View Full Version : Reason to be armed...

04/06/2009, 04:27 PM
Here is a story I found off of another forum here in Reno. It makes you think about who you could run into out there in the middle of nature.

Some graphic replies to this.. You have been warned (http://www.zukikrawlers.com/showthread.php?t=23638)

04/06/2009, 04:54 PM
that is messed up.

04/06/2009, 08:33 PM
Honestly...thats a great example of why guns etc... are BAD.

We still punch people in the UK......

.it hurts , ya get over it.


04/06/2009, 09:38 PM
Heck, you don't need to be wheelin' to get filled with lead. Just walking down the street in some parts around here in a nice pair of shoes that someone else wants will make you "holy". ;)

don moore
04/06/2009, 11:11 PM
that sux.....

04/07/2009, 09:25 AM
Holy crap! That's crazy!

I've got a couple acres of land that sees its fair share of ATV and 4x4s. I've mentioned it before on the list when we were talking about booby-trapping trails. I'd really rather they didn't tear up my meadow, but injuring someone, let alone SHOOTING them is not the way I want to do it.

This year, I got a bunch of posters etc from Stay The Trail (http://staythetrail.org/), and I'm hoping that asking nicely will work...

I guess I'm one of those liberal pinko commie types, because I'd really like to see some controls on guns. Still, I'm pretty sure there's no way to tell who should get one and who shouldn't. I really wish there was some way to test for crazy. It would make dating a whole lot easier. :)

04/07/2009, 09:41 AM
Honestly...thats a great example of why guns etc... are BAD.
We still punch people in the UK......
.it hurts , ya get over it.

That works well when no one has guns, but there are already so many in the hand of civilians here even if they were taken away there would still be loads.


04/07/2009, 09:58 AM
You know what I've noticed...
The worse conditions become economically...
The worse people become..
I'd be scared to death to fire anyone in this economy,
having to worry he'd come gunning for me for 86ing him.
My lady cried herself to sleep last night about the little girl who was missing and found dead in our state...she looks just like ours.
Don't get me wrong, I am not for taking guns off the street,
I wish there were better controls on them, but I am not for restriction.
It is getting to the point that everyone is gonna have to be armed, because all the criminals are, good people are gonna have to match firepower.
I know this does not sound very left coast liberal, but f it...

04/07/2009, 10:03 AM
I know this does not sound very left coast liberal, but f it...

That's ok, Jo takes care of all the left-wing, pacifist idealism just fine. :)


04/07/2009, 10:41 AM
Yeah its things like this that are why I carry 90% of the time. But on the flip side the US has a lot of people that carry that have little to no training other than going to a range and shooting paper. I'm a gun nut don't get me wrong haha, but I think for carry laws and such there needs to be a lot more training. You could spend your entire life shooting paper and as soon as a real situation comes up you will A: freeze up and forget about your gun completely and probably get shot anyway or B: draw down and hit a civi or have your own gun used against you. I've spent a lot of time training and being trained to deal with situations like that using everything from knives to assault rifles so I can deal but most can't. Reguardless its all about know the laws though. This old guy was in the wrong for shooting the guy but if they had shot him they would have been in the wrong to. So please, if your going to start carrying, please learn the laws in your state and the localities there in and get some training. There are a lot of training centers out there and I know its not cheap but life is priceless and lawyers are expencive.

04/07/2009, 11:34 AM
I do my best!!

That's ok, Jo takes care of all the left-wing, pacifist idealism just fine. :)


Yea , its too late to disarm a nation....

...Sometimes "idealism" ....is just that!


04/07/2009, 03:21 PM
I do my best!!
Yea , its too late to disarm a nation....

...Sometimes "idealism" ....is just that!

Yup, you're right. I think of all sorts of cool ideas all the time that would work in "ideal" situations, but then I stop and remember that this country was founded on F R E E D O M and with that comes several less than ideal situations.


LOCK & LOAD brothers and sisters!

;) Bart

04/07/2009, 03:42 PM
A mother called the cops on her son to have him removed. The a%@hole shot 3 cops and finished one while he was laying in the street. With all the training and equipment the police have they cannot even protect themselves let alone us. And do not let those movie cops fool you they will let you take a bullet before them. In addition I do not think asking rapists and murders and such nicely to give their guns up will work. So I am not about to give mine up when crooks can still have theirs and no protection elsewhere. In addition when Obama and the other Democrat politicians that have made a war zone of DC by banning guns try to perform their magic elsewhere around the country I want to be prepared. I guess the jobs Obama wants to create are drug dealers, wheel men and robbers and hit men.

