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06/21/2007, 12:55 PM
So on my day off I wanted to get out a bit and explore. I heard there was an area on the eastern mountains of Reno. So I went looking. I found a road that led me up into the treeless area and were some wild horses rome. Here is a couple shots at the top of one of the peaks..

So I decided to start heading back and on the way I saw some really sweet rides.
Here is an 80-86 F-250.

And look still has the factory sticker..

Also came across this early Chevy. 67-72 I think…

With custom interior…

And a wood floor in the bed..


Whats that smell? Cant you smell that smell? That smell that surrounds you…..

On my way back out I got a pic of this stuff. I don’t know what it is but it has a green tinge to it and I think it’s like a herbicide because they are doing construction in the area.

06/21/2007, 01:26 PM
LOL! That's funny that you went up the east side. I was just wondering about the east side of Reno the other day. We will have to go out there and unload a little on those trucks. Ammo is getting expensive, but I need to get out and unleash a little. Its a good stress reliever.

So, did it seem like there were some trails that went straight out into the big nothing from there? Or were you always within sight of the city?


06/21/2007, 01:45 PM
LOL! That's funny that you went up the east side. I was just wondering about the east side of Reno the other day. We will have to go out there and unload a little on those trucks. Ammo is getting expensive, but I need to get out and unleash a little. Its a good stress reliever.

So, did it seem like there were some trails that went straight out into the big nothing from there? Or were you always within sight of the city?

Yeah as I was leaving I thought that I shouldve brought my rifle.

I been thinking about going to "moon rocks" one day apperently its pretty cool.

It all seemed to wind around and get you a different view of Reno/Sparks. There were some trails that were pretty rocky that may go back deeper.

06/21/2007, 01:59 PM
It looks pretty hard to find a "treeless area"! :p I am heading to Reno next Thursday for a wedding - I will be flying though. Can you guys recommend some cool places to hang out? Or would anyone like to meet up? We might have to throw a last minute bachelor party somewhere so... bring your ones!

06/21/2007, 02:14 PM
It looks pretty hard to find a "treeless area"! :p I am heading to Reno next Thursday for a wedding - I will be flying though. Can you guys recommend some cool places to hang out? Or would anyone like to meet up? We might have to throw a last minute bachelor party somewhere so... bring your ones!

Well if you do a bachelor party then you might want to stay away from Wild Orchid they are PRICY. It cost me 40 bucks for me and my wife to get in there, yes my wife goes and she enjoys it :thumbup:

Other than that it depends on how far you want to drive. Tahoe is awesome right now. Virginia city is a cool little town. There is supposed to be a car museum at Harrah’s downtown.

Or here is an idea… http://www.thegreatinternationalchickenwingsociety.com/

06/21/2007, 02:39 PM
Thanks man! I have heard about the Wild Orchid - I hear it is worth the high price! The Chicken Wing Extravaganza could be interesting - and the car museum would work for us guys when the girls want to go shopping! I appreciate it.

06/21/2007, 03:12 PM
Yeah, lettuce know what your plans are. I'm not a strip club kinda guy, so you can count me out of that, but I am 100% down for mass consumption of brew and food. And, yes, Tahoe would be fun and Virginia City is definitely a cool little town full of history. I would be down for some wings too...


06/21/2007, 03:23 PM
I shouldnt be workin but with the "end of the month push" comin I more than likely will be.

06/21/2007, 03:57 PM
Right on, Bart! CrnCnn (Clint?), it would be cool to meet you while I was there, but I understand if you have to work. We will probably have a big group since it is a wedding. I don't even know where I am going to be staying yet - someone else got me a room somewhere already. So I will let you guys know more of my plans when I know!

:group: :_beer: :group:

06/21/2007, 07:54 PM
Hey Bart,

If your interested in checking it out. This is the way I went:

If you get to Rock on S. McCarran and go east Rock turns into Pembroke. Stay on that til you come to Man of War.

