View Full Version : Skidplates with LED Bars

07/12/2007, 09:13 PM
I'm brainstorming on a few ideas for the exterior.

For those of you who have purchased front/rear or side skid plates, or anyone for that matter, have ever installed LEDs or a small LED bar in them or on them? Maybe even install them in such that the bar is flush with the skidplate's exterior?

I'm wondering if Ron could fit in any LEDs or a small LED bar in any of the skidplates? I'll send him an email or Ron you can chime in if ya want ;)

There are some newer designed LED bars available that are not as cheezy as the older models especially from Street Glow.

Just an idea, any thoughts or comments?

07/13/2007, 12:23 AM
What is your intended use? Dress up or rock lights?

I have been looking at RoundEye's LED (http://www.roundeyes.com/Products-LED_Lighting.html)'s for rock lights, but they might be a little bright for dress up.

07/13/2007, 04:32 AM
I was thinking of more dress up...The rock lights look nice but I agree they would likely be to bright for side lights or lights on or in a skid plate.

07/13/2007, 04:44 AM
You could use a row of the individual LED "dots" available @ most auto parts stores...just drill the appropriate size hole in an evenly spaced row, press em' in & wire em' up. ;)

However...if you use any other color than amber/yellow in front(forward facing), & red in the rear(visible from the rear), you are giving Mr. Police Officer a "freebie" when it comes to reasons to pull you over...yes, that's personal experience. ;)