View Full Version : So you take someone to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse

02/26/2008, 03:53 PM
Happy Birthday! Tell you what, I'll spring for a couple good steaks! If the other knucklehead proceeds to cut an entire,(60 buck, perfectly done, just beautiful, 30 ounce or something Porterhouse) into little tiny, bitty pieces before they eat it....like a friggin 10 year old....and make an issue over the food "touching" (touching the other food on the plate) then get stupid on a few fruity drinks and puke the entire 150 bucks worth of dinner and drinks and all in the parking lot...do you get to chase this woman around with a stick...or is a present a present, and you shrug and laugh it off?? I say, Chase her with a stick!!!

Scott Harness
02/26/2008, 04:16 PM
Chase her with a stick!

02/26/2008, 04:18 PM
Everyone else had a great time....the meat is wonderful. Just the guest of honor that turned out to be an a-hole. Now do you get rid of her?? I'm thinkin'...off time is off time. You get to act however you want. Still...this is a newish person...we don't know you that well...wow! Now it's about to become uncomfortable. Pretend it didn't happen at all?? Uhhhh..Ok....you tell those guys to not torture her.

02/26/2008, 04:18 PM
Take photos, threaten to post them on your MySpace.com page, and tell her that for $151.99 you WON'T upload them.

02/26/2008, 04:40 PM
Got her phone number? ...Cuz I got a stick to chase her around with..:p

02/26/2008, 05:54 PM
Everyone else had a great time....the meat is wonderful. Just the guest of honor that turned out to be an a-hole.

Personally, I'm always impressed when you find a woman who'll actually eat a steak, still. When you're looking to explore all the flavors and tastes that this world has to offer, vegetarians suck.

02/26/2008, 06:05 PM
Personally, I'm always impressed when you find a woman who'll actually eat a steak, still. When you're looking to explore all the flavors and tastes that this world has to offer, vegetarians suck.

haha the last 3 girls ive dated have all refused to eat red meat (just coincidence) vegetarians make cheap dates.. i order a steak, she eats the salad that comes with it.. and everybodys happy

i'm usually a giver of second chances.. never third

VX crazy
02/26/2008, 06:08 PM
Maybe she was just nervous and that is why she drank too much, NOT an excuse by any means......did she at all apologize? Did she thank you for dinner? Sounds to me like she is a little OCD, which explains not wanting food to touch AND drinking (because she is uncomfortable) you may want to cut your loses now....and RUNNNNNN

She sounds just like me, but I know I have not been to Florida in awhile....:bgwp:

02/26/2008, 07:16 PM
When you're looking to explore all the flavors and tastes that this world has to offer, vegetarians suck.Dude, what are you talking about?! Vegetarians taste MUCH better! Nothing like a tender, all organic, grain fed, free range vegetarian. Mmmmm...

Seriously though, when a lady takes you out for your b-day, it's always a gift... but if she's that nutty, I recommend NOT chasing her around with your stick. ;Db;

02/26/2008, 07:23 PM
I once told a veggy that in case of a nuke war, veggies would be the first people to get eaten when we all go canibal. I told her that in the event of nuclear winter, when the plants die, the veggies would start to suffer, so, to make sure that they didn't suffer long, we (meat eaters) would have to put them out of their misery by eating them. She was not amused.

(Yes, a fat guy!!)

02/27/2008, 06:37 AM
Dude, what are you talking about?! Vegetarians taste MUCH better! Nothing like a tender, all organic, grain fed, free range vegetarian. Mmmmm...

I'll drink to that

Non-vegetarian below?

02/27/2008, 08:48 AM
I saw this bumper sticker a while back:

If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?

...tasty, tasty meat..... :bwgy:

02/27/2008, 10:27 AM
Ask a veggie sometime what a cow eats...so actually there meat is a different form of there beliefs. A veggie friend and I have fun with that one...

