View Full Version : Should Tom & Dub quit???

08/21/2009, 06:36 AM
Dub's a smoker. Tom4Bren's a chewer.

Please note: Poll results could be dangerous to YOUR health.

08/21/2009, 06:42 AM
Dub's a smoker. Tom4Bren's a chewer.

Please note: Poll results could be dangerous to YOUR health.

Iffin' ya gonna start a poll, then start a gosh darned poll...:upsetgray

I don't see anyplace to vote around this stupid thread...:upsetgray...:upsetgray

Well OF COURSE we should quit you ninnyhammer...:upsetgray

(I excuse myself & burn a KOOL)

Sorrrry about that, all better now...:smilewink...:dance:...:thumbup:

OK, NOW I see the poll thingy...:mbrasd:...:laughing:...:laughing:.. .:laughing:

08/21/2009, 06:51 AM
ninnyhammer??? - I've never been so insulted since my kids dumped out my Copenhagen & refilled it with fresh dirt & worms.

Dude, wipe the smoke outa yer eyes. Da poll is there. (I even voted).

OK, fresh dip;puke: - attitude adjusted accordingly.

Top o the mornin to ya Mr. Dub.

08/21/2009, 06:52 AM
Well, do you really want my opinion.. I won't preach, but even after last year. I won't ever stop doing what I enjoy doing. I learned that I MUST do it in moderation. In this day and age, everything is bad for you, soooooooooo.......

08/21/2009, 07:30 AM
30 years ago. About 1.5 years ago I moved from Houston to Bullhead City. When I left Texas I had 6 cigarettes. I said to myself "Self lets quit when we finish these 6 cigarettes" I finished those 6 and havent had another. But realize Tom and Dub just aren't as good, powerful or good looking as I am and they may not have my platinum will to be able to quit. (note:other people may have iron wills but that metal is just not valuable enough to descride me)

08/21/2009, 07:31 AM
Well, do you really want my opinion.. I won't preach, but even after last year. I won't ever stop doing what I enjoy doing. I learned that I MUST do it in moderation. In this day and age, everything is bad for you, soooooooooo.......

You're right. EVERYTHING is potentially bad for you. Just walking across my lawn this morning, I stepped on someone's labrador landmine. The even more sad part is, it was large enough that I slipped in it and nearly twisted the hell outta my ankle. Imagine the coroner having to explain that one to the next of kin. :bgwo:

08/21/2009, 07:44 AM
"But realize Tom and Dub just aren't as good, powerful or good looking as I am and they may not have my platinum will to be able to quit."


IZZAT a challenge?

"I stepped on someone's labrador landmine"

Yer killin me here ... you should see my backyard with 3 Golden Retrievers.

Look up 'poopin machine' in Websters. There's a picture of Sean.

08/21/2009, 08:54 AM
Dub's a smoker. Tom4Bren's a chewer.

Please note: Poll results could be dangerous to YOUR health.Wasn't Tom a smoker until just this year? I know you were trying to quit some kind of disgusting nicotine habit with wifey...
And what kinda Dube, I mean Dub smoke are we talkin 'bout here anyway? That little detail could change my vote as an attempt to quit that could be dangerous to everyone! Trust me...:p

08/21/2009, 09:04 AM
I'm a chewer. Wifey smokes (that's why she can't complain 'bout my disgusting habit). I tried to quit earlier this year ... failed miserably. It's time to quit for good - just wanna have a little fun wit it before it's gone.

08/21/2009, 09:19 AM
Wasn't Tom a smoker until just this year? I know you were trying to quit some kind of disgusting nicotine habit with wifey...
And what kinda Dube, I mean Dub smoke are we talkin 'bout here anyway? That little detail could change my vote as an attempt to quit that could be dangerous to everyone! Trust me...:p

See post two for clarification...:slap:...:laughing:

08/21/2009, 10:13 AM
Well crap! We need another voting option. "Let Ldub smoke but Tom must quit." Gotta be supportive of individuality ya know!

08/21/2009, 10:21 AM
OOO - I felt that one.

08/21/2009, 10:53 AM
I feel strongly both ways.

08/21/2009, 11:11 AM
At this point.. LIVING is dangerous to your health...

You know... 13 out of 7 Doctors agree that Nicotine probably might lead to impotence and anal degradation syndrome.
......just say'n.


