View Full Version : Not quite Moab but...

07/06/2008, 10:22 AM
Hi folks - another one of my intermittent posts from the far side of "the pond"...

I just thought I'd post up a link to the photos some friends and I took of our recent foray on/in the byways of Wales here in the UK. All of the tracks we went along are public rights of way.

Of course, over here people have even less idea of the whole "Vehicross concept" so there were plenty of questions to be fielded. My favourite was an elderly Welshman (he must have been well into his 70s) who declared it "Super! Just super! I've worked with cars and vehilces all my life and I've never seen one that as... well... super as this one!" :bgwp:

Anyhow, the VX was much less than disgraced and I'd like to thank you guys for all the pictures of Moab and the like so I knew what the car was capable of (much more than the driver, that's for sure!) before deciding whether to attempt an obstacle.

We're going back in September and I can't wait...

Piccys are here:- Clicky! (http://picasaweb.google.com/ajpbradley/GreenlaningWalesJune2008BestOf)

and there's a short Youtube video here! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83PoNHZpyFw)...

More VX-specific pics to come...



07/06/2008, 11:52 AM
Glad to see you out and enjoying the "other side" of the VX. Looks like a fun and very scenic trip.:cool:

07/07/2008, 06:17 AM
Who was extracting whom in the winch pictures??

07/10/2008, 12:36 AM
Who was extracting whom in the winch pictures??

Sorry for the delay - I've been away for a few days.

The Lightweight Landy is pulling the Pajero back on to its wheels. The Paj ran slightly high up the bank then overbalanced (very slowly, I'm told) until the C-pillar was resting on the stone wall on the other side of the track. Everyone was fine - only damage being a broken rear window (thank goodness for tint film - it held everything in place and meant they could continue the weekend) and a slightly bashed C-pillar (battle scars).

Most of the repair cost was getting the new rear window re-tinted to match the others.