04/07/2009, 07:19 PM
Has anyone noticed how difficult it is to buy 9mm ammo. None available around here. Most popular caliber. I went to Montana recently and none on the shelves. Most all of the hand gun calibers were gone.

Asked the clerk, "Where's the ammo?"
"Gonna get any more?"
"Maybe Tuesday."
"What time Tuesday?"
"Maybe around 11."
"When will it go on sale?"
"Maybe around 1, gotta inventory it."
"What's the problem?"
"Any reloading stuff?"
"Got any 50cal?"
"How 'bout Claymore's?"
"I bought the last one."
"Any black powder?"

04/07/2009, 08:00 PM
There was just a gun show here and I guess the Miwall people were there and people were taking out ammo by the hand truck full. From what I hear it was overpriced as hell but still.

Our walmart occasionally gets 9mm in more than 50 round qty.

04/07/2009, 08:36 PM
Has anyone noticed how difficult it is to buy 9mm ammo. None available around here. Most popular caliber. I went to Montana recently and none on the shelves. Most all of the hand gun calibers were gone.

There was a story on NPR (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=102851807) about it today. Part of the reason is that we're sending a lot of ammo to the sand box. The other reason is people are afraid that Obama's going to ban or tax guns and/or ammo, so they're stockpiling.

04/07/2009, 09:43 PM
Still not hard to find ammo of any kind here :)

And this story is a prime example on why I'll have a Taurus Judge in my Glove box, a 1911 in the night stand and an AK under the bed...


Really though.

Riff Raff
04/07/2009, 10:06 PM
Still not hard to find ammo of any kind here :)

And this story is a prime example on why I'll have a Taurus Judge in my Glove box, a 1911 in the night stand and an AK under the bed....

Ah ha, so that's where you keep 'em. Now everybody knows!!!

04/08/2009, 06:15 AM
And this is why there's at least one in every room, and each vehicle....garage and bathrooms included.No problem with ammo here yet...but we've plenty stocked anyhow . I got over my hippy crap years ago.....and have been forced to admit, the vast majority of mankind, is quite disposable, and is in fact, a form of varmint:bgwo:

04/08/2009, 06:54 AM
Do you guys keep your guns in your VX all the time, or any vehicle for that matter? I just dont feel right doing that. What if someone stole your ride?

04/08/2009, 07:52 AM
Ah ha, so that's where you keep 'em. Now everybody knows!!!

You should come and get one ;) HA!

I don't generally keep one in my vehicles... Too scary if a break in happened and they got your gun. But I, depending where I'm going, keep one with me. So when I'm in the car, it'll be there too...

On another note, If anyone is interested in buying a Springfield 1911 from me, with about 300 rounds through it, let me know :D I'm probably going to get a more compact .380

Scott Harness
04/08/2009, 08:30 AM
the vast majority of mankind, is quite disposable, and is in fact, a form of varmint:bgwo:

x2 LOL

04/08/2009, 08:37 AM
On another note, If anyone is interested in buying a Springfield 1911 from me, with about 300 rounds through it, let me know :D I'm probably going to get a more compact .380

PM Sent

04/08/2009, 12:01 PM
OK Richie, Chopper, what is the local going price for 1000 rounds of 7.62x39 in your area?

Clint, we tried to stop by the show this weekend, and I saw guys hauling out PALETS of ammo. The line was soooo long and we had other stuff to do so we split. A guy I work with said he saw some guys FIGHTING over a place in line to buy ammo. :eek: I'm glad we didn't go in.


PS - BTW Sorry about missing dinner at the Tide, been super busy lately and had some homies from Chicago in town last weekend.

04/08/2009, 12:30 PM
Clint, we tried to stop by the show this weekend, and I saw guys hauling out PALETS of ammo. The line was soooo long and we had other stuff to do so we split. A guy I work with said he saw some guys FIGHTING over a place in line to buy ammo. :eek: I'm glad we didn't go in.

