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08/01/2008, 10:54 AM
Is it too early????

Is it time to start thinking of creating the next Calendar? I know there will be some pics from our Elko meet that we will want to submit but I think its time to start putting it together? I know this will be hard to choose with all the great shots from Moab.

08/01/2008, 11:53 AM
Is it too early????

Is it time to start thinking of creating the next Calendar? I know there will be some pics from our Elko meet that we will want to submit but I think its time to start putting it together? I know this will be hard to choose with all the great shots from Moab.

Just a thought...there could be two versions.

One pure offroad...

One a compillation of the best shots submitted, with a bit less offroad flavor.

And no, it's not too early...Christmas will be here in the proverbial blink of an eye.:rolleyesg

08/01/2008, 12:44 PM
Just a thought...there could be two versions.

One pure offroad...

One a compillation of the best shots submitted, with a bit less offroad flavor.

I had been thinking that, if we use cafepress again it would be really easy to create two

I would like to make sure we get some credits on the calendar this year, so anything submitted should have a photographers name (unless you dont want your name on there), location, a general date (month and year would be fine) and any other pertinent info you want (name of driver/owner etc)

08/01/2008, 01:49 PM
Just a thought...there could be two versions.

One pure offroad...

One a compillation of the best shots submitted, with a bit less offroad flavor.

And no, it's not too early...Christmas will be here in the proverbial blink of an eye.:rolleyesg

I had been thinking that, if we use cafepress again it would be really easy to create two

I would like to make sure we get some credits on the calendar this year, so anything submitted should have a photographers name (unless you dont want your name on there), location, a general date (month and year would be fine) and any other pertinent info you want (name of driver/owner etc)

Totally agree

08/01/2008, 02:32 PM
If the picture is good do you think a JDM may get a place in the calendar ?

08/01/2008, 03:24 PM
pic for February

08/01/2008, 07:23 PM
If the picture is good do you think a JDM may get a place in the calendar ?

WELLLLLLLL...I don't know...you've only been a membeer for a VERY short while...:rolleyesg (Apr 08)

HOWEVER, you DO seem to posess some likeable qualities...:smilewink

I'd say, OH HELL YEAH !...:thumbup:

But that's just me, some of the the 'OG McHardcore" memberoidz might be tougher to convince...:razzgray:

Also note...all of the above is nine beers old, so pay no attention...:rotate:

08/01/2008, 09:36 PM
Christmas will be here in the proverbial blink of an eye.:rolleyesg

Man, I don't even want to think about it...


08/01/2008, 09:39 PM
I agree with everything you guys have said thus far. I was even thinking of 3 calanders, an offroad, a street, and a Moab 08 exclusive calander. Hell, I'd buy all three. One for home, one for work and one for the garage. :)

Etl, are you gonna head this one up again? I'm tired. :bgwo:


08/01/2008, 10:00 PM
Just a thought...there could be two versions.

One pure offroad...

One a compillation of the best shots submitted, with a bit less offroad flavor.

And no, it's not too early...Christmas will be here in the proverbial blink of an eye.:rolleyesg

insert 2 cents.

Since the past 2 calendars have been off road ordinated, maybe show truck should have it's turn

08/02/2008, 06:52 AM
yea i figured I would take the lead on it again, I'll probably talk to Knigh7s to see if we can do the voting setup like last year

I think 2 calendars would be fine, one offroad and one street... the offroad one will probably end up 75% moab anyway

okie dokie.. setup the e-mail acct again.. so lets start the submissions

few rules this year
1. All photos should have a VX (or multiple VXs) as a focal point

2. All photos should be appropriate to hang on the wall in an office or family room.

3. All photos should be submitted with at very least the date and location of the photo, and either the photographers name or "anonymous" Any other info (driver, owner, quick caption etc) can be submitted and ill do my best to work it into the photo.

4. Please dont send links to photos, send the high resolution original (6MP or higher please!) so that we have them before a photo gets voted in then we realize we dont have a high resolution copy of it.

Also, if anyone knows a good print/binding place to have these done so the total cost would be under $21 per calendar (including shipping) I would have no problem designing the calendar from scratch and having it produced by a printer

OK well let the submissions begin! send them to vxcalendar@gmail.com

08/02/2008, 12:17 PM
2. All photos should be appropriate to hang on the wall in an office or family room.




08/02/2008, 12:47 PM
etl, The voting system is standing by... just let me know when you want to get them uploaded...

08/04/2008, 09:03 AM
Well, I have several to submit, but I will wait until after the Elko meet to send everything in.


