View Full Version : Please! I Beg Of You!

07/13/2009, 11:16 PM
NEVER... Accidentally (what I did) or on purpose, disconnect the crankshaft RPM sensor plug!!

Today, in prep for the mini meet this coming up Saturday, I was zip-tying wires and hoses that were all sort of mis-managed from the engine switch a few weeks ago... getting them away from the engine block or similar hot places... and I pulled on a group of wire theat runs down from the battery... one of them was this wire and the plug came out of it's socket, which I didn't realize yet. So I keep on doing other wires and stuff... and when I'm done I go to start her... and she turns over and over but no start... so back I go to the engine and discover I pulled that plug out but I don't know what or where it goes except that it's somewhere down at the bottom of the engine and somewhere I thought by the alternator... seaching and searching by feel mostly for 3 hours... I'm covered in grease and dirt (from crawling underneath)... So I call my mechanic finally (I'm stubborn, and don't want to admit I screwed up)and he tells me he thinks it's probably the Crankshaft RPM sensor which when disconnected cuts spark and fuelpump... no gas/no spark... it's located somewhere either behind the alternator, or behind the engine mount that's located a few inches behind the alternator... well, I already knew every square millimeter of behind the alternator by braille feel... so it had to be behind the engine mount, (not under, behind) well there is no possible way to get to it from underneath, the pumpkin for the xfercase is there... and feeling for it from above... well let's just ask the question, Is your arm 1 inch in circumfernce and are you a master contortionist? I had to lay, yes LAY down on top of the engine accross it from the driver side to the passenger side and snake my arm down along side the engine twisting two turns and I could finally FEEL the socket... it's IN the block... not a harness with the other end of the plug I accidentally pulled, it's almost flush on the engine block!! It took an hour just to get it in there and the only way was to reroute it, because there was no way I could have kept it along the same route and been able to grab it while blindly feeling the socket to stick it in... and there is sharp metal down there too!! I look like I tried to commit suicide on the wrong side of my arm... or like one of those Emo kids who slices their arms up...

Bottom line... I hope this never happens to any of you out there...

07/14/2009, 04:14 AM

Thanks for posting the warning.

Riff Raff
07/14/2009, 04:42 AM
My official advice to you is-- start drinking heavily!!!

07/14/2009, 04:47 AM
My official advice to you is-- start drinking heavily!!!

at the Longhorn Saloon, right:winkgray:

07/14/2009, 06:00 AM
This is why I pay a mechanic (although I would love to be as mechanically inclined as you guys, I just don't trust myself that much).

07/14/2009, 09:00 AM
That'll learn ya to go sniffin' about. :p

Life is all about hard to reach places and the things we go through to reach them. That's why we prefer to learn from other's mistakes, I mean, experiences. :bwgy:


07/14/2009, 03:52 PM
So, does it run?!

07/15/2009, 10:02 PM
So, does it run?!

Oh Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