Yeah I want to go to the one at GSR in a couple weekends but I dont want to deal with all the people if its gonna be the same thing.

PS - BTW Sorry about missing dinner at the Tide, been super busy lately and had some homies from Chicago in town last weekend.

Your homies dont like to eat? Or do you not want to mix homies?

04/08/2009, 01:45 PM
Your homies dont like to eat? Or do you not want to mix homies?

Actually, my friend Ryan was coming in on a separate flight that got delayed and right when Beau called we were waiting for his call to go pick him up...plus we had other plans for dinner lined up already.


04/08/2009, 02:15 PM
Actually, my friend Ryan was coming in on a separate flight that got delayed and right when Beau called we were waiting for his call to go pick him up...plus we had other plans for dinner lined up already.



04/08/2009, 02:21 PM
Haha! Yep, come to Utah where ammo is cheap and Guns are plentiful. We also have one of the lowest crime rates in the country.

:D I'm probably going to get a more compact .380

Don’t get a PPK they suck.;)

04/08/2009, 04:26 PM
Link didn't work for me :confused:

Well up here in AK we seem to not have any .223 or 7.62X39 but 9mm is plentiful. How much for 1000 rounds of .223 in Utah, and is it legal to ship? None of the magazine/internet gun stores ship up here :(

I just bought a 100 round drum for my mini-14 as soon as Obama was elected and I haven't even gotten to try it out yet. 10 seconds of hell fire, Oh-Yeah!

04/08/2009, 04:30 PM
RENO IS BONE DRY. I can't find ammo anywhere and it sucks, especially considering what ppl are paying for it nowadays. Ridiculous. As happy as I am that bumbling idiot (George Bush) is out of office and I am not looking forward to any new anti-gun legislation.


04/08/2009, 04:47 PM
Honestly...thats a great example of why guns etc... are BAD.

We still punch people in the UK......

.it hurts , ya get over it.


ARE YOU KIDDING? What if the guy went totally crazy and began shooting everyone and nobody was able to protect themselves? A big maybe, but the way our current administration looks, the only ones armed will be the bad guys.

04/08/2009, 05:24 PM
My best friend:

also I buy guns and ammo from


shipping ammo is fine as long as it goes ground and the recipient is of legal age.

PPK.. ha I plan on getting a "real" gun ;) Thinking Colt Government/mustang, or a beretta, although the new taurus' are built using beretta dies so...??

I'm also considering the new Micro Desert Eagle, it has great reviews, and I like a lot of its features.

04/08/2009, 06:10 PM
Why do so many of you have 9mm? Trust me its great fun for paper at the range but try defending yourself with it. Sorry but I'll take my 1 round over your 5. I run either a usp .40 s&w with no safety for tactical work, or a S&W nightguard .45 snub nose for protection or as a back up. But thats just the side arms. Primaries are normally a mk11 mod 0 for long range and a mk18 mod 0 for personal protection. Oh and ammo isn't a problem haha.

Riff Raff
04/08/2009, 06:23 PM
You should come and get one ;) HA!
I'm probably going to get a more compact .380

Sure, I'll be right over (followed by "tink" sound-- my selector lever being moved from Safe mode to Fire mode).

While you're checking out compact size .380's, take a peek at the Para-Ordnance "Wart Hog" sub-compact .45 ACP (extremely small, extremely powerful, w/high capacity).

04/08/2009, 07:19 PM
These guys seem like a bunch of ignorant A-holes to begin with. Why are they drinking and driving??? Sounds to me like a situation that would have never happend if they were sober. It scares me knowing that these guys that can barely speak properly, guzzling down booze while wheeling, are toting around loaded weapons. I am glad that those who did have the guns weren't at the scene to return fire. I don't know the whole story by any means. HOWEVER, the old man should have NEVER shot the guy. We always hear about the crazy gun owners that are quick to fire at anyone that rubs them the wrong way, or innocent civilians. Sad that so many peoples lives are ruined by gun fire. It rubs me the wrong way seeing others post about how they would have killed someone after their friend was shot. I could never imagine killing someone as being satisfying, or making what happend right.

I agree with Jo and the crazy UK laws!!!

