View Full Version : tint removal advice

12/13/2007, 08:32 PM
So I got pulled over yesterday morning for the tint on my front windows. :mad:
I drive by cops every day and all of a sudden, it's a problem. :confused:

I need to remove it and have it inspected.
Is this something I can take care of in my garage pretty painlessly?
(razor blade?)
Or is it a smart idea to get it done professionally?
And if so, how much should I be looking at?

Better yet...is there any way out of it???


12/13/2007, 08:37 PM
I cleaned up one of my windows very carefully with a razor blade. I had the window out of the door to do it, which made it easier.

I read somewhere about pulling the window and using ammonia and a garbage bag or something to get it to release ... google is your friend.

12/13/2007, 08:53 PM
you could try to argue it.. doubt it would do you much good though.. my windows are within the legal limits but i would put money on the fact that it wouldnt pass state inspection (luckily in md you only have inspection on sale and purchase of vehicle and nothing in between) I did have to remove tint on an old honda I bought.. just used a razor blade, started from the top and made sure to not get the blade at too much of an angle, once you get it started it peels pretty well, then just get a bottle of Goo Gone and wipe it over the residue... if you have to do the rears be VERY careful on the rear window... one pass of a razor over your defroster and its foggy windows forever

12/13/2007, 10:30 PM
How many levels past legal did you go? I kept mine pretty safe I hope. The guy that did mine only went down one notch below legal. I think mine are 30, iirc.

I need to have one of my windows stripped and retinted due to some scratching. The shop quoted me $60 for strip and retint. So, just to strip, I can't imagine it would be much more than $60. I think the shops use some sort of chemical to loosen the tint or break it down, not sure though...That sucks hard you got sited for this. I don't think they are as strict in NV. I'll ask my brother tomorrow, he used to work at a tint shop.


12/14/2007, 06:57 AM
I have been very lucky with my tint. I have always had 5% on all windows. But with the VX it came with some stupid mirror tint that I am suprized I have not gotten pulled over for yet. Actually I work with someone who has a 2003 Bonneville (white) that has 5% all around ..including on the winsheild. It looks real good to say the least. Actually it is making me want to do the same when i retint early in the spring.

I was quoted $125 - $150 for the removal at two shops. They said, yeah the windows are minimal but then that also makes it harder and even more they want to be carefull to keep the defroster on the rear. If I was you I would peel all windows but the rear myself. It is very easy you practically can just start picking at a corner and once started it peels very easy. Goo gone is your friend too.

12/14/2007, 01:47 PM
I talked to my brother. He said the easiest way is with a razor blade. He said you can also use a steamer and then the tint will peel off, but there will be a lot of residue. He said a razor is the best.


12/14/2007, 03:39 PM
I talked to my brother. He said the easiest way is with a razor blade. He said you can also use a steamer and then the tint will peel off, but there will be a lot of residue. He said a razor is the best.

Just peel the crap off....the residue comes right off with a foaming type,spray can of glass cleaner. Bondo brand will work, but the stuff Sherwin Williams sells is better.

12/14/2007, 04:32 PM
It was put on by a previous owner. Of Nevada, actually.
It's fairly dark, but not limo.

No front plate didn't help, either.
I thought maybe the VX just aroused his suspicion, but he didn't seem to care about it at all.
Funny though, now that it's all debadged, he wrote on the ticket
"White, Isuzu, 2 dr, suv"

I really don't want to take it off though. I like how it helps on hot days, and people can't just peek right in and look at anything you got sitting in there.


12/14/2007, 04:45 PM
Yeah, that sucks. I wish I could go limo all around, but I don't want to risk it...


It was put on by a previous owner. Of Nevada, actually.
It's fairly dark, but not limo.

No front plate didn't help, either.
I thought maybe the VX just aroused his suspicion, but he didn't seem to care about it at all.
Funny though, now that it's all debadged, he wrote on the ticket
"White, Isuzu, 2 dr, suv"

I really don't want to take it off though. I like how it helps on hot days, and people can't just peek right in and look at anything you got sitting in there.


12/15/2007, 05:45 AM
Use a razor blade on your backlight, and say bye-bye to the defroster:mad:

12/15/2007, 09:46 AM
If I was you I would peel all windows but the rear myself. It is very easy you practically can just start picking at a corner and once started it peels very easy. Goo gone is your friend too.

Not to be an arse here, but unless I missed something, he only needs to remove the tint from the two front windows.

12/15/2007, 12:56 PM
Don't know about Cali, but in "Yankee Land" they worry about the back too. They wanna be able to see what you are up to in there when they pull you over. And I don't blame them

12/15/2007, 03:25 PM
Don't know about Cali, but in "Yankee Land" they worry about the back too. They wanna be able to see what you are up to in there when they pull you over. And I don't blame them

???..I thought I was in "Yankee Land".

12/15/2007, 04:07 PM
Naaa....you're the "fly over" states.

don moore
12/15/2007, 10:51 PM
Window Tint Laws


are we not in this class...MPV - A vehicle such as a recreation vehicle such as a pickup truck including GMC Suburbans, Nissan Pathfinders, Extra Cab Trucks

12/18/2007, 05:06 AM
spray the tint with ammonia. if will release the glue. that is why you are only supposed to clean tint with a non-ammonia cleaner.

12/18/2007, 02:36 PM
Wow That Sucks I Been Blacked Out All Around For About A Year Now Got Pulled Over For Other Shyt Of Course 3 Times And Never Was Told To Take Tint Off. Im Slick :)