08/04/2008, 06:26 PM
Well, I have several to submit, but I will wait until after the Elko meet to send everything in.


Would you do me a favor & submit this one for me...


I like the low angle & composition of that shot for some reason...maybe I'm a bit partial to the subject matter...:smilewink

08/04/2008, 07:34 PM

Would you do me a favor & submit this one for me...


I like the low angle & composition of that shot for some reason...maybe I'm a bit partial to the subject matter...:smilewink

Sure thing. I will probably submit 6 or 7 total.


08/11/2008, 03:33 PM
OK...you asked for it!

OK well let the submissions begin! send them to vxcalendar@gmail.com

Just sent two mails... 12 pics in all.

A big THANKS for organizing this again this year.


08/11/2008, 06:41 PM
Bart, will you enter that picturesque one over looking Goonie Bird Valley with all the VXs.

I lost that picture again for my sreen saver. When you have time, could you send it to me again?

08/11/2008, 09:50 PM
Cool, i just sent over some photos and artwork...

08/12/2008, 06:40 AM
I will also submit some once we have our Elko trip, which is getting closer than I realized. Maybe I should clean mine up and get some good in town, then I might get a pic in this time.

don moore
08/12/2008, 09:54 AM
Sent one on the way:grinb:

08/19/2008, 03:36 PM
Is the 2009 picture voting happening yet??

...I cant seem to get it...:confused:

etl, The voting system is standing by... just let me know when you want to get them uploaded...



08/19/2008, 03:42 PM
Is the 2009 picture voting happening yet??

...I cant seem to get it...:confused:



I think that we are waiting. At least I hope so cause I have some that I havent submitted yet. Also more after the Elko meet

08/19/2008, 03:51 PM
Cool...sounds good....I've got one or two more I need to send.

Maybe a "submit by" date would be good to "motivate" people!

I think that we are waiting. At least I hope so cause I have some that I havent submitted yet. Also more after the Elko meet


08/19/2008, 04:22 PM
Maybe a "submit by" date would be good to "motivate" people!

I will be submitting after the Labor Day weekend meetup, so if y'all can wait that long I would be much obliged.


08/19/2008, 05:27 PM
The voting has not started, I believe etl is still collecting/waiting for more photo submissions. When it is time, we will let you all know. :)

I personally would like to keep the vote time down to min 2 weeks, max 1 month. But again, we will give the details when the time comes.

08/20/2008, 11:37 AM
yea still waiting for photos.. so far i have 27 submissions

08/23/2008, 02:32 PM
hey jo did you send my picture for submission for me please???


thanks bud...

08/23/2008, 04:58 PM
Of course!

hey jo did you send my picture for submission for me please???


thanks bud...

Its got 5 :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: on a 1-4 scale!


08/24/2008, 10:45 PM


thanks man, i appreciate it...

im excited to see what we come up with....

08/26/2008, 07:49 AM
I MAY have some interesting pics for you after this weekend. I think I have been talked in to parking the WreX for the weekend and use the VX in this weekend's autoX. Yep, I said it, autoX, not rallyX. Some of the guys have been busting my balls about since last summer, so I think I finally have the balls to try it. It's 5 days away and I already have butterflies. Not afraid it's gonna roll, just afraid that tranny isn't gonna be too friendly anymore. Let alone the Nitto Grapplers. Sure wish I still had those Yoko AVS still. Especially since a couple months ago at an event in VA, some clown brought out his NEW Nitro and rolled it on the very first turn. But he was clearly used to running his S2k and had no experience with this truck yet (hell, it still had a temp tag!). Which surprises me that they will allow me to even run the VX. But these are local events sponsored by local vendors and dealerships, so it's all cool.

Anyways, we have 2 other guys that run their Subies and they are both photographers. I already told them they BETTER get some good shots cause I will probably never do it again (if I don't kill her). Hopefully at least 1 good shot comes out of it. :cool:

Still not a definite cause I could get cold feet at the last minute and just end up showing up in the WReX instead. I think I may end up with some beat downs though cause some of the guys are betting cash that I WONT do it, heh.

Ya, the tranny really scares me.... oh how I wish it were manual. :(

08/26/2008, 08:18 AM
Wormy, that sounds pretty cool. Just be really careful, and if you do roll, make sure we get lots of pics.

:) Bart

08/26/2008, 10:42 AM
Guess I jumped the gun by posting this. Just got an email from a buddy who works at a local Subaru dealer that sponsors many of these events and he said they said "Nope, won't allow it". The sponsors have apparently decided to put an end to top heavy and/or SUVs. Guess this stems from the guy who rolled his Nitro.

Ah well, guess I jinxed myself. I imagine I will be taking the WReX after all.

So, sorry, no pics. :(

08/26/2008, 12:32 PM
Bummer... its something I've fancied trying for ages (originally in my slammed Yaris diesel...) I've e-mailed in a couple of photos anyhow...


08/26/2008, 03:00 PM
Bummer... its something I've fancied trying for ages (originally in my slammed Yaris diesel...) I've e-mailed in a couple of photos anyhow...


got em.. thanks!

08/31/2008, 09:23 AM
I would like to put a picture in the contest. It's a cool picture of my VX coming out of Hell's Gate. For those who don't know what Hell's Gate is, check this out.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouWJa6FC7-E&NR=1

Anyhow, the picture was taken back in 2006 during ZuZu. I'm trying to look at picture of ZuZu 2006 and our web site will only allow me to go back 20 pages of post.

Does anyone have pictures that were posted on ZuZu 2006?


08/31/2008, 10:10 AM
O.K. I think I finally found the thread, but I can't seem to find the picture. http://vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=8822
It may be on those pictures that Biju took, I'm not sure, but those pictures are not coming up. Can someone explain why Biju's pics are the only ones not coming up?

08/31/2008, 11:26 AM
He may have pulled them from his server or the server may be down.
You should have done a wheelie for an even better pic:bwgy:
I'll see what I have of you from the gate.

09/01/2008, 02:22 PM
Stand by for my pics - i am off for a weekends Off roading with ITOCUK.co.uk
the isuzu troopers club - we are off to an off road center in Shropshire called Buildwas
should be fun

09/02/2008, 04:55 AM
I am a slacker. havent been on boads hardly @ all and trying to read through all post I have missed..

I will send a email tonight after work with some picture if that will be alright...

Course i have to go through the ton of picture I have from moab and other things.

09/03/2008, 11:36 PM
Hurricane has been keeping me super buisy @ work so I havent had time to send them. If I am too late then there is always next yr I guess :)

09/04/2008, 03:32 AM
Hurricane has been keeping me super buisy @ work so I havent had time to send them. If I am too late then there is always next yr I guess :)

no worries.. we are still at only 38 submissions from maybe 8 people. The submission process will probably go on for a while longer (october at least)

09/06/2008, 07:41 AM
Hi, ETL and other members of the Vehicross family.
I am starting the similar project (VX-2009 calendar) on the Russian VX web site and have a request for you: can I ask ETL to submit all your photos to me, so that I could put them up for vote on Russian site, and include 2-3 of them in the calendar?
On my side, I promise to do the same and upload the Russian VX pictures for you once I finish collecting (4 weeks from this Sunday).... and, believe me, we have some amazing pics here in Russia as well :)
OK? :thumbup:

09/07/2008, 05:15 PM
Hi, ETL and other members of the Vehicross family.
I am starting the similar project (VX-2009 calendar) on the Russian VX web site and have a request for you: can I ask ETL to submit all your photos to me, so that I could put them up for vote on Russian site, and include 2-3 of them in the calendar?
On my side, I promise to do the same and upload the Russian VX pictures for you once I finish collecting (4 weeks from this Sunday).... and, believe me, we have some amazing pics here in Russia as well :)
OK? :thumbup:

cool with me.. when i get them all i will zip up a file and send it

09/19/2008, 10:17 AM
Hi etlsport.

I have a question about the parameters for picture submissions...

...in particular your new "rule" #2

few rules this year

2. All photos should be appropriate to hang on the wall in an office or family room.

Given we ALL have different views on what is "appropriate "......:cool:

....is it not equally "appropriate " to submit any and all pictures ,
and ALLOW the voting/calendar buying members of the forum
to choose which pics they would like ??

Just a thought....given my views on democracy....and whats "appropriate"! :p



09/19/2008, 10:33 AM
Jo, admit it, you're just a perv. :p


09/19/2008, 01:41 PM
Hi etlsport.

I have a question about the parameters for picture submissions...

...in particular your new "rule" #2

Given we ALL have different views on what is "appropriate "......:cool:

....is it not equally "appropriate " to submit any and all pictures ,
and ALLOW the voting/calendar buying members of the forum
to choose which pics they would like ??

