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05/19/2009, 10:00 AM
Hello VXers,
I have recently been looking around for a new vehicle, and I have been seriously thinking about going the VX route. I like everything about it I just want to know what to watch out for when searching for my new ride. Are there any VX red-flags I should keep an eye out for? Most of the ones I find out there have pretty high mileage, what should I look for in these instances?
Also I'd like to get a feel for the cost of ownership. Once I have my VX how much can I expect to be dumping into it evry month? Prior to this I have mostly been into German cars, which we all know can be very costly to repair, and mine seemed to need repairs more often than most, and I am not trying to go down that road again, and this is why I have been looking at the Japanese manufacturers. Now I know that this vehicle is a limited production vehicle, so does that mean that 1) it is hard to find good mechanics? 2) it is hard to get work done for a reasonable price? 3) it is hard to find parts?
So in closing, I know this is probably the wrong place to find out problems with VX's, but who else would know better? I know the vehicle meets my requirements for fun, capability, styling, uniqueness, but please school me on reliability and cost of operation.



05/19/2009, 10:16 AM
This thread should help you get started.


Try the search function on the left banner of the home page to search for more specifics.

05/19/2009, 11:34 AM
I haven't really had any major mechanical problems with mine (knock on wood) and she just turned 83,500. Isuzu is getting out of North America so we might run into parts issues in the near future, but for now everything is OK. Merlin with St. Charles Isuzu is our go-to guy on this site for parts and advice. Great guy, give us a discount AND free shipping.

Most Isuzu dealerships (if you can find one) have never seen a VX so finding a local mechanic that you trust is the key. The VX is basically a two door trooper with fancy body panels so finding mechanical parts isn't really a big deal. The body panels, on the other hand, are getting rare so just try not to hit anything.:rolleyes:

Some of our engines do tend to eat oil so you have to stay on top of it. Most of us check our oil at every fill up and top off accordingly. Other know issues are; the stock CD player does tend to give up the ghost and eat CD's, and the windows start to stick and don't roll up well (but a member here has a fix for that). Some of the other issues are slipping my mind right now so hopefully some others will chime in.

If you take care of it the VX should last you a LONG time as a few members have well over 100k miles on theirs and there may be one or two at, or over, 200K.

Good luck on your search.

don moore
05/19/2009, 11:40 AM
im at 127k still like new.....i love this little VX.just keep a eye on oil and do the regular maint... and treat her good....;)

05/19/2009, 12:14 PM
If you find one you're interested in let us know. There might be a member in that area that can take a look at it for you. It will cost you a beer or three.;)

05/19/2009, 12:42 PM
I've only had my 2000 VX since Sept. 08, it's got 91k on it now. I don't use mine as an everyday driver so I'm probably not the best judge, but so far it's been wonderful and a lot of fun. Good luck in you search to join the madness.

05/19/2009, 08:02 PM
It took me about three months of looking, but I found a 1999 with 58,300 miles on it back in November of last year. Low(er) mileage VXs can be found. Don't be afraid to look out of state to find one either. Trust me, it is worth the trip to get your hands on one.

This is the first automobile that I spend money on because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to. I wouldn't have it any other way.

05/19/2009, 08:14 PM
I agree with what has been said so far: find a mechanic, watch for window issues, cd player issues, mysterious electrical issues (interior/exterior lights that dont work), oil consumption issues going back to the egr or pcv, abs light on (could mean lots of $$, though many of us hate the abs and prefer it off), cracked cv boots, usual sounds ( whining or grinding). The more information you have on the vehicles history and maintenance the better. What ever you do have the truck checked out before buying.

Become acquainted with scheduled maintenance for different mileage intervals to know what the truck might require.

Some of us have even gone to check out trucks for those who live far away. Johnnyapollo who has a beautiful proton lives in atlanta - he is a wealth of knowledge on the vx.

Welcome to the obsession.