08/21/2009, 11:24 AM
I smoked from 15 to 26. We threw a Halloween party when I was 26. I got HAMMERED and smoked like 2 packs in one night. I had a 3 day hangover.

Day 1: Dead to the world. :deadgray:
Day 2: POUNDING headache and nausea all day ;puke2;
Day 3: Able to eat small amounts of bland food and drink a little water :sad1:

After that I never touched another cigarette again. I'm 33 now and been quit for 7+ years. :rotate:

I find it very interesting, because I can drink and not get the hangovers I used to get when I smoked. I say good riddance!


08/21/2009, 11:32 AM
But realize Tom and Dub just aren't as good, powerful or good looking as I am, and they may not have my platinum will to be able to quit.

At least now we've got something to shoot for...someday maybe we too can be powerfully good looking good guys...:thumbup:

08/21/2009, 11:47 AM
... moved from Houston to Bullhead City...

Platinum will, eh? Now that's funny. Dude - confess - you don't live in Bullhead City - you live in BullS**T City don't you?! :bgwb:

08/21/2009, 12:03 PM

Dude - too funny - that one gets you a dancin naner


Riff Raff
08/21/2009, 12:15 PM
Platinum will, eh? Now that's funny. Dude - confess - you don't live in Bullhead City - you live in BullS**T City don't you?! :bgwb:


Ldub--- If you quit smokin', just think about all of the money you'd save??? Perhaps then you could buy those new "CenterLine" wheels you really want (although I think your current existing wheels already rock).

Tom4Bren--- Hmmm, less spittin' = less VX washin'.

Hell; yeah, I say quit those nasty habits!!!:thumbup:

08/21/2009, 12:16 PM
Platinum will, eh? Now that's funny. Dude - confess - you don't live in Bullhead City - you live in BullS**T City don't you?! :bgwb:


Dude - too funny - that one gets you a dancin naner

:dan_ban:HAHA! I wasn't the one who said it this time! YES! I'M NOT ALONE! Can't forget the:drama:

08/21/2009, 12:55 PM
Woo Hoo. Weekend officially begins now. Time to break out the Copenhagen & go play in traffic. I should be home in 2 hours.

We'll pick up again here on Monday. Have a great weekend.

08/21/2009, 01:11 PM
At least now we've got something to shoot for...someday maybe we too can be powerfully good looking good guys...:thumbup:

The way to accomplish this is communicate on line where no one knows who you are or what you look like.

Platinum will, eh? Now that's funny. Dude - confess - you don't live in Bullhead City - you live in BullS**T City don't you?! :

No Bullhead City is the City Bull#$%^ is the state I'm in.

08/21/2009, 01:47 PM
anybody you know

08/21/2009, 01:52 PM
Who cares, they are grown ups, if they want to kill themselves, that is their business, same way I feel about helmets on a motorcycle.

08/21/2009, 02:02 PM
And I've actually just quit cold turkey exactly:

2 Months
20 Day
14 Hours
5 min

Saved $489
Didnt smoke about 1631 Cigarettes
and gained 4 days 12 hours and 44 minutes of life back...

LoL, according to my smokers statistics on my G1...

Last time i quit i managed about 3 months. but I went from a pack every 3-4 days to a pack and then some every day... And I tell you, I felt the impact from it. So a year later... I'm hoping I'm done for good and nothing triggers an event for me to have to pick it back up...

But as everything else in the world... To each there own.

And if you two do decide to quit... The most of Luck to you!!!!

<homer voice>mmmmm...... Kools......<homer voice />

08/21/2009, 02:12 PM
Congrats, I quit 7 years ago, I smoked about a pack a day of menthol lights, and a can of Skoal every other day or so. I quit cold turkey as well...still going strong, no smoking or dipping.

08/21/2009, 02:54 PM
I've been clean since April (or was it March?) 40 years of perfectly good cigarette smoke...down the drain. But I don't cough any more.:bwgy:

08/21/2009, 05:10 PM
Got to say -

For your health, you should quit.:thumbup:

For your sanity, you can be the best judge.:bwgy::smilewink

Then again, I am a fat person, and I still eat so I cannot really give advise on what others should do.


08/21/2009, 06:52 PM
I say....quit. You will save money, feel better, and can buy more mods. We want you guys around a LONG time!

08/22/2009, 02:35 AM
ninnyhammer??? - I've never been so insulted since my kids dumped out my Copenhagen & refilled it with fresh dirt & worms.

Dude, wipe the smoke outa yer eyes. Da poll is there. (I even voted).

