Aliens...........................................S carface.....................................2001 A Space Odessy
The Shining...................................The Matrix
Full Metal Jacket............................Sin City
Caddy Shack.................................All Sellers Pink Panther
Terminator 1 & 2............................Johnny Dangerously
Bridge on the River Kwai..................Crouching Tiger
Second hand Lions.........................Spinal Tap
Barton Fink...................................Heavy Metal
Cool Hand Luke.............................Planet Terror
The Outlaw Josey Wales.................Natural Born Killers
King Pin.......................................A River runs Through it
The Bucket List.............................Shawshank
No Country for Old Men..................Weird Science
African Queen...............................Joe Dirt
Fast Times...................................A Clockwork Orange
Oh Brother where art Thou..............The Warriors
Ferris Bueller.................................Taxi Driver
Cuckoo's Nest (1 flew over).............Mad Max
Pale Rider.....................................Sling Blade
Edward Scissorhands......................Blues Brothers
Pulp Fiction..................................Stripes
Planes Trains & Automobiles............Tommy Boy
Deer Hunter.................................The Jerk
Vacation & Christmas Vacation........Young Frankenstein
Rez Dogs.....................................Blazing Saddles
On Any Sunday.............................Ice Age
Goodfellas.....................................Kun g Fu Hustle
Animal House................................Wall-E
Casino.........................................All Bruce Lee
Apocalypse Now............................I'm Gonna Git You Sucka
Hollywood Shuffle..........................Pirates of the Carribean x 3

Really too many to list...:rolleyesg

09/12/2009, 02:10 AM
The Duellists

Ridley Scott's first feature and my favorite film.


The Remains of the Day

A quiet period piece about a devoted British butler.

Vanilla Sky

I'm prolly the only person on the planet that admits to enjoying this film.

Legends of the Fall

A little story about this film. I was talking to three women who have known me for 10, 25 and 35 years, when one of them brought up this title. She said I'm like Brad Pitt's character in the movie, another said, no...he's just like Anthony Hopkin's character in that film.

Then the third shook her head and said, you're both wrong, I've known him longer than either of you and he is James Bond. She always says that...and I just laugh and tell her what I've always told her....

The check is in the mail. :D

09/12/2009, 04:43 AM
Legends of the Fall

A little story about this film. I was talking to three women who have known me for 10, 25 and 35 years, when one of them brought up this title. She said I'm like Brad Pitt's character in the movie, another said, no...he's just like Anthony Hopkin's character in that film.

Then the third shook her head and said, you're both wrong, I've known him longer than either of you and he is James Bond. She always says that...and I just laugh and tell her what I've always told her....

The check is in the mail. :D

WoW...yer lucky.
I'm more often compared to Marty Feldman...or maybe Jack Elam...:eek:

09/12/2009, 05:57 AM
I've been watching Tropic Thunder a lot recently. It's been out for a year but I find it funnier everytime I watch it. Drink Booty Sweat Baby :bwgy:

Big Lebowski

Good choice DUDE

09/12/2009, 07:01 AM
Shaun of the Dead

09/12/2009, 08:15 AM
One of my all time favorites:

Gene Autry in "Whose been honkin my saddle horn?"

09/12/2009, 09:17 AM
I found his performance in "Burn after Reading" to be believable...though he may not have been doing all that much acting...:rolleyesg...:smilewink

As Coen Bros. movies go, I found that steaming pile to be not too good..:thumbdn: :thumbdn:

I just watched Burn After Reading this past Wednesday. I agree it is not even close to the best Cohen Bros film, but I was entertained by it. My brother HATED it and made it sound like the worst film ever. So my expectations were really low. Brad Pitt was still acting in that movie as far as I am concerned. :)

The Duellists

Vanilla Sky

I'm prolly the only person on the planet that admits to enjoying this film.

The Duellists is great, but I still think Blade Runner is his masterpiece. And Vanilla Sky is awesome. Aside from Legend, it is really the ONLY Tom Cruise film I like.

