View Full Version : Cool VX Picture

07/24/2003, 07:06 AM
Hadn't seen this pic yet, very nice. Especially the wheel travel. Does anyone else have any other pics of this V in action?


07/24/2003, 08:22 AM
Remember that old arcade game Moon Patrol? There ya have it, hehe.

That is a very nice looking VX. Woud make a great poster and I would buy it.

07/24/2003, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by WormGod
Woud make a great poster and I would buy it. Copy the pic to a disk and Kinko's can make it into a poster for ya :)

07/24/2003, 01:10 PM
WAY too low res for a poster size. I do digital work and could actually blow it up and print out posters, but I need a higher res. Even Photoshop wouldnt do it justice with some work. :(

Ah well, another will come along someday. ;)

07/24/2003, 03:55 PM
I placed a post about this a while back on VMAG and unfortunatly that was the only one I could find aside from another crappy low res one with the VX sitting next to the poduko garage. It was so small you could barely notice it. I think I even sent them an e-mail asking for more photos but never got them. they did reply however, just not with photos :(

07/30/2003, 04:07 PM
Check out the front-axle drop brackets they got there. Too bad we can't get those here.


07/31/2003, 12:35 AM
Yeah... have Kinko's enlarge it and then make sure you hang the poster at least 100 yards away from your normal viewing position and you'll be fine. Heh.

At that size... even a 300 dpi file won't do for enlarging.

07/31/2003, 08:12 AM
Spazz, If you weren't such a good buddy I'd swear you were a freaking show off. :supercool
You still up offroading this weekend?

did you say what do we think of your front articulation? ;puke:

07/31/2003, 09:27 AM
Not to argue ;), but I remember seeing this Padokku image on one of the Japanese pages, and the resolution wasn't that great. You can see in the image itself that the image is distorted somewhat. Even if it was originally larger, the image (digital photo) doesn't look like it was taken at a high resolution. The image SPAZZ posted is what a higher res photo would look like shrunken down.

07/31/2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by SPAZZ
I am sure the photo is much larger ...as you have to shrink all photos for these posts.........so which ever photo you are talking about...I'm not sure...but, my photo was full screen...had to shrink it for posting.

ps---bright one;Dp;

I was talking about the other one not yours. Not everything is about you, you paranoid ego freak. Nobody talked about enlarging yours in the thread. How the hell did you get the idea I was talking about yours?? :rolleyes: The word "bright" doesn't come to mind when I think of you. Sorry.

07/31/2003, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by SPAZZ
sorry, but if you knew me..

I don't care to know you. Period.

Originally posted by SPAZZ
that is just the way I am...no pun intended...you weren't exactly explicit on who or what you were commenting on...constructive criticism.....

Do you even know what a pun is? It's pretty obvious that I was responding to you. Who else would I be referring to? You couldn't even figure out that I was talking about the other picture. Bright one? Don't flatter yourself.

Originally posted by SPAZZ
ps...I bet some of you lose sleep over some of what I say!!!!!!

Sure signs of paranoia, and egomania. Seek help.

Originally posted by SPAZZ
voice your opinion to me (310)495-5412

Awww... spazz is lonely.

07/31/2003, 01:12 PM
I'm not much of a Spazz fan. He deserves some of the crap yall give him, but Paul, he didn't deserve that. When I started reading this board about a year ago people were really respectful to ones' opinion and eachother. Lately, it hasn't been that.

Paul bring this board up not down.

07/31/2003, 01:13 PM
Cry me a river.

07/31/2003, 04:39 PM
Hmmm.... this little exchange isn't making either of you look any better from my seat ringside.

08/01/2003, 12:20 AM
Hey... what do you know, the ignore feature really works. Awesome.

08/01/2003, 10:09 AM
Well, back on subject....

When I was at the beach a couple weeks ago, I got some nice sunset pics of my VX sitting on the beach. Unfortunately, The camera I used wasnt my digital one, but nevertheless, my brother in law, being a big geek photographer (dont tell him I said that, said he would blow up some of the better shots. I havent seen them yet, to pic any out, but he says it should be a piece of cake to blow them up very large and mount them on board. I look forward to seeing how they come out. I'll post pics as soon as I get them. Something was just so appealing about the VX on a beach with the ocean and sun in the backdrop. ;)

08/01/2003, 11:02 AM
I watched a couple of guys in a Jeep drive into about 6" of water at Daytona Beach once... also watched them get out of the thing after it got stuck... then we all watched as the Jeep got swamped as the tide came in. All-in-all, better than reality TV.

If you do decide to play at the beach, be careful. I think it's easy to get over-confident in the abilities of 4WD, and you may end up paying for it.