05/19/2009, 08:28 PM
I just went over 125000 on my trip back from Moab. I use mine pretty hard. No major issues that you wouldn't have with any other car. The windows,oil (I haven't had any problem with oil consumption), CD player (aftermarket is much better anyways), and some have had some "whine" from the rear diff are the most common problems. Good luck in your search.

05/20/2009, 05:16 AM
Everyone, thanks for all your help. This forum is like the VW forums minus all the intermittent BS. I just sold my A6 last night so I might be ramping up my searching efforts.
About finding a good mechanic, I have a buddy with a low key shop, that has had a trooper for as long as I've known him (around 8 years) and i'd feel comfortable having him work on it, in fact I'm sure if I find one out of state that meets my requirements he'll be the one to fly out with me for the road trip home.
It sounds like there are some of you who DD your VX and some who only use it for fun. For you DD'ers out there do you have a back up vehicle, for when you are part hunting/fixing the VX, or is it reliable enough to have as an only car? I have a VW corrado, which I am driving now that the A6 is gone, and I am wondering if it will be worth it to keep around as a contingency plan, or if I should try to sell, to have more money to throw at a VX?
Thanks again to everyone for your help, this place is already more welcoming than the vortex...:)

05/20/2009, 05:43 AM
... It sounds like there are some of you who DD your VX and some who only use it for fun. For you DD'ers out there do you have a back up vehicle, for when you are part hunting/fixing the VX, or is it reliable enough to have as an only car? I have a VW corrado, which I am driving now that the A6 is gone, and I am wondering if it will be worth it to keep around as a contingency plan, or if I should try to sell, to have more money to throw at a VX? ...

My VX is my daily driver, and ***so far*** I haven't had any unexpected maintenance issues that FORCED me to take it in to the shop. I've had it in for routine maintenance stuff, and once to replace a window regulator. Otherwise, no problems.

Then again mine only had 24K on the clock when I bought it last year. :cool:

05/20/2009, 07:53 AM
I've used mine as a DD for the past four years and have never had a problem with it. It always starts right up, runs well, and has never left me stranded. I did put it in the shop a couple of years back for some maintenance work, but I just used the shops loaner car for the day. It has 83,600 on the clock right now, and I do tend to baby it on road, but it's been out to ZuZoo in Moab the past four years too for some off roading and still have never had a problem. If you stay on top of the maintenance the VX should last you for a LONG time.

I have been looking into getting a second car as a daily driver, because although I love to drive the VX I want to keep it around for a long time to come and I would like to stop racking up miles on it. The Corrado is high on my list of options so let me know your experiences with yours and what I should be looking out for.

05/20/2009, 07:54 AM
mines been my DD for a little over 3 years now, the longest its ever been out of commission is 5 days.. and the actual fix took maybe an hour and cost $10 it was just finding it that sucked.. and it was a failure caused by an aftermarket part i had put on (alternator)

other than that the only major issues ive had are

bad abs module (fixed for 125 and an hour or two of labor)
bad thermostat (stuck open) this one i havent fixed yet, it just kept my engine from getting fully warm during winter months, but it will be a pain to fix, so im saving it for my timing belt change

05/20/2009, 08:50 AM
Personally I wouldn't consider a VW as a "backup" to any car, let alone my primary daily driver. Not likely to be anywhere near as reliable as the VX or most other cars for that matter.

05/20/2009, 09:59 AM
My VX is my DD, I ‘v had it for over 3 years now and nothing has gone wrong yet.
(Other then my Dad wrecking it!:rolleyes:)
I do have a backup if I need it. I us it for dirty jobs and people moving.


05/21/2009, 05:23 AM
I have been looking into getting a second car as a daily driver, because although I love to drive the VX I want to keep it around for a long time to come and I would like to stop racking up miles on it. The Corrado is high on my list of options so let me know your experiences with yours and what I should be looking out for.