I've been watching Tropic Thunder a lot recently. It's been out for a year but I find it funnier everytime I watch it. Drink Booty Sweat Baby :bwgy:

I must be the only person who did not like this film. I did not find it funny at all. Maybe a slight chuckle here and there, but otherwise horse doo-doo, imho.


09/12/2009, 09:54 AM
I found his performance in "Burn after Reading" to be believable...though he may not have been doing all that much acting...:rolleyesg...:smilewink.....OK, I have to weigh in here guys...it's not about his acting, trust me.....:drool2::drool2::drool2:

As Coen Bros. movies go, I found that steaming pile to be not too good..:thumbdn: :thumbdn:

In the Japan film category, I liked "Azumi" (sp?)

And in no particular order...
Big Lebowski...................................Me, Myself & Irene
Predator........................................Ha ppy Gilmore
ElDorado.......................................Dir ty Dozen
Blade Runner..................................Magnificen t Seven
Support Your Local Sheriff................Most Monty Python
Aliens...........................................S carface
The Shining...................................The Matrix
Full Metal Jacket............................Sin City
Caddy Shack.................................All Sellers Pink Panther!!! -Just watched first 3...been one every Sunday for last 3 weeks
Terminator 1 & 2............................Johnny Dangerously
Bridge on the River Kwai..................Crouching Tiger
Second hand Lions.........................Spinal Tap
Barton Fink...................................Heavy Metal
Cool Hand Luke.............................Planet Terror
The Outlaw Josey Wales.................Natural Born Killers
King Pin.......................................A River runs Through it
The Bucket List.............................Shawshank- On my TOP 10 list!!
No Country for Old Men..................Weird Science
African Queen...............................Joe Dirt
Fast Times...................................A Clockwork Orange
Oh Brother where art Thou..............The Warriors
Ferris Bueller.................................Taxi Driver
Cuckoo's Nest (1 flew over)..JACK!!!:thumbup:...........Mad Max
Pale Rider.....................................Sling Blade
Edward Scissorhands......................Blues Brothers
Pulp Fiction..................................Stripes
Planes Trains & Automobiles............Tommy Boy
Deer Hunter.................................The Jerk
Vacation & Christmas Vacation........Young Frankenstein
Rez Dogs.....................................Blazing Saddles
On Any Sunday.............................Ice Age
Goodfellas...just watched that week again.....................................Kung Fu Hustle
Animal House................................Wall-E
Casino..one of my TOP rated of all time!.......................................All Bruce Lee
Apocalypse Now............................I'm Gonna Git You Sucka
Hollywood Shuffle

Really too many to list...:rolleyesg

Sorry dub, I just piggy-backed onto your long list....but I'd add a few
Godfather I & II
Carlito's Way
The Departed
Donny Brasco
A Few Good Men
A Bronx Tale
Dr. Zhivago
Basically anything with Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones, Gene Hackman, Jack Nicholson, Billy Bob Thorton, Anthony Hopkins, Edward Norton, Omar Sharif

The Thomas Crown Affair -remake- Brosnan:drool2::drool2::drool2::drool2:oops, sorry, I drooled on your monitor a bit....
After the Sunset (OK guys, you can drool over Selma Hayak here)
The Italian job
Ocean's Eleven, 12, 13
Analyze This
My Cousin Vinny -watched it twice this month! In the top 10 on my list!
Shrek....OK I admit it, I enjoyed it!
The Princess Bride
Lonesome Dove & Deadwood, King Pin (Yancey Arias)...OK I know these are mini-series but we bought them.

OK, Dave (who has infinitely more class than I do), wants to weigh in here.....him & Dub have basically the same list of favs, plus.....
Lord Jim
The Green Beret
Lawrence of Arabia
The Right Stuff
In Harm's Way
The Great Race
The Great Escape
ALL Bond movies

09/12/2009, 10:19 AM
I must be the only person who did not like this film. I did not find it funny at all. Maybe a slight chuckle here and there, but otherwise horse doo-doo, imho.


I think it's much funnier the second time you watch it because you pick up on more dialogue. Regardless, its personal preference :yesy:. I like ridiculous movies, Zoolander was my fav back in the day.

09/12/2009, 11:18 AM
The Remains of the Day

A quiet period piece about a devoted British butler.
I've been wanting to see that one, but haven't been able to find it anywhere local.