Once you get up there it has a few options on which way you go. I took the route highlighted. The little red dots are the trucks. The blue X is were I attempted to go but chickened out cause its steep and has some ruts. Looks like I didn’t have any where to go if I would’ve gone all the way. The red X looks like it will eventually meet up with the Lousetown trail that I want to still do. That’s also where the horses were.

Let me know if you want to go shoot out there or anywhere sometime I have not shot my rifle in years.


06/21/2007, 09:27 PM
Sweet, we should definitely get the three of us together again and go shooting....which reminds me, where has Ascinder been???


Hey Bart,

If your interested in checking it out. This is the way I went:

If you get to Rock on S. McCarran and go east Rock turns into Pembroke. Stay on that til you come to Man of War.

Once you get up there it has a few options on which way you go. I took the route highlighted. The little red dots are the trucks. The blue X is were I attempted to go but chickened out cause its steep and has some ruts. Looks like I didn’t have any where to go if I would’ve gone all the way. The red X looks like it will eventually meet up with the Lousetown trail that I want to still do. That’s also where the horses were.

Let me know if you want to go shoot out there or anywhere sometime I have not shot my rifle in years.


06/21/2007, 09:29 PM
Sweet, we should definitely get the three of us together again and go shooting....which reminds me, where has Ascinder been???


Good question. Was wondering that myself today.

06/21/2007, 09:45 PM
That looks like a helluva big playground! I have a friend from Winnimucca (sp?) and I know he used to get away with some crazy $H!T out in the middle of nowhere like that. Got a little creeped out when he told me about a guy who had a supply of lime and knowledge of some nearby abandoned mines!

06/21/2007, 09:53 PM
You saw my Live Journal (http://nfpgasmask.livejournal.com), right? Let me just tell ya, in under 60 minutes, I can be in the middle of nowhere and pretty much do whateverthehell I wanna do. Drive 2 hours and you could probably get away with blowing up cars, if you were so inclined. I think Nevada trully is all that is left of the "Wild West", although I'm sure there are still places in UT and AZ where you can basically go hog wild without a soul for many, many miles. When I lived in Chicago, it was hard to find a safe place to shoot outside the city in under 2 hours.

I love it out here.


That looks like a helluva big playground! I have a friend from Winnimucca (sp?) and I know he used to get away with some crazy $H!T out in the middle of nowhere like that. Got a little creeped out when he told me about a guy who had a supply of lime and knowledge of some nearby abandoned mines!

06/21/2007, 10:39 PM
Yeah I saw Operation Penetration too. That's kinda how Wyoming is - many places you have to get past the ranchers though; but there are 500,000 people in all of Wyoming so you don't even have to try to get away. I lived in "the big city" - Casper (pop. 50,000) - for several years. One bachelor party included a lake, a beach, a bon fire, a boat, a Jeep, a dirt bike, an SKS, a couple handguns, a pack of mortar shells, 2 kegs, assorted alcohol, a special herb, and a lot of stupidity - but still no cops and no other people!

Disclaimer: Do NOT walk up to a group of your friends when they are gathered on the beach around the bon fire, make a toast, and then say, "I just have one more thing to say... RUN!", as you casually drop a mortar shell into the fire. :_beer: x:homer: / :flame: +:bomb: = ;eekr; :freek:

06/21/2007, 10:53 PM
That looks like a helluva big playground! I have a friend from Winnimucca (sp?) and I know he used to get away with some crazy $H!T out in the middle of nowhere like that. Got a little creeped out when he told me about a guy who had a supply of lime and knowledge of some nearby abandoned mines!

Yeah, Winnemucca is in the middle of no where to begin with. :) But yeah like Bart said doesn’t take much to get away. Some crazy people up here for sure.