Since I put the A6 up for sale i have been driving the Corrado more and more, and now exclusively as the Audi is gone. I know that VW's, especially Corrado's aren't known for their reliability, but mine (knock on wood) has been relatively good to me. The one thing that used to be a recurring issue was overheating, and now that I have replaced almost everything in the cooling system (radiator, hoses, thermostat, water pump, etc) the car is great. My Corrado is a 1990 so it's almost old enough to drink, and because of its age, trim pieces and such have been known to disassemble themselves for no good reason (well its probably due to my solid motor mounts, boost underdrive pulley, and exhaust system that rattles everything on the car). If I was in the market for a Corrado again, I'd probably be looking for the VR6 version, as the G60 chargers have been known to grenade themselves without any warning, Mine has been good to me so far, but the G60 has been described in many a forum as a "ticking time bomb". The VR6's can have issues too, I know they have been prone to oil leaks/burning problems (but most people on here are probably used to that by now) and have also been known to go through head gaskets. The other thing about Corrados is that due to the styling, you'd think that it is a fast car, and in comparison to other VW's of the same vintage it is a bit faster, but I would by no means consider the 'Rado fast. You can make them fast, but you are going to spend a lot of time and money to get them there. I bought the car because I liked the styling more than the performance, and for what I use it for it fits the bill perfectly.

My current thoughts are to buy my friends corolla (for reliability and gas mileage's sake) and then sell the Corrado for more than I will buy the Corrolla for, to help supplement my VX fund, and have something that is KNOWN for reliability.

05/21/2009, 07:18 AM
Couldn't imagine my VX as a DD anymore. Since moving further from work, I would be gassing her up every 3-4 days. Between the mishmash of "fun" backroads and highway for my commute, the drive is usually either done in a "spirited" manner or sitting in near dead stop traffic. My driving habits depend on the freaks I have to share the roads with. :D

In a strange turn of events though, I traded the WRX in for a new STi, which is rated at 17cty/22hwy. A fair step in the wrong direction from the WRX, which actually got me 30mpg on occasion, believe it or not. The STi is clocking in at roughly 23-26mpg, which is a pleasant surprise. The VX on the other hand.... *drum roll*.... roughly 11mpg. She is completely meant to be driven as spirited as possible though and only sees weekends. No more than 40 miles a week and spends the rest of her time napping in the garage maintaining her beauty. :cool:

05/21/2009, 10:17 AM
11MPG?!?! do have mods that help push your mileage that low? I know these aren't the most fuel efficient, but 11 MPG is pretty steep. I can hang with mid teen numbers, but 11! Is this about par for the course with VX's?

05/21/2009, 10:39 AM
11MPG?!?! do have mods that help push your mileage that low? I know these aren't the most fuel efficient, but 11 MPG is pretty steep. I can hang with mid teen numbers, but 11! Is this about par for the course with VX's?

Keep in mind WG's is supercharged...& when he says "spirited" he means TO THE FLOOR!

So yah, 11 sounds about right...that's about what I get kickin' it around town.

On the other hand, I was able to average around 15 on the highway during the Moab voyage...& that's with a supercharger, XL knobby tires, spare on the roof rack, lift, etc...:naughty:

05/21/2009, 11:21 AM
On 33s and loaded roof rack, I average between 11-13mpg at an average speed for the tank of 29mph. When I first got it her Dec08, I was getting 22.9 on the freeway from Columbus, OH to Charleston, SC bone stock.

I have had some minor problems, AC compressor, shocks, but nothing abnormal for a car with 120K miles.

A note for those at Moab, Brandon is gonna be in the market soon. He is still debating VX vs Amigo. I let him drive the VX for 550 miles, he liked the attention:)

Bee Sting
05/21/2009, 11:24 AM
I use my 2001 as a daily driver. 60% of my commute is freeway at 70 mph, 20% stop and go freeway and the rest is urban streets (lights, etc). I get 16-17 mpg typically (less in the dead of winter when it is FF (#$#%^#$ freezing) here in Ottawa.

05/21/2009, 02:10 PM
Is this about par for the course with VX's?

A dissenting opinion here...

No, 11 mpg is the lowest any of us have every heard of, and I personally think Wormgod has dragging brakes or something else driving it down that low. I also have a supercharged VX and get 14 in the dead of winter, and up around 16-17 in the summer, and I drive really freaking fast. I got maybe a mile or two per gallon better than that before the supercharger install...

