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View Full Version : Connecting via Facebook

10/27/2008, 05:54 AM
Ever since I got my iPhone I've found a really good use for it - keeping in touch with friends via the Facebook app (it lets me see what's going on and connect with many who I don't get to see on a day-to-day basis) - I was thinking today that I've only got a few VX friends in there and was wondering if anyone would like to exchange Facebook IDs - in any case, here's mine:


I've got two - the one I use is under "John Eaton" (the link above). I've got a second account I created as "John B. Eaton" under another email address to test Facebook apps I was developing at ScreamingSports so please don't send that one anything - I don't get the notifications.

This might be a good thread for people to post their Facebook IDs going forward. Just a thought - oh and if you've ever considered joining a group but was turned off by MySpace, Facebook is really a very different animal - you don't get all the spam, goofy pages and solicitations on there.

-- John

10/27/2008, 07:05 AM
here i am..


10/27/2008, 10:44 AM
I have just created a group called Isuzu Vehicross on Facebook. Just search for Isuzu Vehicross in groups and then join. Hope to see everyone there, lol :)

10/27/2008, 11:35 AM
joined group and added people as friends

10/27/2008, 03:54 PM

While youre at it... JOIN MY MOB WARS Gang!!! LoL

10/27/2008, 04:25 PM
Me http://www.facebook.com/people/Thomas_Morris/1566720291 (http://www.facebook.com/people/Thomas_Morris/1566720291)

10/27/2008, 06:51 PM
There are actually two other VX groups on Facebook that have been around for a while (neither are very active) - search on "Vehicross" and you'll see them.

-- John

10/28/2008, 08:40 AM
There are actually two other VX groups on Facebook that have been around for a while (neither are very active) - search on "Vehicross" and you'll see them.

-- John

Yeah I just saw them as they came up as similar groups when everyone joined.