06/22/2007, 08:44 AM
Sheet man, Reno is a 7 hour drive for you. So you should be coming over here to enjoy the spoils of our freedom more often. I expect you to drive over for the next Reno VX meet. :)

Actually, we should all meet up in the middle somewhere and camp sometime. Maybe like south of Elko or something. We would probably have a good time.

I definitely try not to mix firearms and booze though, but I can't say I haven't done a lot of stupid sh1t in my younger years...

The only thing that bugs me about the freedom we have out here, is that there are a lot of people who just plain abuse it. All I ask is that if you make a mess, clean it up. I hate finding piles of people's trash out there. Its just plain lazy....but then again, I do have a fondness for bullet riddled, burned out cars. So I guess I gotta take the good with the bad :)


Yeah I saw Operation Penetration too. That's kinda how Wyoming is - many places you have to get past the ranchers though; but there are 500,000 people in all of Wyoming so you don't even have to try to get away. I lived in "the big city" - Casper (pop. 50,000) - for several years. One bachelor party included a lake, a beach, a bon fire, a boat, a Jeep, a dirt bike, an SKS, a couple handguns, a pack of mortar shells, 2 kegs, assorted alcohol, a special herb, and a lot of stupidity - but still no cops and no other people!

Disclaimer: Do NOT walk up to a group of your friends when they are gathered on the beach around the bon fire, make a toast, and then say, "I just have one more thing to say... RUN!", as you casually drop a mortar shell into the fire. :_beer: x:homer: / :flame: +:bomb: = ;eekr; :freek:

06/22/2007, 09:03 AM
The only thing that bugs me about the freedom we have out here, is that there are a lot of people who just plain abuse it. All I ask is that if you make a mess, clean it up. I hate finding piles of people's trash out there. Its just plain lazy....but then again, I do have a fondness for bullet riddled, burned out cars. So I guess I gotta take the good with the bad :)


That place where the trucks were was a MESS. Shells ALL over the place. Shot up pallets. Parts from the truck themselves were all over. I thought about heading back up and cleaning it.

06/22/2007, 09:12 AM
Yeah, it definitely sucks. Its like, ok, I know its hard to get a dead truck or a car off the side of a mountain, but the bottles, palets, plastic bags, all that sh1t has gotta go. I always pick up my shells and brass when I am done shooting. I usually bring some drum liners or a big cardboard box to haul out my trash if I make a mess of any kind. Again, its just laziness.

I just get worried, because if we abuse the BLM land, eventually it will get taken away from us.


That place where the trucks were was a MESS. Shells ALL over the place. Shot up pallets. Parts from the truck themselves were all over. I thought about heading back up and cleaning it.

06/22/2007, 10:28 AM
Yeah, I HATE litter bugs! My dad and I always stop on the trail to pick up other people's trash. The Rubicon and even parts of Moab have had problems with the white paper flowers people leave behind. It just doesn't make sense to me... they enjoy the outdoors and go to all these places and then vomit all over it! :confused: Even the people who throw cigarette butts out the window piss me off!

I know what you mean when it comes to guns, vehicles, explosives, and alcohol. I felt a little nervous at that bachelor party - the same guy that dropped the mortar in the fire shot up his backpack, full of stuff, in the dark - he thought it was a bush and he unloaded on it! Too damn funny... I am surprised I have lived to be so old sometimes.

06/22/2007, 10:28 AM
I just get worried, because if we abuse the BLM land, eventually it will get taken away from us.


Yeah I guess they are trying to shut down areas near the north side. I think they said the Pevine trails and part of the Hunter lake trail, most of that though is for development.

06/22/2007, 10:32 AM
It looks like that first ford still has the axles under it. I'll bet it has a sweet Dana 60 under the rear! :thumbup:

And yes it is sad when people trash our public lands like that. We shouldn't have to clean up after a$$hats like that. Unfortunately if we don't then we lose our playgrounds for good! I always carry trash bags in my VX when out wheeling because I know I will always find some trash out on the trail.

