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View Full Version : Houston-Wanna Try This Saturday (21st?))

06/17/2003, 04:28 AM
OK...shall we attempt this again? This time the host will hopefully be around to host. How 'bout this Saturday (21st)..say noon..at my place. Same deal-plan on a swim then dinner (if we can reach Andrei) afterwards. The weather is supposed to improve by then. For those who need Katy directions drop me a line and, as always, new folks are welcome to my humble abode.
Lemme know who's planning on attending...looking forward to it. If you need a mod brought from Austin advise Tone and we can slap it on here.
Jeep Gladiator History (http://www.dodge-wiki.com/wiki/Jeep_Gladiator)

06/17/2003, 02:06 PM
I'm in.

06/17/2003, 07:38 PM
Myself and VXCrazy will be there. Tim, you bringing the Marq machine?

06/18/2003, 07:00 AM
I will be there.
Larry:D :p

06/18/2003, 07:38 AM
I'll try to make it to dinner due to my busy schedule that day (garage sale in the morning + moving related honey-do's ;eekp; ). Let me know the plans for the evening.

Any plans for the group to go to an Astros' game? There are some cheap tickets ($15) and you don't really have to like baseball (just beers and peanuts ;Dp; ).


06/19/2003, 07:32 AM
Ran into Rickster last night. He might join the group for dinner Saturday.

Any possibility of having dinner near Clear Lake, Kemah? I have no control over contractors working at my place that day (the pool guys said that they will start excavating on Saturday, and the kitchen countertops guys just called advising that they will finish the already delayed work also on Saturday. That's on top of the garage sale in the morning!!!). The contractors usually work until 6-7 p.m.

This is just a suggestion....Do whatever is more convenient for the group. I'll do my best to meet you guys Saturday evening....


06/19/2003, 08:18 AM
Chances are Daniel that we'll be eating at Andrei's restaurant (Richmond & 610) if we hear from him. By the time the group here gets out of my "cement pond" it's gonna be too late to make that long drive to Kemah then have some of them drive back to Austin from there . Send me your cell number and I'll advise you of dinner plans.. it'll be around 7 though.
Box Vape Instructions (http://www.vaporshop.com)

06/19/2003, 04:47 PM
Astro’s aren’t in town this Sat but that would be fun - we have a great AA team up here with a fantastic stadium. I’ll give Andrei a call tonite and see if we can nail down a dinner time.

06/19/2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Tone
Tim, you bringing the Marq machine?
Not this time. Still need some stuff (on order) before it is ready to run.