View Full Version : Ask-A-Wrench...

07/20/2009, 12:30 AM
Has anyone seen, or tried this site...:_confused

http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=B52kLXB1kSt_CIJC7nAfT_c2vApPXwFbZz5nwCIeNrLQg0L sbEAIYAiD3pbQLKAQ4AFDUvMjy-_____8BYMneu4qopNQWoAHlzYf_A7IBD2lzdXp1Zm9ydW1zLmN vbboBCjMwMHgyNTBfanPIAQHaATlodHRwOi8vaXN1enVmb3J1b XMuY29tL2ZvcnVtL2FyY2hpdmUvaW5kZXgucGhwL3QtMzYwLmh 0bWyAAgHIAvfitAGoAwHoA1noA68G6AOmBvUDAAEABPUDBAAAA A&num=2&ggladgrp=3986868130056797447&gglcreat=2268213196441141073&sig=AGiWqtwa_ELIkn_gsIkchdeCS1t-uEIDdw&client=ca-ib_autoenth_sede_2&adurl=http://www.justanswer.com/car/isuzu%3Fr%3Dppc%7Cga%7C1%7CCars%2B%252D%2B2%7CIsuz u%26JPKW%3Disuzu%2520rodeo%26JPDC%3DC%26JPST%3Disu zuforums.com%26JPAD%3D2325291393%26JPAF%3Dtxt%26JP CD%3D20090601-1%26JPRC%3D1%26JPOP%3DAccountWideOmar

Just stumbled upon it & thought it could be useful...or not...:_wrench:
After some more reading, I see there is a fee involved...:(

don moore
07/20/2009, 01:49 AM
Now I know how hard the new job is ...lol.....chin up dead toy train guy..

07/20/2009, 02:48 AM
Now I know how hard the new job is ...lol.....chin up dead toy train guy..

Yep..I've got lots of time to kill between 0000 & 0530, then people start coming through the doors, & I gotta look like I'm payin' attention...:rolleyesg

As it turns out, I'm pretty good at sittin' on my backside & doin' nuthin...:yes:

I've already explored every site on the internet that's not blocked...TWICE!

Ok...that last one was a bit of an exaggeration...:laughing:

07/20/2009, 06:56 AM
Interesting, now I gotta find a problem with Moncha so I can use it.

07/24/2009, 06:49 AM
Ldub, I think you should learn Russian and chat on 2 Vehicross sites at the same time! Russian VXrs like to chat - we have a few members with 15,000+ messages! :)