06/22/2007, 10:37 AM
I am going back up next week to clean it up, gotta buy some big trash bags and just bring my boxes from moving. The whole area around that Ford was ridiculous.

06/22/2007, 10:55 AM
Good job. You should check some of the local 4 wheeling clubs, they may be up to helping out with the "project". They usually like to get good publicity for the off road community.

06/22/2007, 11:16 AM
Yeah, that almost makes me even more sick to my stomach. Urban sprawl is way worse than a little trash here and there. Houses and roads are nothing but trash the never goes away, imho. I guess I am a bit of a human trailtor. I really don't like what people do to the planet, but I am human, and I want my piece of the pie as much as the next guy. My contribution will be through ZPG (zero population growth). All we need to do is stop having freakin kids...and besides, I don't want a mini-me wandering around my house that smells like Cheerios and Apple Juice and sh1t. No thanks. I'm not cut out for it. But that is another whole discussion we don't need to get into...:)


Yeah I guess they are trying to shut down areas near the north side. I think they said the Pevine trails and part of the Hunter lake trail, most of that though is for development.

06/22/2007, 11:36 AM
Good job. You should check some of the local 4 wheeling clubs, they may be up to helping out with the "project". They usually like to get good publicity for the off road community.

The other forums I go on from here do major clean ups a couple times a year they even go as far as to tow out rolled vehicles from mountain sides. Another group took a sandblaster out to take off graffiti from rocks.

06/22/2007, 11:38 AM
My contribution will be through ZPG (zero population growth). All we need to do is stop having freakin kids...and besides, I don't want a mini-me wandering around my house that smells like Cheerios and Apple Juice and sh1t. No thanks. I'm not cut out for it. But that is another whole discussion we don't need to get into...:)


I agree 100%

06/22/2007, 11:57 AM
Man, the graffiti on the rocks really chaps my @$$. I mean, come on, spray paint the side of a building, spray paint on train cars, whatever, you're a looser. But spraying rocks and defacing trees, man, you need to be locked up for a long time, or at least fined out the @$$.

The American Flats do look pretty cool with all the spray paint, and what would Toronto be without its graffiti? But leave mother nature alone please. And you know, there is a difference between graffiti art and the gang banger crap...


The other forums I go on from here do major clean ups a couple times a year they even go as far as to tow out rolled vehicles from mountain sides. Another group took a sandblaster out to take off graffiti from rocks.

06/22/2007, 12:33 PM
Man, the graffiti on the rocks really chaps my @$$. I mean, come on, spray paint the side of a building, spray paint on train cars, whatever, you're a looser. But spraying rocks and defacing trees, man, you need to be locked up for a long time, or at least fined out the @$$.

The American Flats do look pretty cool with all the spray paint, and what would Toronto be without its graffiti? But leave mother nature alone please. And you know, there is a difference between graffiti art and the gang banger crap...


Once again I agree 100%. I am glad that those guys went out there and cleaned it off.

06/22/2007, 01:42 PM

06/22/2007, 08:43 PM
Sweet, we should definitely get the three of us together again and go shooting....which reminds me, where has Ascinder been???

I' m still around....I went driving full time for UPS this week and let me tell you, it's a trip. I broke two UPS trucks yesterday alone, one, the gearshift broke right off in my hand from the tranny, and the other one they got to replace it went chugga-lug-thud out in the middle of boonie-ville. I'm working out in the sun for 12 hours a day, what did I get myself into?! So life has been hectic and busy lately. Anyways, you guys ought to go check out a little town called Genoa. I think you'd really like it. It's where my UPS route is and it's also Nevada's oldest settlement. It's a little like Virginia City, but more small town charm. Lot's of nice houses out there, and maybe some trails worth looking into. I'm still waiting for one of my third members to arrive, so the VX will be going down again in the near future. In the mean time though, let's get together again for some shooting/wheeling/whatever.

