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08/23/2007, 05:48 PM
Check it out i snapped a few of my snakes and lizards and my little buddies. MYspace.com/lizardmen3477 leave me some comments and request to be my friend it you like. Talk To Ya All Later. Thanks for looking :)

08/24/2007, 09:05 AM
I have got to ask. How much does it cost to feed all of them?

I have a beardie about 6 months old.
I really like your sunburst yellow one.

I added you as a friend on there. The name is Chainsaw on myspace.

I will ask you on here to.
What do you feed your BD?
I have alway read to never house more than one together due to males wanting to compete to be alpha of the group untill almost death and then males wanting to reproduce with females so much it kills them from stress.
I visit beardeddragon.org at times.
What veggietables do you feed them as well.

Do you have any pics of your gliders.

Right now I have one bd, a red ear slider and map aquatic turtle as far as reptiles. But I also have 8 nationally ranked German Shepherds.

08/24/2007, 12:07 PM
As soon as I buy a house I am planning a large aquatic turtle enclosure. Probably for a Snapper or possibly a Mata Mata if I think I can care for it properly....


08/24/2007, 12:13 PM
And I thought I lived in a zoo with 4 Golden Retrievers, 2 cats, 2 peach faced love birds, & ~20 fish.

08/24/2007, 12:22 PM
Snakes put a quiver in my liver. ;eekg;

08/24/2007, 12:42 PM
As soon as I buy a house I am planning a large aquatic turtle enclosure. Probably for a Snapper or possibly a Mata Mata if I think I can care for it properly....


Good choice not a huge fan of the snapper. Just mainly becuase of its possible size. But the alligator snapper is awesome looking just like the mata mata is. http://www.turtlesale.com/home/ is a great place to start and I do most of my business there. There is not as much on there right now since it is summer and most turtles do there breeding in the fall. But they have some outrageous priced and rare ones. I personally like the map turtles since they are more friendly and easy to take care of. Plus I just like the agressive shell. Here is a pic of what mine looks like. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://graptemys.com/flavimaculata%2520pics/gflavimaculata_bill_love.jpg&imgrefurl=http://graptemys.com/gflavimaculata.htm&h=323&w=500&sz=56&tbnid=SODSLJMIylnAnM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmap%2Bturtle%26um%3D1&start=2&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=2
I have always wanted a tortise in an outdoor fenced in area.

I also really reccomend a bearded dragon too. They are awesome.

08/24/2007, 01:18 PM
This is in response to Jharris: Honestly if you put 1 male in with some females they dont try to breed all year round they know when its time. Even in some cases a few males and females can live together fine, strongly wouldnt recommend for many reasons. But if only 1 male with a few females or even 1 its fine. I know more bout dragons than any website youll ever read about and as well as many other people. I have kept and bred dragons for over 10 years. Over them years you learn alot about them as they are your main focus and you study everything about them. It is quite awesome as my bio says reptiles are major part of my life. I feed them tons of stuff from the pellets to the pinkish colored dragons bits to crix and superworms as well as tons of lettuce. They get baths once a week and our always out playing. I will post pics of gliders soon. Thanks for looking everyone!

08/24/2007, 02:02 PM
Im right along with you on knowing tons of stuff about them. I have read countless information on them. I really dont see them as being extremly agreesive to death. How many in total do you have? I feed mine phoenix worms and squash, since those two are THE best food for them. IndianaVX (david) has one too.

I never got mine to eat the cubes yet. How many crix do you go through a week? Thanks for the info.

08/24/2007, 03:08 PM
I have wanted a pair of chameleons for quite some time and have a 2nd aquarium to set up sometime. Not sure where to get them from - but when I was actively searching I think I settled on a Jackson chameleon. Anybody have leads or tips for me? There is just something alien about them I love:


08/24/2007, 04:01 PM
I dont really feed tomany crix anymore cause there a pain. I have over 20 dragons adult dragons. Babies vary from time to time.

08/24/2007, 05:06 PM
I have wanted a pair of chameleons for quite some time and have a 2nd aquarium to set up sometime. Not sure where to get them from - but when I was actively searching I think I settled on a Jackson chameleon. Anybody have leads or tips for me? There is just something alien about them I love:

Zeus...when you decide to do chameleons, we will get together. I'll PM my phone number. First! Throw out the aquarium!!! I have run a reptile shop, and breeding operation in Daytona, for thirteen years. Let me know. Wayne

08/25/2007, 12:39 PM
Zeus...when you decide to do chameleons, we will get together. I'll PM my phone number. First! Throw out the aquarium!!! I have run a reptile shop, and breeding operation in Daytona, for thirteen years. Let me know. Wayne
Right on! I know they need a lot of attention and care, other than that, I don't know anything really. So it would be great to get the kind of guidance you could offer. Thanks, Wayne.

08/25/2007, 05:43 PM
RE: Snappers: See a common theme here?



Size doesn't matter to me. I will start with hatchlings if I can and once they get to be too much to handle I will release them back in the midwest where they belong or trade them with a breeder for new babies.

I would love a Mata Mata but I am worried about feeding. According to a lot of care sheets, feeder goldfish are no good for them for a few different reasons. So I am worried about beiing able to feed them properly.


08/26/2007, 09:47 AM
Mr. Bart," The Missouri Turtle Man" will be happy to take care of all your snapper needs. Baby alligator snappers start at around 50 bucks. Mattas=PIA. All sidenecks in general, Mattas in particular. Skin/water issues...they are dirty. If you get a Matta, You gotta get a Pipa frog to go with it...just not in the same enclosure. And yeah, there are ammonia issues with feeding Goldfish...the turtle is an ammonia factory on his own. Snappers are much tougher...and they eat rats to pork chops ;) Wayne

08/26/2007, 09:56 AM
Yeah, I am a huge fan of Pipa Pipa and also Xenopus. I would love to have two tanks (one for frogs and one for turtles) but the Mrs. kinda doesn't want me to have a zoo in the house, and I would kinda just like to concentrate one tank, and make it really awesome. Snappers are my first choice, because I think they simply rock and they are super hearty. It takes SERIOUS neglect to have a problem with a snapper.

I wonder though, I was on kingsnake.com (http://www.kingsnake.com/) recently and I was looking for ally snappers and one of the sellers said "no shipment to Nevada", so now I am wondering if they are prohibited in NV like they were in IL, even for CB hatchlings... I am pretty sure common snappers are ok though.

Mattas are super cool, but I would only want one if I had a huge tank and was 100% confident I could properly care for it. Otherwise I think I would rather just stick with a couple baby snappers.

:) Bart

Mr. Bart," The Missouri Turtle Man" will be happy to take care of all your snapper needs. Baby alligator snappers start at around 50 bucks. Mattas=PIA. All sidenecks in general, Mattas in particular. Skin/water issues...they are dirty. If you get a Matta, You gotta get a Pipa frog to go with it...just not in the same enclosure. And yeah, there are ammonia issues with feeding Goldfish...the turtle is an ammonia factory on his own. Snappers are much tougher...and they eat rats to pork chops ;) Wayne