02/27/2008, 03:43 PM
I am not a vegetarian, nor am I a die hard meat eater. I do believe humans are omnivorous, but that said I think humans were not meant to eat the flesh of other animals, except maybe fish. There has been plenty of scientific research on the subject, much of which has concluded the following major points, which I agree with:

1) No carnivore in nature eats cooked or prepared meat of any kind

2) Carnivorous animals have a significantly shorter digestive tract, which enables them to process meat faster and more efficiently, eliminating the risk of constipation and internal putrification (something that happens to a lot of people who eat way to much red meat)

3) Look at our teeth. Look at a tiger's teeth. Big difference.

4) Apes (our closest mammalian relatives) do eat a "meat" of sorts. But not the "meat" we are used to. They eat insects, along with their fruits & veggies. Although, I do believe there are some lesser Asian primates that are carnivorous to an extent.

Anyway, when it comes down to it, I think we are meant to eat fruit, veggies and probably worms and other inverts, but not pigs, cows, goats and birds of any kind. I really don't know about humans eating fish, but without manmade tools, fish would most certainly not be on the menu either. But then again, why the heck does lobster taste so darn good if we weren't meant to eat it? And if we weren't meant to eat meat why do our brains give us the ability to find a way to do so? But that is an entirely different issue...


02/27/2008, 03:53 PM
You're right about the smaller gut...but you are missing a vital point. That easily digestable meat allowed your gut to get smaller, freeing up blood flow for that ever expanding brain you were building. Cooking took the place of the complex gut you would need to deal with the pathogens in spoiled flesh....keeping the blood flow free for that wonderful brain.;) Meat is good!

02/27/2008, 03:59 PM
This is an empolyee, not a G.F. I've been married all my adult life:p

02/27/2008, 04:03 PM
3) Look at our teeth. Look at a tiger's teeth. Big difference.

4) Apes (our closest mammalian relatives) do eat a "meat" of sorts. But not the "meat" we are used to. They eat insects, along with their fruits & veggies. Although, I do believe there are some lesser Asian primates that are carnivorous to an extent.

Maybe go check out the choppers on your average chimp or go-rilly.

They look more like tigers than peoples.:smilewink

02/27/2008, 04:06 PM
Like I said, I love a juicy burger and a large pepperoni pie as much as the next guy, and I have no plans to give it up, I just find the scientific evidence supporting that humans are more than likely not equipped physically to eat meat, very compelling...

Now, this thread is making me hungry.

:) Bart

02/27/2008, 04:17 PM
Your back teeth are like of elephants and cows, made for eating vegetable matter. Your front teeth are those of a hunter, made to grip and tear meat. (Canines, the closest thing you have to fangs, they are even called that on cats!!!)

Also, any person that tells you that God doesn't want you to eat meat, needs to do a little more research, look at Acts, I think it was Peter, God told him to rise and eat of a bunch of animals he supplied.

But, to keep this light(er), just to set it clear. If I ever join y'all on one of these wilderness trips, and we all break down or some other great tragedy happens that leaves us with little or no food. Well, not being a boy scout and knowing what plants I could eat in the great out doors, Veggies, I wouldn't sleep real soundly, you could wake up with BBQ sauce on parts of you.


02/27/2008, 04:22 PM
If the good lord didn't want us to eat cows, he wouldn't have made the darn things out of steak. (quote, Ldubs Grandpa)

02/27/2008, 04:28 PM
Chimpanzee's are most decidedly omnivores....they'll take meat whenever it is available. And we aren't talking grasshoppers.

02/27/2008, 04:29 PM
...but I don't give a crap what god or the bible says. And that is another problem I have with the way people "use" the planet.

:) Bart

02/27/2008, 04:41 PM
An amazing amount of the methane and co2 we produce, comes from our feed herds.:(

02/27/2008, 07:12 PM
Honestly, the whole idea of raising living beings for food is really disturbing to me. There's a disturbingly narrow line between eating canines and eating bovines. Yet one is morally repugnant, and the other is delicious! It's better if I I just don't think too hard about where my steak came from...

So, yeah. I understand the vegetarian angle. I know about eating at higher trophic levels. I'll even grant that we're not designed to eat meat. (I don't think we were 'designed' at all. But that's a whole other argument...)