Just a thought....given my views on democracy....and whats "appropriate"! :p



i would be ok with whatever photos... problem is i was informed by several (5-6) members last that they would not be buying the calendar if your photos from last year showed up.. its my goal to keep as many people as possible happy with this calendar.. i doubt anyone would not buy the calendar because theres no sexy women in wet clothes in it.. but i know there are people who wouldnt buy it because there are...

so in short.. I won't post up photos for voting that i think are not family friendly.. but if somebody else would like to take the lead on this project i will gladly send you all the submissions so far so they can take it over and run it how they see appropriate

09/19/2008, 01:56 PM
Jo, I think you should make your very own, "special" calander. Have your model start fully clothed in January, and then by the time we get to December, its all off. :rolleyes:



09/19/2008, 04:22 PM
Hi etlsport...thanks for the reply.

Your efforts to get the pics voted on...and turned into a calander are awesome...

...and I have no wish to sound like I'm suggesting otherwise.

I guess I just wonder how many people would buy , if the calander was truly
open to a vote on all submissions.

I dont know how many calanders you sold last year...
....but I hope 5-6 people isnt a large % of your sales!

And I do know at least 10-12 that would be sold if any of my 'pin up style' shots
were lucky enough to be voted in.
(Aussie Pub regulars...where she works .....will snap 'em up! :rolleyes:...)

But Hey... last year my 'pin up' shots didnt even make the final cut...#13 if I recall :cool:

I dont want to make waves on this issue , especially given YOU are the one
putting in all the time and effort.

But I feel that a vote lets the majority speak...

....and that would be in line with your desire to "keep as many people as possible happy"

Anyhooooo.....I'm done...I've said my bit!

Thanks again for your input and time on this.


09/19/2008, 04:24 PM
And you call me a perv....:p:p:p

Jo, I think you should make your very own, "special" calander. Have your model start fully clothed in January, and then by the time we get to December, its all off. :rolleyes:



Heck...I'm just plodding along doing my photo job...

...someones gotta do it.

May as well be me!


09/19/2008, 04:31 PM
And you call me a perv....:p:p:p

Hey, I never claimed to not be a perv myself! :rolleyes: I thought it was a pretty good idea! :p

Heck...I'm just plodding along doing my photo job...
Does that actually wash with your wife??

:laughing: Bart

09/19/2008, 04:44 PM

Does that actually wash with your wife??

:laughing: Bart

.......of course.

Not only was she there for the shoot , she did the styling and the make up.....

....and wet down the t/shirt :smilewink

Its a European thang.....!


09/19/2008, 06:08 PM
"A vote lets the majority speak" ...........what kind of crazy idea is that? Where is that calander selling at.....AMERICA? lol

BTW.............everyone is a perv......the difference is not everyone is willing to admit it.

"I agree with JO. Put it out there and let the VX community make the decision if they want it in the calendar.


09/20/2008, 09:28 AM
I know I was aginst it last year for the main calenadar but I need one in my office at home. So Lets put it up for Vote since I thought we were doing two calendars anyhow. Lets add a third. I havent seen anything from Moncha about the pics Jo posted, should we take that one off site so we remain Family friendly?

Off road

Eric, If your not up for handling the second one then I am sure someone will take it on.

Scott Harness
09/20/2008, 02:52 PM
Its a European thang.....!


Americans are so up-tight about nudity. It's so dirty to see naked people:gring: Remember-we are all NAKED under our clothes.

09/20/2008, 02:57 PM
Its a European thang.....!


Americans are so up-tight about nudity. It's so dirty to see naked people:gring: Remember-we are all NAKED under our clothes.[/QUOTE]

Not me man...I've got a thick callous layer, then a layer of grease & grime, then dirt, & the outside, most visible layer, is sawdust & scabs.:smilewink

09/20/2008, 10:12 PM
I dont mind takin it over. After all I have the voting system in place that we used last year and again the one we will be using again when voting is open.

BUT, I do stand with ETL on this one. The main calendar should be family oriented for the sake of this site. If we all want a second one that is more for our "garage" or home offices and stuff, we can do that through my site with the same voting system. But of course there will still be some "guide lines".

Our last years calander was a great hit with this community and I think that is a trend we should stick with here.

So let me know about the "other" calendar ideas and maybe I can get one started.

09/21/2008, 02:05 AM
Hey, I already have a few dozens of pics for "Russian VX calendar" which I will be happy to exchange when I finish collecting (about two weeks from now)... hopefully, not to late for including a couple of best ones in your voting... and just not to depart from the recent exciting discussion too much, yes, there will be a few "hot" pics in there ;)

09/22/2008, 08:56 PM
Americans are so up-tight about nudity. It's so dirty to see naked people:gring: Remember-we are all NAKED under our clothes.