The Man From Earth is a standout among the movies I've watched in the last year or so.


No big action scenes or epic cgi, just a great story with an excellent message (IMO).

09/12/2009, 02:45 PM
LOL sorry had to look at my blockbuster que to get some I couldnt think of off top of my head

Resolved:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1068161/ (Really enjoyed this movie, I was picking out indie films and this hooked me in because Higlandpark is in my area.)

Heavy Metal in Baghdad: http://www.blockbuster.com/acctmgmt/rentalHistory
(Some may not like it but I enjoyed it what these guys have gone through and its has to do with recent events. Kinda puts a different perspective other than what we thougth and felt as they where happening.)

Murderball:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0436613/(Sorry I had a indie fettish for a bit lol.. This movie I saw a preview on another high budget movie so I checked it out.. Took almost over a yr being at top of my que to get it.)

Be kind Rewind:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0799934/ (love jack black so...)

That is my added current list I am sure I have more.

kirk hilton
09/12/2009, 02:48 PM
I'm a bit of a SciFi fan and I was able to get "The man from Earth" from the US about a year ago (it's only been in the UK about six months) after seeing a very high rating from IMDB. I must say it is a good film and I love good thought provoking SciFi but I was slightly disappointed. Perhaps I was expecting too much or perhaps the acting just wasn't up to scratch. However the idea was sound but really didn't deliver on an emotional level. The movie I'd like to see but again isn't available in the UK is "Last Night". Is it recommended?

09/12/2009, 02:56 PM
Billy I enjoyed into the wild, however I sorta knew what was comming because someone ruined it and told me ending but enjoyed none the less. NO I heven't read the book but I didnt think it was all that sad. Like Bart said He basically didnt want to be a robot and do what everyone expected him to do and hated how society and life was. He was going to find himself. I also agree with Bart in its all in teh risk you want to take. You play with a Grizzly dont come to me if he gets hungry. I can apreciate there passion and no matter how it ends good or bad you have to apreciate there drive.

Story similar in real life: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/mma/09/09/tanner.obit/

He has been through alot personally and no he wasnt going into it blind either just one of those things that happened.

09/12/2009, 03:14 PM
..I will say this though, Brad Pitt is HIGHLY overrated. Every time I watch him, I don't believe him. I think to myself, that's just Brad Pitt acting. He's no Gary Oldman...


LOL Brad Pitt to me made that movie, shame on you bart. He was funny with his "trying to have and accent" (cant say that for his other movies agreed but in this one he was funny) . The Mike Myers part was eh. I did like how Eli Roth was tied in there as him and Tarantino are buddies had he showed Eli how to get around the ratinsg board. Showed him the ropes.

Shaun of the Dead

x 2, All of Simon Peg movies I have seen so far have been great. Go check out run fat boy run.:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0425413/

... Aside from Legend, it is really the ONLY Tom Cruise film I like....

...I must be the only person who did not like this film. I did not find it funny at all. Maybe a slight chuckle here and there, but otherwise horse doo-doo, imho...


Man bart yu didnt like the The last samurai: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0325710/ .. That was probably one of my favorite movies of his.

Also I agree on Tropic Thunder wasnt that great and maybe it was my mood but I only got a chuckle here or there. They say Tom Cruise made the movie but I think jack black did specially the part where he is tied to the tree wanting a fix (sorry I am partial still :p )

I .., Zoolander was my fav back in the day.

back in the day? Now I gotta find that movie and watch it now lol.. I lvoe that movie. I mean what movie you ever going to watch where they have gasoline wars. That in it self is funny :D . I would say one of Ben stillers best movies imo

And to VX cat.... What no Jason Statham or Gerard Butler. My old roomate is crazy about them two.

And to add a few more to my list I just thought of. Monty Phython and the Holy Grail::http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071853/ and also the Life of Brian:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079470/ (Ya sucker for the phytons as well.