06/22/2007, 10:26 PM
LOL, I bet you REALLY appreciate your VX after driving around those big brown turds all day long! :)

Lets definitely plan another meet soon. I've got some stuff going on this summer, so I will let you guys know soon which weekends will work for me.


I' m still around....I went driving full time for UPS this week and let me tell you, it's a trip. I broke two UPS trucks yesterday alone, one, the gearshift broke right off in my hand from the tranny, and the other one they got to replace it went chugga-lug-thud out in the middle of boonie-ville. I'm working out in the sun for 12 hours a day, what did I get myself into?! So life has been hectic and busy lately. Anyways, you guys ought to go check out a little town called Genoa. I think you'd really like it. It's where my UPS route is and it's also Nevada's oldest settlement. It's a little like Virginia City, but more small town charm. Lot's of nice houses out there, and maybe some trails worth looking into. I'm still waiting for one of my third members to arrive, so the VX will be going down again in the near future. In the mean time though, let's get together again for some shooting/wheeling/whatever.

06/22/2007, 11:50 PM
Most any saturday works for me. I work Sundays now, 12 hr shifts sun-tues and every other wed. SUX ARSE!!!!. We are going camping the weekend of the 20th next month, so unless you want to go then that weekend is out. Glad to have yal along.

06/23/2007, 03:16 AM
LOL, I bet you REALLY appreciate your VX after driving around those big brown turds all day long!

Oh man, sounds like you know my pain.....now I know why teamsters are so surly. I think I'd rather try and drive an old mule team than one of those tin cans. For everyone out there reading this that thinks the Vehicross suspension is hard, you don't even come close to considering the @$$ pounding you take in a UPS jump seat.

06/25/2007, 10:19 PM
Well, so much for Tahoe being nice right now! That really sucks to hear about the devastation over there. Have you guys been effected by the smoke at all?

06/26/2007, 05:22 AM
Well, so much for Tahoe being nice right now! That really sucks to hear about the devastation over there. Have you guys been effected by the smoke at all?

Not too horrible on my side of town. It has kinda stayed up over in the mountains and wrapped around. But with the wind who knows where it will be today.

06/26/2007, 11:07 AM
My UPS route is right across the hills from the fires, and the wind was blowing it directly over to us. It has been very smoky, and frankly I am kind of surprised at the idiocy of some people. There have been plentiful newscasts and warnings stating that if you have any kind of breathing condition you should leave the smoke affected area, especially if you are older. Genoa, where my route is has an overwhelmingly high concentration of elderly people, many of which are on oxygen. You'd think they might want to get away from that, but maybe they don't like living......
I have been hacking up a storm for the last few days from running around breathing the smoke(yeah I know that's pretty idiotic and hypocritical of me), but that's my job so tough $h!t. :rolleyes:

06/26/2007, 11:18 AM
Run past Barts place and ask if you can borrow a gasmask.

06/26/2007, 11:19 AM
These fires really suck. Last night about 11:30pm I heard fire trucks and looked out my back window. A house about 200 yards away had smoke billowing out of it. The Reno FD had it out in about 10 minutes, thankfully.

I really don't want my house to burn down.

I took lots of photos of the MaeAnne fire from Sunday. It was visible from my backyard. Again, a little too close to home.

PICS (http://nfpgasmask.livejournal.com/22593.html)


06/26/2007, 11:36 AM
LOL, it would be cool if that would work, but gas masks do not filter out smoke. You would need a closed circuit respirator attached to O2 tanks to protect from smoke. Plus, 99% of my gas masks are made to protect against NBC agents and 75% of my collection is so old you wouldn't want to breath through it anyway. I think there are some industrial filters that can trap large smoke particulates but you need to have a sufficient percentage of oxygen in the air for a gas mask to work, as they simply filter out things you do not want to breathe in, as opposed to the common misconception that when you breathe through a gas mask you are breathing pure air. If a filter is designed to protect against chemical agents, it will do just that, but it won't help you while you are painting a car or fighting a fire, etc.

