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View Full Version : bad to buy 2 VX's in 2 weeks

08/27/2009, 07:08 PM
ok so i just bought one like not even a week ago and someone near me has one that needs a new transmission or a transmission rebuild. now on ebay there are rebuilt ones for 1000 and i have a friend that owns a transmission shop that will rebuild it for me for a few hundred. the VX is a 99 with 91000 miles and is 1500. now i'm looking at lifting mine and getting new tires and wheels. my questions is how bad is it to put that off and buy another one less than a week after buying the first..... now i haven't seen the second one yet but it's about 40 miles away and i can see it tomorrow. what do ya'll think?

08/27/2009, 07:24 PM
ok so i just bought one like not even a week ago and someone near me has one that needs a new transmission or a transmission rebuild. now on ebay there are rebuilt ones for 1000 and i have a friend that owns a transmission shop that will rebuild it for me for a few hundred. the VX is a 99 with 91000 miles and is 1500. now i'm looking at lifting mine and getting new tires and wheels. my questions is how bad is it to put that off and buy another one less than a week after buying the first..... now i haven't seen the second one yet but it's about 40 miles away and i can see it tomorrow. what do ya'll think?

And you need 2 because?? I would hold off on the lift, buy the 2nd VX have your buddy rebuild the Tranny, buy him a big steak dinner then sell the 2nd for profit use the profit to finance the lift + extra's. Unless you want twice the insurance, plates, repair cost etc..

08/27/2009, 07:35 PM
+1 on VCF's comments.

08/27/2009, 09:59 PM
For $1500...BUY IT.

Then decide what to do.

I got a second VX (99 Astral with 110k miles , bust tranny) very similar to the one you are thinking of..for $2000

The Spares alone are worth it....EASILY.

If ya dont buy it...please post contact details HERE!


08/28/2009, 04:45 AM
How could owning 2 VXs be a bad thing.

If you can swing the $1500 & the repair cost of the tranny fix, it's a deal I would find hard to pass up.

Riff Raff
08/28/2009, 07:09 AM
PreViper--- Hmmm, buy a second VX for only $1,500??? Well, I just have two(2) words for you: "HELL, YES!!!"

I absolutely concur with all of the comments beforehand on this thread. Buy that son of a gun, and never look back!!! You wheels/tires will patiently wait. This opportunity could mean "cash profit" with very little outlay. Please keep us posted.

08/28/2009, 07:14 AM
i want two VX's but i barely have one

and i am in concurance with everyone who replied b4 me... DO IT!!

save the species man...

08/28/2009, 07:24 AM
You are not yet qualified to own 2. You haven't been deemed worthy enough to own/operate the one you have now.

:p ;)

Your money, your call. I personally would make another mortgage payment with an extra $1500. ;)

don moore
08/28/2009, 08:28 AM
if you get a second one ..and find you dont like it ..let me know ...ill be glad to remove it for you ..at no charge...

08/28/2009, 09:11 AM
Yeah, If I could find a VX for $1500 in good body condition with a mechanical problem, the wife would have to deal with it. :D The body and interior are worth $1500 easy, IMO. If you have the storage space, do it.


Riff Raff
08/28/2009, 09:54 AM
I personally would make another mortgage payment with an extra $1500. ;)

WormGod--- Yes; but if PreViper plays his cards right, he might be able to turn that VX into "multiple" mortage payments. Sweeeeeeeeeet!!!:yeso:

08/28/2009, 10:52 AM
ummmm..... lemme think.... yeah!!!!!!!! unless you are really hurting for money, even then you could part it out if you didnt want to keep it and make more than your money back.

08/28/2009, 10:59 AM
ummmm..... lemme think.... yeah!!!!!!!! unless you are really hurting for money, even then you could part it out if you didnt want to keep it and make more than your money back.

Good point, Clint. If the motor is running, you could probably make half your money back just selling that. And if the CVs are good, there is money to be had there as well, not to mention all the cladding and interior parts.

I would do it in a hot minute.

:) Bart

08/28/2009, 12:13 PM
Even if you don't fix the second one it'd be more than worth it in parts alone.

08/28/2009, 01:07 PM
Seems like a no brainer to me too. Just as spartr parts for your VX, it would be worth the dough if you have a place to store it. If not, just cherry pick some of the parts that are sure to be hard to come by in the near future (cladding, glass, hood insert) and offer the rest here. You would be sure to make your small investment back, I'm sure.
Or as others suggested, get the tranny working and sell it to cover your costs, with a little bonus for yourself. I sure know there are plenty here alone that would be interested.....

08/28/2009, 02:05 PM
May I repeat what I said earlier...

BUY IT !!!

Rough major "spares" values....

Running Engine...............$1000
All Glass........................$1000
All Cladding....................$1000
Body panels/back door ....$1000


OK...so ya need storage and tear down skills...
....or rebuild tranny as several have said , and sell easily for $4000

If you decide not to get it...please e-mail me contact details...and I'll probably buy it. :eek:



08/28/2009, 02:48 PM
Dude, if you dont get it, I will...raleigh is only about 4 hours or so from me!!

08/28/2009, 02:51 PM
On 2nd thought, give Joe the seller's info!
We need another VX in our neigborhood to bolster our already heavy concentration;)

08/28/2009, 02:59 PM
Man, I wished I had an extra $1500 smackers... I'd give anything to have another VX for the Missus...

08/28/2009, 05:33 PM
And you need 2 because?? I would hold off on the lift, buy the 2nd VX have your buddy rebuild the Tranny, buy him a big steak dinner then sell the 2nd for profit use the profit to finance the lift + extra's. Unless you want twice the insurance, plates, repair cost etc..

Like I said, fix it and sell it complete and make quick $$ with allot less hassle of tearing down and shipping large bulky items. Unless you need a parts Vehicle. What Kind of shape is the one you own now??

08/28/2009, 08:03 PM
Buy it and I'll consider you the top VXer in America (if that really means anything).

Let's see two weeks, two VXes. That's gotta be the top VXer in the nation.


08/28/2009, 08:13 PM
i think he may be out of town, i called 3 times left 2 messages and 2 emails. But I'll keep everyone up to date, on another note i got mine all tented today, 35% on front doors 15% on the back 5 pieces and UV protection film on the front with about 80%. looks good i'll have pics up soon.

08/28/2009, 08:20 PM
on another note i got mine all tented today,

You took it camping?:rotate::laughing:

08/28/2009, 08:26 PM
Hey, don't forget to mention you scored an excellent price on the first one :-) !!that makes the second one low risk.

I have a good transmission for $1k on the salvaged Ebony I have sitting at my mechanics in Illinois. Let me know and we can let the mechanics coordinate it.

08/28/2009, 08:36 PM
yes, all i did get a fantastic price from blujfan9293!!!! and tinted triathlete no camping yet.