View Full Version : Labor Day Meet In Ocean City MD

07/08/2003, 02:05 PM
OK it's time to get a head count for the upcoming Labor Day meet in Ocean City.

***** Attention *****

Due to an overwhelming lack of local interest, the meet is now a free for all. Come one, come all, from all corners of the Earth to Ocean City MD Aug 29 thru Sept 1. Meet members such as GT aka WormGod and Robert at the world class resort of Ocean City Maryland. Ocean City awaits your arrival. Enjoy.

***** Atention *****

I'll catch you guys at the next meet :luck:

07/08/2003, 02:36 PM
Really wish I could have voted on the first choice! ;) LOL

07/08/2003, 03:15 PM
You KNOW to count me in! I am actually headed down to Assateague again in a couple of weeks for a 4 day camp out. Wanna get some shots of me tearing some beach apart in the VX.

07/09/2003, 07:55 AM
I will try and make it down there to see you guys again. Hopefully I will be sporting new shoes if I can ever decide which ones to get. My brother has a house there--around 120th street.

I recently applied for a federal job with the USDA which might take me to Minnesota and am expecting to hear if I get an interview sometime soon. So maybe I'll have a new job and be looking for fellow VXers in Minnesota.

Thanks, NAV, for keeping everybody in the loop!!!

07/15/2003, 06:33 AM
Wow, this is looking bleak. I know it's a ways away, but wow.... us Mid Atlantic VX'ers just dont seem to be so well organised. :p

Nav, we can always joing up with the Jeepers who are also going down.

Hehe, Jeepers.... with VX's in the mix, it would be like the Soc's and the Greasers getting along happily. ;)

07/15/2003, 08:35 AM

I will be there too. I live in DE but working in the DC area.


07/22/2003, 01:16 PM
Hi Navigator,

I reserved a hotel room for that weekend (have no tent or trailer anymore) but I am ready to hang around the camp site with you guys.
Any plans or schedule?


07/22/2003, 06:02 PM
Glad to have you aboard Robert, nothing is set in stone, not enough response to plan anything, the beaches will be swarming with lots to see and do. If less than 5 VX'rs show intent, we'll wing it, only agenda is to party like it's the end of summer and show off the VX's.

07/23/2003, 08:10 AM
I am gonna try to reserve my campsite at Assateague this week, for that weekend. A few notes on what goes on there since I was there this past weekend.

To drive on the beach, the following must be done....

$70 pass which lasts till the same day next year/you will have to put a sticker on your driver side bumper (they let me put it on the windshield since the VX bumpers are plastic)

a shovel (I have a military utility shovel that folds up)

4 boards (36" 2x4's or plywood in case you get stuck)

Tow strap (you'll never need it cause the VX WON'T get stuck)

tire pressure gauge (drop the pressure to 15lbs for the sand. they have pumps when you leave)

There are a few rules for the beach riding but when and if you sign up, you will get a paper that explains them all.

Basically, I think that a cool little party on the beach for a night during the meet would be killer. We are allowed a campfire drinking, and canopy sitting tents, just no sleeping on the beach. And the best part is, they never close. We were there till 2am, and nobody ever even bothered to check on us. The beach is about 15 miles south of Ocean City if anyone is staying up there. Mucho fun!

07/23/2003, 09:55 AM
I did a little searching online and came up with these sites....

The State campground....


The National beach (for partying!)



07/23/2003, 10:39 AM
Now for the pi55er....

The State campgrounds are booked up. I tried every camping loop for lots and they are ALL taken already. So much for there. There are a few more places however. I stayed at the Ocean City Campgrounds (http://www.occamping.com/) last year and it was pretty cool. Lots of partying went on there all night. I JUST submitted a reservation there and will see if that works out. Too bad for the other place. Frontier Town (http://www.frontiertown.com/index.cfm) looks like a workable location, given there are lots open there.

It's odd, but I think camping is getting more and more popular cause it was never this hard to get a reservation in such advance before. This really sucks. If you plan on camping, post your location here if you get the reservation.

