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12/22/2007, 09:21 AM
As a kid I vividly remember flocks of birds, this time of year, that went horizon to horizon and seemed to take half an hour to pass over. These last few years they seem pathetically thin, no noisy gangs filling every inch of the elm tree in the back yard. The summer birds seem ok, so maybe they've gone somewhere else. At any rate...in the time it took you to read this, at least two lifeforms (probably more) have left the planet....gone....no redemption....no do overs....gone. Not soapboxing....just observing.

12/22/2007, 09:38 AM
Yep, IMO "civilization" is highly over rated, though I'm torn between my love of technology/creature comforts & the life that was.
On one hand, I miss the bygone days when life was much slower & simpler.
On the other hand, I can't imagine hitchin' up the team & taking the wagon out to Moab...:rolleyesg

Scott Harness
12/22/2007, 11:02 AM
Boo Humans, I really thought growing up in the sixtys,that by now we would have world peace, clean air and water,no hunger,FLYING CARS, AGE of AQUARIUS.What happened? Most people are to lazy to better themselves,but Hey! Lets reproduce!!! Off soapbox:rolleyes::bgwo:

12/22/2007, 11:08 AM
LOL that's too funny, Scott! Imagine all the people...

12/22/2007, 11:37 AM
Boo Humans, I really thought growing up in the sixtys,that by now we would have world peace, clean air and water,no hunger,FLYING CARS, AGE of AQUARIUS.What happened? Most people are to lazy to better themselves,but Hey! Lets reproduce!!! Off soapbox:rolleyes::bgwo:

Sounds like Idiocracy (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/)

Scott Harness
12/22/2007, 12:08 PM
LOL that's too funny, Scott! Imagine all the people... Go John!

Sounds like Idiocracy (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/)
Thanks, That's funny I'll check it out.I never heard of that movie

12/22/2007, 01:16 PM

Funny...but SCARY...

......really funny...

.................REALLY SCARY!!!!


12/22/2007, 01:48 PM
Yeah I miss those bygone days when 95% of everyone's time, every day was spend trying to find something to kill and eat. Which left very little time for being self absorbed and bitchin' about everything.

Scott Harness
12/22/2007, 02:32 PM
Yeah I miss those bygone days when 95% of everyone's time, every day was spend trying to find something to kill and eat. Which left very little time for being self absorbed and bitchin' about everything.

I believe it's called living in the moment.Ahh Zen. Everyday was spent like it was your last.You should try it. Not bitching about everything-just humans:bgwo:

12/22/2007, 03:53 PM
I think all those birds ended up in Atlanta and said forget about moving back north or migrating south. Almost hit a goose yesterday...

-- John

12/22/2007, 04:55 PM
I think all those birds ended up in Atlanta and said forget about moving back north or migrating south. Almost hit a goose yesterday...

-- John I'm thinkin' along those lines..............

12/22/2007, 05:48 PM
I think all those birds ended up in Atlanta and said forget about moving back north or migrating south. Almost hit a goose yesterday...

Ugh. Geese are the worst. What's a word that means "flocks" but is a lot bigger? My thesaurus is coming up short... I'll wing it:

There are a whole ****load of Canada geese up in Northern Colorado. They're part of the logo for Fort Collins, Colorado. They were once rare, but now they have "native populations" -- birds that decided that migrating was "for the birds."

They really are majestic as all hell when they're flying en masse. Once they're on the ground, though, it is a different story. They leave little land-mines EVERYWHERE. At my old job, they put up signs every year: "DANGER - AGRESSIVE NESTING GEESE". It was cute to see all the goslings every year, but nothing will unman you quite like being chased by an animal 1/8th your size... :(

Also, as infuriating as it can be, it really is sort of funny when traffic comes to a halt while a line of 20 of them decide they're going to saunter across the street right then.


My new office has hawks. Even cooler.

12/23/2007, 07:42 AM
Ugh. Geese are the worst. What's a word that means "flocks" but is a lot bigger? My thesaurus is coming up short... I'll wing it:

There are a whole ****load of Canada geese up in Northern Colorado. They're part of the logo for Fort Collins, Colorado. They were once rare, but now they have "native populations" -- birds that decided that migrating was "for the birds."

They really are majestic as all hell when they're flying en masse. Once they're on the ground, though, it is a different story. They leave little land-mines EVERYWHERE. At my old job, they put up signs every year: "DANGER - AGRESSIVE NESTING GEESE". It was cute to see all the goslings every year, but nothing will unman you quite like being chased by an animal 1/8th your size... :(

Also, as infuriating as it can be, it really is sort of funny when traffic comes to a halt while a line of 20 of them decide they're going to saunter across the street right then.


My new office has hawks. Even cooler. I have a pair of Red Tail hawks...been taking care of them for four years now.(my wife and I do alot of animal rescue and rehab)

12/24/2007, 02:37 PM
I'm with ya man. And this is precisely why I am not having children. Short of killing myself, I think it is the best thing I can do to help future life on this planet. I say, nip the problem in the bud. PEOPLE are the problem. Not cars. Not pollution.

I feel it is very difficult for humans to better ourselves. Mankind is too wrapped up in its own existence to realize that we are actually snuffing ourselves out, and taking much of the world's creatures with us. Its money, power and convenience that motivates the human race. Preservation and conservation are very low on the list of the average human's priorities, and this is reflected all the way to the top.

The sheer fact that we are currently waging a war over oil and ideals, is simple, cut and dry proof, that mankind has not taken a single step forward to collectively evolve beyond our own ingrained, greedy and animalistic instincts.

I do not think people are as intelligent or as complex as we like to think we are. If you step outside the box, and look at humanity as we really are, you will see that we are no different than the average parasite, reproducing, consuming and killing the planet at an exponential rate.

Call me a pessimist, a nihilist, a human traitor, or whatever you like, but I believe there is no stopping the machine. And imho, we are already in the 11th hour.


01/07/2008, 08:34 AM
Sounds like Idiocracy (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/)

WOW. I just watched this flick. How I missed it is beyond me, as I love Office Space and everything else Mike Judge has done. I don't even remember this being in the theaters. Absolutely fantastic, and so true its almost frightening.


:) :) :) :) :)


Scott Harness
01/07/2008, 03:51 PM
I caught it the other night. Funny! Scott EXXON-MOBIL Harness turn off subliminal messaging:bgwo: