View Full Version : gear box fluid change

05/28/2003, 05:20 AM
I am about to change the transmission fluid in my transfer cases for the first time. Was told many things, first to do it at 7k miles, then to do it at 15k, then at 40k. I have 12k now, and think it just plain time!

Thing is, I can't find a local dealer who's got the "mix" to drop in the cases. I was told by St. Charles Isuzu (a reputable shop) that any blended transmission fluid (like for a GM or Dodge SUV) would work fine. Any ideas?

The guys at my local shop say they can't mix the additive into the oil; they told me to use a pre-mixed one (which they don't stock).

05/28/2003, 07:49 AM
Dexron III or better is what it calls for, avail @ all auto parts. Synthetic is better but lots more $$. If you drop the pan and change the filter (recommended), you’ll need about 7 qts. If you just drain and refill, only about 5 - if you have them do the flush at Jiffy Lube, etc, take 10qts with you if you are changing to synthetic.

05/28/2003, 08:17 AM
I didn't know that the tranfer cases use transmission fluid? :confused: ;)

05/28/2003, 08:22 AM
Ooops, I GOT to learn to read! But yes, the TOD/Transfer case (all in one) uses Dexron III as well - but it only takes 2 qts of fluid in a change. You cannot change any of our fluids too much - you prob ought to be doing your front and rear diffs now as well - synthetic makes a difference there as well - see you manual for quantities and fluid weights for your geographic area.

Dealers - just what is it they do besides spread misinformation and botch repairs?

05/28/2003, 09:06 AM
Tone, may be a silly question, but is the transfer case part of the transmission flush? Or seperate? I had ordered Royal Purple to make a change to synthetic tranny fluid, but somehow thought transfer case and tranny part of same system flush.


05/28/2003, 09:13 AM
Nope, totally separate but the transfer case is easier to refill and drain again with cheap fluid if you are trying to get a complete flush. Same fluid - different cases.

Royal Purple fluids are great stuff and they are the only ones to make a 75-140w fluid for the diffs that is suitable for a wide range of temps.

05/28/2003, 10:53 AM
Would somebody please provide a brief anatomy lesson? I went down under and saw two pan looking things about middleof vehicle. I am assuming the larger one is the tranny pan. What is the smaller one in front of it? Is this the transfer case? If yes, how do you drain? If no, where is the transfer case and how do you drain/fill?

Thanks much for the pointers.

05/28/2003, 03:11 PM
this is awesome. thanks all. so, to recap: i plan to use dexron lll (about 2qts) in the TOD Transfer case; i plan to use Royal Purple synthetic in the differentials.

now, next question: do i need to bring this with me to a jiffy lube-type place, or might they have it? sounds fairly specialized to me. also, i may have missed it, but if i am buying it to bring with me to the shop, what amount of Royal Purple for the diff cases do i need?

05/28/2003, 03:45 PM
How often should you change the TOD fluid?

05/28/2003, 05:58 PM
Well, while we're on the subject....There's been plenty of posts on how great Royal Purple is. I was intrigued enough to look up my nearest dealer on the Royal Purple website, and drive the 60 mile roundtrip to buy the synthetic 10W40, transmission fluid, and Max-Gear lube for the front and rear diff's. I ended up paying $5 a quart each for the oil and Max-Gear, and $8 a quart for the tranny fluid. I had my trusty mechanic change all the fluids last Friday, and left Saturday for a 400 mile (one way) journey from Central Jersey to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Judging by the performance, this is probably the best investment I've made for my VX yet. The truck seems to shift smoother, ride easier, and is generally quieter than before. Mileage is better, though how much better is hard to quantify, as the trip was mostly highway driving, but I'd estimate 320-330 miles per tank, which is a new high for my truck, as we'll as my particular style of driving (Right foot is 5 sizes larger than the left). So far, Royal Purple fluids are worthy of the hype...I wish I had known about R.P. for my previous vehicles.

05/29/2003, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by I_Wanna_Retire
Would somebody please provide a brief anatomy lesson? I went down under and saw two pan looking things about middleof vehicle. I am assuming the larger one is the tranny pan. What is the smaller one in front of it? Is this the transfer case? If yes, how do you drain? If no, where is the transfer case and how do you drain/fill?

Thanks much for the pointers.

The tranny has two pans the big flat one and a small rectangular one. The Transfer Case is the big thing that hangs low about mid car on the passenger side.

05/29/2003, 12:39 PM
I see! I see! said the blind man...

Scott, thanks, don't know how I missed it. I see both the drain and the fill plugs (big *** allen wrench fittings). It even has a sticker that says 'TOD'.

Boy, do I feel stupid... Oh well, at least another project I can attempt.

07/07/2003, 04:17 PM
Just a quick quetion. I thought TOD and tranfer case are in the same housing but each has its own different fill and drain plug? I found the TOD fill/drain plugs but couldn't find transfer case plugs. Could you help me to locate them?