09/12/2009, 04:02 PM
Vanishing Point

09/12/2009, 06:27 PM
Since no one has mentioned them yet...
Grosse Point Blank
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels

09/12/2009, 07:30 PM
LOL Brad Pitt to me made that movie, shame on you bart. He was funny with his "trying to have and accent" (cant say that for his other movies agreed but in this one he was funny) .

And to VX cat.... What no Jason Statham or Gerard Butler. My old roomate is crazy about them two.

Phhffff, nah, Brosnan and Pitt are my guys!:heart: Especially Brosnan...too bad he's not Bond any more...but Daniel Craig ain't too bad either....and neither is his acting! I really liked Casino Royale. Pitt is special to me 'cuz he's a dead ringer for my brother (or is it the other way around?) (no kidding), so I guess that's why I like him so much.

09/12/2009, 10:26 PM
x3 on Vanilla Sky
x2 on Last Samurai

09/12/2009, 10:46 PM
Last Samurai was absolute Hollywood rubbish. Very convenient how the entire Japanese samurai army gets blown away at the end, but SOMEHOW TOM CRUISE LIVES! I mean, c'mon!!

Watch Lone Wolf And Cub or Zatoichi if you want a real Samurai flick!

Bart :p

09/13/2009, 12:00 AM
Can't believe not one mention of HEAT. or Ronin. I'm not even a particular DeNiro superfan or anything. I absolutely love movies and it's a revolving list of flicks that I'd mention as my favorite depending on the time of day. But Heat and Ronin (and Rocketeer) are always on it for me. I can watch any of them nonstop back-to-back. If I were to truly put down my favorite, I probably couldn't whittle it down to a top 20.

09/13/2009, 04:29 AM
Last Samurai was absolute Hollywood rubbish. Very convenient how the entire Japanese samurai army gets blown away at the end, but SOMEHOW TOM CRUISE LIVES! I mean, c'mon!!

Watch Lone Wolf And Cub or Zatoichi if you want a real Samurai flick!

Bart :p

True but I still enjoyed it. I mean if you look at any movie you could pick out how something didnt really happen or how its unrealistic, unless your into jackass which was funny and tend to show you a little too much whats going on :D . But in reality movies are for pleasure and yes I agree he was like superman and didnt get shot lol.

I will have to check those others out. Some reason when I think of samurai movie I think of "shogun". Cant remember it well as watched it when I was younger. I guess I have alot of catching up to do lol.

09/13/2009, 09:03 AM
Can't believe not one mention of HEAT. or Ronin. I'm not even a particular DeNiro superfan or anything. I absolutely love movies and it's a revolving list of flicks that I'd mention as my favorite depending on the time of day. But Heat and Ronin (and Rocketeer) are always on it for me.

Hey SpaceCADET go back and read post #16...I did list HEAT!! (But you're right, I did forget Ronin....such a shame what they did to that Audi S8).

09/13/2009, 09:53 AM
I thought Ronin was decent, but Heat was really good. That last bank robbery scene is INTENSE and it is my "surround sound test" scene of choice. Just amazing audio in that scene.


09/15/2009, 08:22 AM
The Professional (Leon) - is one of my faves of all-time. Saw that one in the theater and loved it... and then I got the director's version when it came out on DVD... AWESOME!

Kicked in the Head - funny funny funny... guy says to his buddy who doesn't want to get drunk, "Man, you've got a drinkin problem!"

Rumor has it Myers is working on a 4th Austin Powers movie that delves into Dr. Evil's past a bit more... I'm excited for that.

I was always a fan of The Thing and I am hesitantly excited about a prequel being in the works.

Wild Things is also going to be remade, with a new hottie on the block, Jillian Murray. Yay for that one.

Where the Wild Things Are - This is one of those movies I avoid previews of, conversations, clips and pics... I just want it to be completely untainted when I see it. Don't know what to expect at all, just how I like it...

Saw 6 - Just have to wrap up this mega series...

The Hobbit - Not sure of the direction here yet, but I am jazzed to see what becomes of this one.