But it is sort of difficult to argue with success. I mean, we got where we are today by, generally, eating meat. Meat offered us the concentrated protein, that allowed us to get off the farm and into the laboratories, factories, etc.

I'd like my meat to be healthy and treated well. It should be raised in an environmentally sustainable way. I'd like it to be grass-fed, thank you, and humanely killed. I'd like it carefully ground, lovingly grilled with a dash of salt, and placed on top of an egg bun with some applewood-smoked pepper bacon, a hint of BBQ sauce, a little lettuce, a slice of tomato, some grilled onions and a slice of mild cheddar cheese. I'd like it parked neatly between a cold wheat beer and a pile of shoestring fries.

But in a pinch I'll settle for a number two combo, no onions, no pickles, medium sized, iced tea, to go.

02/27/2008, 09:02 PM
I'd like my meat to be healthy and treated well. It should be raised in an environmentally sustainable way. I'd like it to be grass-fed, thank you, and humanely killed. I'd like it carefully ground, lovingly grilled with a dash of salt, and placed on top of an egg bun with some applewood-smoked pepper bacon, a hint of BBQ sauce, a little lettuce, a slice of tomato, some grilled onions and a slice of mild cheddar cheese. I'd like it parked neatly between a cold wheat beer and a pile of shoestring fries.Now THAT makes me hungry...

Bart - I've heard those arguments before and while compelling, you also have to factor in evolution. Chopper already explained why the shorter digestive tract gave us a physiological advantage of having a body more adapted to thinking than digestion, and that advanced brain allowed us to learn to cook and create tools and weapons, making the sharp teeth of the typical carnivore obsolete. In addition, the complete proteins found in meat are very difficult to duplicate with an all vegetarian diet. However, if you don't believe in some form of creationism/intelligent design, it's very difficult to argue that we have a purpose or were "meant" to do anything. Oh, and let's not forget that meat tastes and smells so darn good, giving further evidence to the fact that we're supposed to eat it! I even have vegetarian friends that agree to that fact, but it's more an ethical issue for them.

Chopper - Well now you have some great office dirt to use as leverage any time she starts acting up... "remember that time you lost your lunch at Ruth Chris?" ;Db;

02/28/2008, 06:34 AM
i have never really been a fan of steak. For one reason; it simply bores me that it takes so long to chew - it started during childhood. This plays right into what Bart has been saying. I dont like it becuase the taste does not compensate for my short attention span, now if it tasted better I would give it time. It only takes this amount of time versus other foods becuase our mouths are not completely desinged to eat cooked slabs of meat.

I know there will be comments as to me not eating meat. Im not vegan or veggitarin either. I just prefer seafood vs a thick slab of meat.

Furthermore, we are not made to easily digest it either and that is a fact. It is proven that our body goes into overkill to break it down.

02/28/2008, 08:04 AM
Wow, I am just now catching this....

Was there at least a "happy ending" from the drunk freeloader? :p


(picturing the blonde drunk in 40 Year Old Virgin)

02/28/2008, 08:11 AM
OK, I will agree with one thing - I too prefer good, quality seafood over meat in my daily diet. If fresh seafood were readily available and affordable, I'd probably get most of my proteins that way, but chicken and beef are much cheaper, readily available, and easy to prepare. But I'd still need a really good steak every once in a while just to remind me I'm at the top of the food chain. :Db;

02/28/2008, 03:25 PM
Got a tee shirt with a picture of a Manatee on it, that says...Meat is meat, and my family's got to eat...always well received at Blue Springs Park when you take the kids to see the Manatees.

02/28/2008, 05:08 PM
OK, I will agree with one thing - I too prefer good, quality seafood over meat in my daily diet.

I'm born and raised in Colorado. We've got a ways to go to get good seafood. In case you're wondering, Rocky Mountain Oysters aren't sea food... ;puke:

02/28/2008, 05:32 PM
Look.....the cow eats the green stuff, and I eat the cow.....I see no need to duplicate the process