My dog is always naked.

:p Bart

09/22/2008, 08:59 PM
So I have been working on a "special" shot just for the calander. Here is what I have so far.


I still think it needs a little work. I really want to get star trails in there to but I think it will be tough with all the ambient light from the city...but you get the idea.

Comments? Suggestions?


Scott Harness
09/23/2008, 06:11 AM
My dog is always naked.

:p Bart

Just say NO to naked dogs:bgwp:

09/23/2008, 06:01 PM
Hey, I already have a few dozens of pics for "Russian VX calendar" which I will be happy to exchange when I finish collecting (about two weeks from now)... hopefully, not to late for including a couple of best ones in your voting... and just not to depart from the recent exciting discussion too much, yes, there will be a few "hot" pics in there ;)


Где твой форум?

- d

09/24/2008, 06:30 AM
Simplicity is not easily kept in this group :disturbed

Here's my take. Yes, a family/work safe calendar is appropriate to be sponsored by the site but, the other can be done and I will post it/them. It/they will however, have a strong warning about the content so as no one is surprised when ordering. I would suggest a fairly harmless cover graphic that can be used on all of the calendars for store thumbnail purposes.

This may be overkill but, can we make a link to the other calendar(s) submissions by request only so eyes that do not want to see nor eyes that don't need to see don't have to?

09/24/2008, 09:18 AM

Где твой форум?

- d

http://forum.4x4club.ru , Веховодство :)

09/24/2008, 11:45 AM
Дядя Аса, есть ли места на вашем форуме да, я могу только сказать привет?

09/24/2008, 02:25 PM
Дядя Аса, есть ли места на вашем форуме да, я могу только сказать привет?

:eekgray:...holy crap...I've been teleported to a russian speaking VX forum...:smilewink

And they've taken over the Boss mans brain...:uhohgray:

09/24/2008, 07:14 PM
huh....im lost....

09/24/2008, 07:35 PM
I was too...

huh....im lost....

...then the wife translated for me :p


don moore
09/24/2008, 10:28 PM

09/26/2008, 09:47 AM
Дядя Аса, есть ли места на вашем форуме да, я могу только сказать привет?

You can use this thread: http://forum.4x4club.ru/index.php?showtopic=59967 or create another one :)

09/26/2008, 10:02 AM
:eekgray:...holy crap...I've been teleported to a russian speaking VX forum...:smilewink
Sorry about that :)

BTW, just to clear the forum name: Веховодство [vehɔ'vɔdstvɔ] - Vehicross breeding :)

09/26/2008, 10:12 AM
cool thanks!

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread.

10/06/2008, 06:21 AM
Don't want to forget about this calendar either.

10/09/2008, 01:38 PM
sorry ive been quiet as of late.. busy busy.. i do have many many submissions for the calendar (somewhere between 90 and 100.. ill know for sure tomorrow night after ive had a chance to catch up)

I'll take submissions until OCTOBER 19TH 11:59PM then i will be sending the photos over to knighs7 for voting... so send em in!


10/17/2008, 03:08 PM
bump... 2 more days to submit

10/21/2008, 05:51 PM
bump... voting soon?

(no rush)

10/21/2008, 07:56 PM
midterms week at drexel.. :cryb: i actually just e-mailed with knigh7s today about it, im going to be sending him the photos this week so keep your eyes open for him to get the voting started

10/23/2008, 05:15 PM
i hope someone didn't ask this question already. if they did, forgive me!

i just got my VX last week, so i've not had a chance to take him out for some pictures. this weekend is supposed to be sunny and beautiful here in seattle and i'll be taking some shots of my VX with the beautiful leaves in the background. I'd love to submit a couple of shots if that's okay?

Have I missed the deadline already?

oh dang...i just read the deadline on page 5. oh well...maybe next year.

~jody :grinp:

10/23/2008, 05:42 PM
I'm not sure if the deadline for submitting pictures for this calendar has past. I do know JoFotoz is coming out with a calendar too! Maybe you could send some pics for his calendar.:)

10/23/2008, 05:43 PM
I'm not sure if the deadline for submitting pictures for this calendar has past. I do know JoFotoz is coming out with a calendar too! Maybe you could send some pics for his calendar.:)

cool! i'll stay tuned! thanks! ;)

10/23/2008, 07:06 PM
im not around my house again until saturday night.. so i wont be sending out the photos until then.. any submissions i get before saturday night (8-9pm) ill include still, so go ahead and send them in... the calendar that jofotos is making is a lil different from this one haha