Parallel War I, II, III - I have been writing this 3D Thrillogy off and on since I was 14. I missed the boat regarding the 3D movie screen transition 2 years ago and may never finish, but over such time you get to see more and more of my own ideas revealed in other movies and in actual science... seeing my movie theories proven or witnessed in science is pretty cool... :yeso: Seeing my shots and other ideas in movies is not as cool... :(

09/15/2009, 09:08 AM
The Professional (Leon) - is one of my faves of all-time. Saw that one in the theater and loved it... and then I got the director's version when it came out on DVD... AWESOME!

Agreed. This is hands down, Luc Besson's greatest film. It is probably also my favorite Gary Oldman performance. The Fifth Element is good too. I still need to see Nikita. I don't know how or why I have put that film off for so long.

I was always a fan of The Thing and I am hesitantly excited about a prequel being in the works.

The Thing from Fantastic Four or John Carpenter's remake of The Thing? :wtfy: I hear Ridley Scott is doing an Alien prequel.


VX crazy
09/15/2009, 09:22 AM
Advice, DONT see the movie District 9!

09/15/2009, 09:26 AM
Advice, DONT see the movie District 9!

Why not? I liked it a lot! It had some silly parts, but in general, it had awesome effects and a fairly decent story. Again, there were some parts I thought were stretching it a little too much, but in general, I thought it was decent. Fookin' Prawns! :D


09/15/2009, 10:17 AM
Agreed. This is hands down, Luc Besson's greatest film. It is probably also my favorite Gary Oldman performance. The Fifth Element is good too. I still need to see Nikita. I don't know how or why I have put that film off for so long.

The Thing from Fantastic Four or John Carpenter's remake of The Thing? :wtfy: I hear Ridley Scott is doing an Alien prequel.

BartCarpenter's... :)

09/15/2009, 10:24 AM
Carpenter's... :)

Really??!?!?! That is another of my all time favs. Is Carpenter doing it?


09/15/2009, 10:42 AM
Doesn't seem to be the case: Prequel_Info (http://www.filmstalker.co.uk/archives/2008/09/the_thing_remake_is_a_prequel.html)

09/15/2009, 10:46 AM
Why not? I liked it a lot! It had some silly parts, but in general, it had awesome effects and a fairly decent story. Again, there were some parts I thought were stretching it a little too much, but in general, I thought it was decent. Fookin' Prawns! :D

I really liked it too. Quite imaginative. There were some obvious problems tho. Why did they make weapons for humans if they needed their juices to repair the ship. Why did they land on Earth and stay here for so long if they had what they needed to repair their ship the HOLE time in space?! :confused: Sounds like a Michael Bay size hole to me! I liked it otherwise...

09/15/2009, 10:52 AM
I really liked it too. Quite imaginative. There were some obvious problems tho. Why did they make weapons for humans if they needed their juices to repair the ship. Why did they land on Earth and stay here for so long if they had what they needed to repair their ship the HOLE time in space?! :confused: Sounds like a Michael Bay size hole to me! I liked it otherwise...

Yeah, there were a few extreme scenes that made me cringe a little, but like you said, pretty imaginative. I dealt with it as best I could and still overall I liked it.


VX crazy
09/15/2009, 01:09 PM
Why not? I liked it a lot! It had some silly parts, but in general, it had awesome effects and a fairly decent story. Again, there were some parts I thought were stretching it a little too much, but in general, I thought it was decent. Fookin' Prawns! :D


Nope, a few beers in the movie didnt even help! I thought it was a joke at the beginning and that surely the movie would be starting shortly after the joke.

09/15/2009, 01:21 PM
Nope, a few beers in the movie didnt even help! I thought it was a joke at the beginning and that surely the movie would be starting shortly after the joke.

LOL, yeah, I heard some people disliked the documentary style of the film, and thought the opening was a bit too long. Personally, I found it interesting and just a little different than most films.


09/15/2009, 02:39 PM
Just thought of another classic...
"Spinal Tap":bwgy:

09/15/2009, 02:41 PM
Just thought of another classic...
"Spinal Tap":bwgy:

"it goes to eleven...it's like ten, but one more"...:laughing:

09/16/2009, 07:37 AM

I am a little giddy about this.

09/16/2009, 07:59 AM
I liked Silent Hill, great creepiness... so I too am jazzed to see a sequel under way. Thanks for the heads up!