04/09/2009, 06:30 AM
Some folks just need shooting! That easy.....(the Germans call it "The face that screams for my fist" or something like that)

04/09/2009, 07:25 AM
While you're checking out compact size .380's, take a peek at the Para-Ordnance "Wart Hog" sub-compact .45 ACP (extremely small, extremely powerful, w/high capacity).

Ha... I think you forgot what you were trying to get... 1911 on the nightstand, Ak under the bed ;) .380 on my person.

Para Ordinance :eek: I think I just threw up a little bit.
YUCK!! Hack job guns if you ask me.

And @ nerve... the ballistics of a 40sw aren't substantially different than a 9mm, and a .380 is a 9mm short. And we should all realize... none of us... NONE OF US are going be using our guns, and the threat of them will be enough 99% of the time ;)


Spas 12 on order ;) j/k

04/09/2009, 09:30 AM
Yeah, I guess the general consensus is that for REAL defense and stopping power, one should not reply on anything less than a .40. When I am out hiking I carry my 9mm. True, it might not be as good as a .40 or 45, but let's be honest, no one wants to get shot. I think a well placed 9mm will do me just fine. That said, I hope to never find out.

Furthermore, there is nothing stopping me from slinging my AK. I worry about two things, hill-billies and mountain lions. I don't EVER want to encounter a hostile situation, and I know it isn't a very likely occurrence, but you never know. Be as smart as you can be, urban or rural.

IMO, for family home protection, there is no replacement for a shotgun. You can remove limbs with a twelver loaded with 00. My shotgun is loaded with 00 and then slug, in alternating order. So, please don't break into my house cause it is going to be a hell of a mess. :)


04/09/2009, 10:21 AM
So, please don't break into my house cause it is going to be a hell of a mess. :)


HAHA, wow, I will remember that. This brings to mind oh so many FPS moments, like in Halo walking around a corner seeing a quick red dot on your radar and then the next thing you know it you are on the respawn screen cause some dude had a "shotty".

04/09/2009, 10:46 AM
The dude telling the story wasn't a witness. What he did tell us that he was a witness to was dozens of his buddies were weelin across this guys property that was posted (maybe hard to see) And this one guy who owned the property was trying to get them off his property. Now it is unfortunate that anybody got shot. However if you were home alone in your isolated country property and dozens of people came 4 wheelin across you yard it would be prudent to be armed. Since we have not heard both sides we do not know if this group of people who at least some armed members started trying to intimidate the owner or threaten him in some manner. The telelr of the tale was not there for the whole event and is of course telling his side of it. I am interested in seeing the owners side before I make a judgement.

04/09/2009, 11:06 AM
The dude telling the story wasn't a witness. What he did tell us that he was a witness to was dozens of his buddies were weelin across this guys property that was posted (maybe hard to see) And this one guy who owned the property was trying to get them off his property. Now it is unfortunate that anybody got shot. However if you were home alone in your isolated country property and dozens of people came 4 wheelin across you yard it would be prudent to be armed. Since we have not heard both sides we do not know if this group of people who at least some armed members started trying to intimidate the owner or threaten him in some manner. The telelr of the tale was not there for the whole event and is of course telling his side of it. I am interested in seeing the owners side before I make a judgement.

Thats why I like the story, because who knows what the guys that were wheeling were really up to. So either way shows reason to be armed. The way they tell it, it seems that this guy was nutty and as I read it he accidentally shot this dude when jabbing him with the barrel.

04/09/2009, 01:10 PM
Thats why I like the story, because who knows what the guys that were wheeling were really up to. So either way shows reason to be armed. The way they tell it, it seems that this guy was nutty and as I read it he accidentally shot this dude when jabbing him with the barrel.

Link worked today :)

You don't jab someone with the barrel of a gun unless you are planning on shooting them. And damn straight I would move the gun out of my gut too if I was him.

Its not his property, if they were mining his minerals thats one thing but driving on a claim? That guy shouldn't even care unless he was crazy and had booby traps. I can't believe some of you guys are defending the shooter, he obviosly was not fearing for his life, as no one had pulled a gun on him. He seems to be the instigator 100% to me.

I'm curious how after his passenger was shot, how they got out of there. The guy said he heard 4 shots, was he shooting at the fleeing vehicle? I want to know more, crazy story!