OK, fresh dip;puke: - attitude adjusted accordingly.

Top o the mornin to ya Mr. Dub.

LOL...:laughing: Right back atcha Bro...:dan_ban:

08/22/2009, 02:39 AM
I've been clean since April (or was it March?) 40 years of perfectly good cigarette smoke...down the drain. But I don't cough any more.:bwgy:

Good X2 for you Chopper...:thumbup:

I have great admiration for those with the strength of platinum will that's required to kick these things.

Stay widdit Bro...:luck:

08/22/2009, 02:31 PM
In the words of the legendary Mark Twain:

“It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times.”

Unfortunately for me, like Twain, Dub, Tom and millions of others, it's the starting again that's the problem;)

08/22/2009, 05:46 PM

Ldub--- If you quit smokin', just think about all of the money you'd save???
then you could afford those diff drops

08/24/2009, 09:57 AM
"Unfortunately for me, like Twain, Dub, Tom and millions of others, it's the starting again that's the problem"

It's almost scary how much it becomes a part of your life. It's un-natural for me to sit behind the wheel without a dip of Cope.

What I wasn't really anticipating was the compulsion while working on the car. Out in the 90 degree 112% humidity yesterday trying to track down electrical gremlins on a 3000GT, sweat was literally dripping off me & I started breaking stuff & doing everything wrong. I realized that it was withdrawal symptoms. After a nice dose of nicotine, everything logically pointed to the MFI Relay.

I'm not justifying the addiction - I'm actually advocating the need to quit. I'd love to at least cut back to the point where I want one rather than need one.

08/25/2009, 06:06 PM
When I was recovering from 7 fractures in my lower back, I had to go through withdrawals from Morphine. After two days of feeling like I had the worst flu ever and all the other F'd up things DTs make you do, it does feel like its going to last forever, finally, it was over and everything was great..

You will be proud of yourself knowing that you CAN and WILL survive. From that point on, life will only get better!

Scott Harness
08/26/2009, 06:52 AM
I realized that it was withdrawal symptoms. After a nice dose of nicotine, everything logically pointed to the MFI Relay.

Nicotine addiction actually changes your thought processes!Firing of the synapses.
That's why you can't "think" until you get a dose.
I used to work on a construction site with a bunch of smokers.If you asked them a question,they really couldn't answer until they took a drag. NO joke!

08/27/2009, 05:48 AM
See post 11 here.


Guess Scott hit the nail on the head.

08/27/2009, 05:58 AM
When I was recovering from 7 fractures in my lower back, I had to go through withdrawals from Morphine. After two days of feeling like I had the worst flu ever and all the other F'd up things DTs make you do, it does feel like its going to last forever, finally, it was over and everything was great..

You will be proud of yourself knowing that you CAN and WILL survive. From that point on, life will only get better!

So the best way to quit smoking is to become addicted to morphine?...:drool:

Kidding Boss...:laughing:

08/27/2009, 08:32 AM
To quote a dear friend:


08/29/2009, 03:16 AM
To quote a dear friend:


Since you aren't quoting my comment, I have no way of knowing for sure (though I have my suspicions) if that salvo was fired in my direction...:_thinking

If I was the intended target, Thank You...:thanx:

Mark B
08/29/2009, 09:52 AM
I have one of my golfing buddies that chews while we are playing golf.
He is spitting the chew out all the time on the golf course. It is disgusting.
He teaches heath in high school and the risks of smoking and chewing.
I have never been a smoker or chewer and know it must be hard to quit.
Please give it up.

08/30/2009, 08:22 PM
I smoked for 20 years. Just quit march 10th....well sort of....i have found the ultimate tool for quiting. I use commit / nicotine lozenges. Just a morsel of the weak 2 miligrammers gets me off. I love being able to draw nicotine in very light amounts anytime anywhere and no one can say chit about it. This steady flow of the superdrug keeps me calm cool and collective. The cappuccino flaver ones really work well for me since I can have coffee in the morning with one in. I do split each lozenge into 4 pcs. so im getting about a 1/2 of a gram of nicotine which is small but just enough to satisfy.
I can not understate how much I enjoy these and how well they helped me escape smoking. I do not have any plans on quiting them and I do not care if I rely on them so please don't respond with "trading one addiction for another"

08/31/2009, 05:23 AM
If I was the intended target, Thank You...:thanx:

Absolutely. Yer Welcome.:)