View Full Version : timing, and cat's

07/05/2007, 08:08 PM
can timing issues cause the cats to go bad, and if so, can someone enlighten me........working up my own knowlege for an offensive strike.........

07/06/2007, 03:26 PM
I don't know which direction you've decided to take in your situation, but if you have plans to use the info you're looking for in a legal sense, you'd be best to just ask the Isuzu dealer you mentioned for their input. No matter how accurate any info provided here may be, it would still probably be considered subjective by anyone arguing against you.

07/10/2007, 01:55 PM
Sure it can...a bunch of fuel being dumped in there, particularly before they have gotten warm enough to light off, will stuff them up real quick. Ask Isuzu. Not real good for the O2 sensors either.

07/10/2007, 08:02 PM
thanks guys, i am looking for the easily understandable here, just to have the basic understanding here. i realize that anything i use in the court process will be comming from the isuzu tech's. if things are understood, the better i can explain for both my own, and to the judge if need be. it is going to be held in small claims court so there wont be any lawyers, it will just be me trying to make my points. the better i understand what happened, or happens, the better i can present my case.
thanks again for the info, chopper, and thanks for the advice trekker