04/09/2009, 01:58 PM
I'm curious how after his passenger was shot, how they got out of there. The guy said he heard 4 shots, was he shooting at the fleeing vehicle? I want to know more, crazy story!

I do too. It all seems crazy and full of holes.

04/09/2009, 02:13 PM
Why are they drinking and driving??? Sounds to me like a situation that would have never happend if they were sober. It scares me knowing that these guys that can barely speak properly, guzzling down booze while wheeling, are toting around loaded weapons.

There is a group of offroaders here. Reno4x4.com, and I keep thinking of buying a sticker for my truck since I am a member there. Those guys are very similar to the group that wrote this story though. I see pics from the trail they went on over a weekend or something and there is usually people with beer in their hand on regular stops on the trail. I like to drink, but wait 'til the day is over at least. Most of the time these guys have to drive home, or worse drive a trailer with their ride on it home.

I just dont agree. Plus, after Obama got elected they were saying pretty bad things, racist things. I didnt want obama, but thats not called for. So I am usually reminded that I dont want to be associated with those guys and dont buy a sticker. I also dont support (http://www.vehicross.info/modules.php?name=Donations) that site.

Yet another reason I like this forum. Good Honest people, for the most part.

04/09/2009, 02:56 PM
Link worked today :)

You don't jab someone with the barrel of a gun unless you are planning on shooting them. And damn straight I would move the gun out of my gut too if I was him. !

I agree here a gun allows you some distance why give up your advantage

Its not his property, if they were mining his minerals thats one thing but driving on a claim? That guy shouldn't even care unless he was crazy and had booby traps. I can't believe some of you guys are defending the shooter, he obviosly was not fearing for his life, as no one had pulled a gun on him. He seems to be the instigator 100% to me.

Excuse me? Were you there? Were you part of the party driving through? We are seeing one side of the story from a person who was not even there the whole time yet you are taking his version of things as if they were 100% true. I myself would be intimidated if a dozen or so dudes started getting up in my face and I was all by myself in the middle of nowhere. You would be too. The story teller admitted the land was posted but claimed it was kinda hidden. Well he saw it they should have turned around but they decided screw the owner we can go where we want. He also admitted some of them were armed just not the ones who were caught tresspassing. I do not enjoy people being shot but had these wheelers not tresspassed (a felony) it never would have happened. Who knows they may have also been damaging the habitated of woolly spotted dick tree frog a rare and protected species.

04/09/2009, 03:07 PM
So I am usually reminded that I dont want to be associated with those guys and dont buy a sticker. I also dont support that site.

There are a few decent guys on there, but yeah, the majority of them are douchers, imo. I'm more of a lurker on that site now. I like looking at it from time to time to see what's going on around town and what local people are thinking about.

for the most part.
:laughing: yeah, we have a much better ratio here! ;)


04/09/2009, 04:21 PM
And @ nerve... the ballistics of a 40sw aren't substantially different than a 9mm, and a .380 is a 9mm short. And we should all realize... none of us... NONE OF US are going be using our guns, and the threat of them will be enough 99% of the time ;)

...Speak for yourself...No using it to threaten doesn't always work and you should never your weapon to threaten unless you whole heartedly intend to use it.

04/09/2009, 05:04 PM
...Speak for yourself...No using it to threaten doesn't always work and you should never your weapon to threaten unless you whole heartedly intend to use it.

Ooops... didn't see you're from Richmond...

You probably have to use it daily :p

I agree don't pull the weapon unless you intend to use it, but even more important, don't pull the trigger if the threat is gone.

Of course in my CCW class the POLICE OFFICER that ran it said... "Dead men tell no tales"

And I always speak for myself but thanks :D

04/10/2009, 11:26 AM
Yeah I live in the RVA but its not that bad. There are other reasons I said what I said but I can't go into detail on that.

04/10/2009, 07:21 PM
IMO, for family home protection, there is no replacement for a shotgun. You can remove limbs with a twelver loaded with 00. My shotgun is loaded with 00 and then slug, in alternating order. So, please don't break into my house cause it is going to be a hell of a mess. :)

lol same here bart...i have a 30" 12ga(home protection shotty) in my room (not loaded until something happens because ill be damned if i get shot with my own gun!)

12ga with 00buckshot and a rottweiller...oh and 12 years martial arts for me..

i feel pretty safe in my home ;)