-- John

08/01/2003, 05:26 PM
OK, kids! As my father always said, "This petty bickering has got to stop and stop right now!" :mady:
I'm not going to put up with the contamination that this kind of pollution creates.. I know that not everyone can get along with each other but, this is NOT the place for it. I will not tolerate this kind of chest puffing, demoralizing drivel.
Every one has an opinion, some are positive and some are negative everyone has the right to express theirs, that's fine. When those expressions cause a disruption to this site, that's when those rights WILL be revoked. This is NOT a public forum, it is a privately owned and maintained site that welcomes members of all kinds and excepts donations to help defray it's operating costs but, in no way relies on them.
It's not hard to follow the loose set of rules (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/misc.php?action=faq&page=8#59) that govern this site but, when those rules are tested and or broken, they will be enforced.
From now on, think before clicking the "Submit Reply" button. Not everyone enjoys reading a pointess focus on someone else's fallibility nor someone expressing their own infallibility.

08/02/2003, 12:37 PM
I understand what you are talking about. I quit reading the board for a month or so because I couldn't stand all of the moronic posts that were starting to show up.

Glad to see you are still here. I know several people can't stand you (including some of my friends), but I find you highly entertaining and am glad you are a part of this community.

Everyone else,
I used to hate Spazz too, but that was before I met him in Moab.

Raque Thomas
08/07/2003, 05:14 PM
Guys, you are EVIL - I can't imagine doing these things to MY BABY! I know the VehiCROSS is an amazing off-road vehicle, but I can;t bring myself to do that!!

08/08/2003, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by raquethomas
Guys, you are EVIL - I can't imagine doing these things to MY BABY! I know the VehiCROSS is an amazing off-road vehicle, but I can;t bring myself to do that!!

You will! Just keep watching the forum and you'll get the bug to see just what you can do with this little beast.

I just came back from caming with a friend that was adamant about not taking that "Car" because he didn't want to have to pull it out with his new Taco (Tacoma). I won out and we took it. It feels great to be the trail leader. He soon found out that the VX is quite nimble. As we rounded hairpin turns, we in the VX had to wait while they in the Taco had to do the back and forth thing to come around. Going right up "stair steps" where his wheelbase prohibited him from doing so. And the little, short straight tracks that had mud puddles, they are so fun only for the fact the VX is VERY fast for speed bursts while in 4-low. The water and mud went flying! All of this while fully loaded with 2 Adult males and lots of coolers, tents, assorted equipment and Oso (My baby's first camping trip).
After getting to where we were going, we decided the next day to take an abandoned trail up to an abandoned gold mine. First thing he said, "We're taking your's right?" We piled 4 FULL sized males into little Moncha and away we went.
Long story short, We had a blast!
One thing my friend did say though was how much room there was in the back seat once he got back there. He's 602 and 195 and had plenty of room with his son that is 511 and 160.
I though I'd never take my little Moncha baby for some serious off roading and I'm not a extreme as some but, it's so great to be able to do a multitude of roads with out much concern.

Pictures to soon follow, it's beautiful at 12000 feet!!!

08/08/2003, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by SPAZZ
...look at it this way- you never know when you have to use CPR but it is nice to know how and have the card....same issue with the VX- you never know when you will need to go offroad, but it is nice to know just what exactly it can do and nice for you to have the ability to take it there.

Practice makes perfect! ;Do;

08/08/2003, 10:17 AM
I was a little weary of driving my VX 2k miles from Dallas to Portland when I moved, only because I had put the SC on a month or so before, and I didn't feel I had much break-in time to make sure everything worked the way it should. Needless to say, I had no choice. Driving through New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and Oregon, I saw MANY different types of terrain. Up and down mountains, through the desert, through the gourge, it was awesome... and I must say, the VX handled it like a CHAMP!

No worries any longer... the VX and the SC were made for each other.

08/08/2003, 12:49 PM

If you want to spend some time eastern oregon, take 84 through the gorge and then take 97 then 218 then 19 to John Day. Great scenery and you'll pass by PGE's wind mill farm. Beautiful terrain. Dayville, which is on the way is a nice quaint little town.

08/09/2003, 03:39 AM
I think the highest elevation my VX has been up to was 9600 ft on rt 191 in Arizona from I-40 to I-10. Middle of the night on a Saturday during a blizzard. On a road that isn't plowed on nights, weekends, or during a blizzard. oops. Running low on gas, 70 miles between gas stations...

But hey. I-40 was closed around Holbrook because of the snow after all. Planned to detour through the Petrified Forest but um...that was closed too.


Reg Hinnant
08/11/2003, 07:02 PM
Yes, the VX does well at altitude. Here's a picture if our VX at 11,500 feet at Clear lake, northwest of Silverton, 3 weeks ago.
(I put a couple in the gallery in "My Ride")
A beautiful place to wheel, San Juan mountain range.

08/13/2003, 05:52 PM
For you people that drive alot in the mountains or live at altitude , a super or turbo charger provide equal boost no matter what the altitude. whereas normal aspiration gets leaner and leaner the higher you go. so you chargers out there have the double benefit of invariable power of boost, AND the extra power from the charger itself for the hills. they are definitely the way to go at altitude.