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View Full Version : Kids on the Rocks

06/30/2003, 11:00 AM
This past weekend, the Jeep club I am a member in did a off-road event that was fantastic. We coordinated with a organization for the mentally disabled and took about 30 guests on an off-road adventure. If any of you ever hear of the Kids on the Rocks event, I urge you to participate. I had a couple of really great passengers. Sure made my quit complaining about the little things in my life. I posted some pics.


06/30/2003, 12:28 PM
Awesome! Kudos to you man. I do something similar but with horseback riding. I totally enjoy working with disabled folks and showing them a good time. It's always a great payoff seeing them smile and enjoying themselves. :clap:

06/30/2003, 12:52 PM
Dave, I think that's terrific. And always glad to see another NetObjects Fusion user :D

06/30/2003, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by IsuZOOM
Dave, I think that's terrific. And always glad to see another NetObjects Fusion user :D

Its a really basic site - This is an example of my normal NetObjects work...


06/30/2003, 01:57 PM
nice site, I love this pic (http://montevistavet.com/Home/dog_main.jpg) :) I actually worked on NetObjects from v3.0 through MX, before they were purchased by WSP. Lately I code everything by hand though.

06/30/2003, 04:11 PM
Great to hear that... my wife's brother lives with us because he is autistic. I don't know about everyone else, but he's one developmentally disabled person who just LOVES trucks, and I pick him up from a day program every day and he really enjoys getting to ride in the VehiCross. :-) Now I need to just teach him to pronounce it right. Amanda (my wife) told him it was like a Jeep sort of, so now he calls it the "Jeep truck", and of course we just CANNOT have that. :-)

06/30/2003, 04:13 PM
[i] Amanda (my wife) told him it was like a Jeep sort of, so now he calls it the "Jeep truck", and of course we just CANNOT have that. :-) [/B]

Thats funny - they were calling mine the spaceship

06/30/2003, 05:33 PM
Hmmm... just noticed it says I'm a supercharged VXer on my posts now. Must have something to do with posting numbers or something else, because I don't remember dropping three grand on the supercharger and I think I would if I had. :)

06/30/2003, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Heraclid
Hmmm... just noticed it says I'm a supercharged VXer on my posts now. Must have something to do with posting numbers or something else, because I don't remember dropping three grand on the supercharger and I think I would if I had. :)

Don't you know how this site works! Once you post a hundred times you can walk out to your VX, pop the hood and there it is, it's nothing less than amazing! ;)

It's funny though I actually sent my first payment towards my SC and the next time I checked I was a super-charged VXer, quite the coincidence.

07/04/2003, 05:56 PM
What the heck is a 'Zoid?

07/04/2003, 06:12 PM
It is the dude sitting between the Noobee and the Super Charged VXer