Mine is for sale, by the way. There is a thread here on it and it is listed on autotrader.com (http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=p&car_id=257631202&dealer_id=63748461&car_year=1999&rdm=1232981926765&model=&num_records=100&systime=&make2=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&keywordsrep=&engine=&certified=&body_code=0&fuel=&awsp=false&search_type=both&distance=25&marketZipError=false&search_lang=en&showZipError=n&make=ISU&keywords_display=&color=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&min_price=&drive=&default_sort=priceDESC&seller_type=b&max_mileage=&style_flag=1&sort_type=priceDESC&address=06525&advanced=&end_year=2010&doors=&transmission=&max_price=&cardist=0&standard=false), among other sites.

05/21/2009, 04:15 PM
The horse is my daily drive,seven days a week & the only time the horse went into the shop ever ws for the valves & yet still didn't need to because isn't scheduled to do so as this time.

My VX gives me about 22 mpg without any doubts,another big factor on mileage is how hard you drive,plus i use premium fuel (93),keep tires pressure as is should,avoid dragging extra weight & all those little things deffinetly helps improve mileage.

Other that the engine lit pop in up some times (got to replace the canister) the horse accomplishes his duty as it was built for (knocking wood)

E-ZooZoo One
05/21/2009, 10:41 PM
OK… I guess I’m gonna ‘out’ myself here…

Not only is my VX my daily-driver, it’s also my work vehicle – And what is it that I do?
Well, since January of last year, I’ve been a Papa John’s Pizza Delivery Driver.

Yes, that’s right, I deliver pizza in a VehiCROSS, with the illuminated sign sitting on top, and everything... while running Rancho 9000x shocks and 32" Goodyear MT/Rs (sometimes, even with my 32" Radial TSLs! :eekgray: ) --- Here in West Virginia, especially in the winter, some of the places that I am required to go while working, I simply can't imagine even attempting in a car; however, the VX takes it all in stride and makes it look easy.... Tight turns? - No problem... Steep hills? - No problem... Rutted, muddy, or snow-covered goat path driveways? - No problem!

PLUS, I also take it 4-wheeling, locally, and also out-of-state (2 or 3 hours away, at least twice a year). --- For those out-of-state trips, I finish-up my shift at work, drive to the trails, 4-wheel all weekend, drive it back home, and then show-up for work the next day... no problem.

Mine had over 100,000 miles on it when I got it (with a broken odometer wire for the first year, so there's really no way of knowing for sure), but I would guess that I'm close to 160K now -- and it's still going strong! (knock on wood)

You honestly couldn't ask for a better all-around vehicle... Street or trail; a VX is a real BEAST! :yesgray:


05/22/2009, 12:01 AM
[QUOTE=It sounds like there are some of you who DD your VX and some who only use it for fun. For you DD'ers out there do you have a back up vehicle, for when you are part hunting/fixing the VX, or is it reliable enough to have as an only car? [/QUOTE]

My VX is my DD and my only and first car so far, it is reliable i have had it for two years now and no problems at all i am about to turn 90K miles and no check engine light no problems at all. I offroad with it sometimes and i am dependant on it and i know it is not going to give up on me anytime soon i hope haha

05/22/2009, 06:30 AM
I have had some minor problems, AC compressor, shocks, but nothing abnormal for a car with 120K miles.

Because of the exotic suspension system, how hard was it to source parts/fix your problem?

05/22/2009, 06:45 AM
Because of the exotic suspension system, how hard was it to source parts/fix your problem?

No problems, I run the rancho 9000xls, about 100 bucks a piece, easy to install. You can find the shocks all over the place. I replaced the factory springs with OME 919s, I know a lot of others use the 912s or 913s. Its up to you, the 919s are the trooper heavy duty springs. All were super easy to install.
Search the threads, there is a ton of info, including part numbers and what not.
Independent 4x has just about everything else, I would recommend greasable swaybar bushings, springs, shocks and if you plan on offroading, rocksliders are a must. HD tie rods wouldn't be horrible, I haven't had problems yet...knock on wood.