07/23/2003, 02:24 PM
Well, I just got my notice that I do indeed have a site at the Ocean City Campgrounds. I will be there from the 29th to the 1st. It's a bit steeper in price than the others, but no biggy. If you want to try this site, go to the link above for the Ocean City Campgrounds in my last post. Regardless of what happens, I will be there.

A one day thing sounds cool, but I AM taking one full day to go to the National Beach and party it up. I have my beach pass for my VX and am driving out on the beach. Any and all are welcome and it will be a great time. Surf fishing, boozing, cooking out, all right there on the beach, as long as we want.

I would invire more into my camping site, but this place only allows 1 vehicle per lot and 1 tent. They are little more strict since they are IN Ocean City.

Anyways, check out the above link if you want to try for a site. Otherwise, I would look at hotels. :luck:

07/23/2003, 03:26 PM

I reserved a hotel room in OC just to be sure...but I am ready to go anywhere. I will be there on my own for 3 days just to meet you guys. Beach driving and party sounds great!

Please keep me posted about what you have decided.


07/24/2003, 06:49 AM
Click here http://www.fskmotel.com/ . For those of you, who love camping, but hate late August heat, humidity, insects, horses :D, etc... If you act quickly you can still book a room. Rates are reasonable from $95 and up a night. Not bad for Ocean City area on Labor Day weekend.

See you all there :D

07/24/2003, 08:30 AM
You arent actually staying IN the city Nav? Bah! ;)

The place I am camping is on 70th bayside. No horses, no bugs, but there is always rain to contend with :?: . Even so, if you all plan on going, give your thoughts on having a jam session on the beach in Assateague. Details are in a previous post about it. Something tells me that seeing a caravan of VX's rolling down the beach will put the fear of SooZoo in all those jacked up Chevys and Fords out there. :evil:

07/25/2003, 07:52 AM
Cool. Any and all can come by, you just have to park on the street or out in the parking lot across the street. I would much prefer to get everyone rounded in in their VX's though, and drive south 12 miles to Assateague to drive out and cookout on the beach with some steaks and brews. That alone is a day's adventure. ;)

And c'mon folks, if you dont at least respond to this and say you cant make it, I will let the air out of your tires if you ever make it to another meet. :p Head count! Head count!

07/26/2003, 06:35 AM

I have a hotel reservation in OC but as I sad before I will go with you guys where ever you go. Beach driving and party sounds great so I am in. Can I buy the $70 ticket for the beach ride on the Net or it has to be purchsed there? Anyway count on me!
I will be there by latest Friday noon and will only leave on Monday. We should have a meeting point fixed soon.


07/28/2003, 08:15 AM
I believe you CAN do it online, but you have to pass the ranger's office on your way to the beach anyways. May as well just stop by there and pay up, that way you can tell them about your plastic bumpers and how the sticker wont stick. They will want to see your VX before you attach it to your vehicle. Better to have their consent when you stick it on your windshield instead of your bumper anyways.

07/29/2003, 10:31 AM
Due to an overwhelming lack of local interest, the meet is now a free for all. Come one, come all, from all corners of the Earth to Ocean City MD Aug 29 thru Sept 1. Meet members such as GT aka WormGod and Robert at the world class resort of Ocean City Maryland. Ocean City awaits your arrival. Enjoy.

07/29/2003, 07:27 PM
Tis a shame. Heck, with the lack of VX owner support in the Mid Atlantic, I might just start inviting ANYONE with ANY type of ISUZU. ;)

08/06/2003, 07:31 AM
Well, it appears that this "meet" has fallen apart. I will be down there regardless since I already have the reservation and time off from work. "IF" you happen to be reading this and are going, drop me a line at gt@bethsoft.com to let me know so I can give you my cell #. That way we can attempt to hook up down there and munch on some crabs and play whack-a-mole, or something. ;)

08/06/2003, 10:19 AM

I will be there!
WormGod, I have just sent you an e-mail with my cell phone number.
What about you Navigator?


08/06/2003, 10:53 AM
I had thought about going when I first read the post a while back.

If I can spontaneously get away for a day, I may try.

But my time is not my own lately. Working on that.

Long(er) road trips are difficult to squeeze into my calendar.

08/07/2003, 06:02 AM
Won't make it to OC fellas. Hopefully, I'll catch you all at the next meet