E-ZooZoo One
05/22/2009, 07:24 AM
Oh yeah...
Mine also has Old Man Emu 912s, Polly Sway Bar Bushings (f & r), and a set of Independent4x HD Tie Rods.

Shortly after getting it, as a preventative measure, I replaced the upper & lower Ball Joints, front & rear Rotors and Pads (all OEM), changed the oil over to Mobil 1 full synthetic, replaced the Trans Filter, changed all of the Trans/T-case/Dif fluids, etc. -- Plus, lately (since the October Uwharrie trip), I keep an assortment of spare parts with me at all times, including, but not limited to: 4 spare factory Tie Rods, 2 Idler Relay Levers (Isuzu-speak for: Idler Arm assemblies), 1 Steering Center Link, a pair of Transmission Cooler Hard Lines, etc. -- and, of course, all of the tools necessary to install those spare parts if need be.

As noted earlier, maintenance is KEY! -- I guess, maybe, I just go a little overboard :smilewink


05/22/2009, 07:34 AM
"I replaced the upper & lower Ball Joints"

Help out LittleBeast - he's having trouble with that exact mod.


05/22/2009, 07:57 AM
Because of the exotic suspension system, how hard was it to source parts/fix your problem?

OEM shocks are extremely expensive but available (although not particularly reliable, in my book anyway). Bilstein also make s a great set of shocks, well-matched to the VX's suspension, for about $250 - $300.

Don't be worried about owning a VX, bud - it's a solid vehicle and a fine daily driver (mine was my DD for about 3.5 years). Parts are still available, and aftermarket parts shared with the Trooper, Amigo, etc are cheap and plentiful.

Good luck!!

05/22/2009, 08:02 AM
Oh yeah...
Shortly after getting it, as a preventative measure, I replaced the upper & lower Ball Joints, front & rear Rotors and Pads (all OEM), changed the oil over to Mobil 1 full synthetic, replaced the Trans Filter, changed all of the Trans/T-case/Dif fluids, etc. --

How much did this initial "insurance policy" cost you? Which of these things did you do yourself, and which ones did you have done at a shop? I am trying to get a good feel for what my initial "start up" cost will be once getting a new (to me) VX home.

05/22/2009, 08:16 AM
Don't be worried about owning a VX, bud - it's a solid vehicle and a fine daily driver (mine was my DD for about 3.5 years). Parts are still available, and aftermarket parts shared with the Trooper, Amigo, etc are cheap and plentiful.

Good luck!!

I guess I am being a bit overly cautious because I just got out of an Audi A6 that loved to go to the shop (it seemed almost monthly), usually at around $1000, give or take. I just can't afford to go through that again.

E-ZooZoo One
05/22/2009, 09:59 AM
How much did this initial "insurance policy" cost you? Which of these things did you do yourself, and which ones did you have done at a shop? I am trying to get a good feel for what my initial "start up" cost will be once getting a new (to me) VX home.
I think I dropped close to a Grand, total, on parts, fluids, etc. -- but spent Zero in labor...

Several of us from Planet Isuzoo got together for a Wrenching Party -- Tad, Bigpoppax2, Bansil, MAB, and myself (and Wareagle too, I think); each of us with various projects that needed doing... That weekend, Bansil and I swapped-out my Ball Joints, Rotors, Pads, installed my Ranchos, and did the suspension lift -- and then BigPoppa and I did all of the fluids, and changed the Trans Filter.

The great thing about the Isuzu Online Community; there is ALWAYS someone out there that's willing to lend a hand -- ours is one of the most friendly and helpful groups you could ever hope to find!


05/22/2009, 12:06 PM
I guess I am being a bit overly cautious because I just got out of an Audi A6 that loved to go to the shop (it seemed almost monthly), usually at around $1000, give or take. I just can't afford to go through that again.

I think I can speak for everyone when I say that level of ridiculousness won't happen with a VX.