Sorry, just a technical note for you.

:) Bart

Run past Barts place and ask if you can borrow a gasmask.

06/26/2007, 11:41 AM
Aw a little technicality for me. haha. Thanks for the info, really did not know that much about it. Althought I was joking when telling him to use yours.

I just spoke with a business man at THE WASTUB CO. in Sparks, NV and asked him about the conditions. He did say the valleys of Genoa were pretty bad espically yesterday.

06/26/2007, 01:20 PM
Oh I know you were joking, you just touched upon one of those things I nerd out on.....

:) Bart

Aw a little technicality for me. haha. Thanks for the info, really did not know that much about it. Althought I was joking when telling him to use yours.

I just spoke with a business man at THE WASTUB CO. in Sparks, NV and asked him about the conditions. He did say the valleys of Genoa were pretty bad espically yesterday.

06/27/2007, 09:33 AM
That fire is huge. LINK (http://news.rgj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2007706270418)

06/27/2007, 09:40 AM
There is no excuse for a fire that large that close to the lake.

06/27/2007, 10:07 AM
That IS huge! It has been very hot and dry lately - and it isn't even August yet! Makes you wonder what we are in store for this year...

06/27/2007, 10:10 AM
That IS huge! It has been very hot and dry lately - and it isn't even August yet! Makes you wonder what we are in store for this year...

Yeah a few years ago we had a healthy winter in terms of moisture and still had a bad fire season. This last winter we didnt get much in the way of snow or rain so its gonna be scary.

06/27/2007, 10:30 AM
Yeah, the fire is bad down there. Yesterday, on my way home from work, the wind shifted and I could see a giant plume of smoke. Its really sad.


CrnCnn, Ascinder: The God of Thunder (Zeus) is going to be in Reno this weekend.

What do you guys think about meeting up for food, drinks, and VX talk at Bully's on Robb/MaeAnne on Saturday night?

I'm thinking 7 or 8pm? Bully's is a good spot cause its open all night and its got decent food and big tall glasses of beer!

What do you guys think?

EDIT: I'll start a new post for this....


03/15/2008, 02:31 PM
So I thought I would add to this thread instead of starting a whole new one.

Thanks for leeting me tag along today Beau.

Here are the few pics I got out on the hike.

All things considered, meaning snow and wind, it was really nice out there. Really got heavier as we were coming back out but still not horrible.

03/15/2008, 03:42 PM
Sounds like a good hike, sorry I missed it. I'm knee deep in boxes right now! :(


03/15/2008, 04:22 PM
Sounds like a good hike, sorry I missed it. I'm knee deep in boxes right now! :(


Yeah it was. Have you started moving in yet? We are at my parents house sitting for the week, if you are in the area swing by and have a brew.

That reminds me, thanks for slowing down for me Beau. Also, my knee really is sore I had a HARD time getting up to my apt... stupid snow.

03/15/2008, 06:49 PM
Yeah it was. Have you started moving in yet? We are at my parents house sitting for the week, if you are in the area swing by and have a brew.

No, not yet. Packing this weekend, and we are supposed to close on Tuesday, hopefully. Then next weekend I have to pull out all the carpet and tile and get the floors ready for the wood guy to come in and do the install. Then, the last weekend of March is when we actually move in...


don moore
03/15/2008, 10:28 PM
when i lived in reno I went and found that old casino that looked like it was never finished to the west of town ..with hot tubs?/ and played out around the river.....:smilegray

03/17/2008, 07:52 AM
Never heard of an abandoned one. but with all the development who knows if its still there.

03/17/2008, 08:18 AM
He is referring(I assume) to the old hot springs off of I-80 as you pass Mogul right before Boomtown. They are on the south side of the freeway and have a very sordid and interesting history. They are currently used by the city for SWAT training ops and by the local kids as urban canvas.

03/17/2008, 08:29 AM
Yeah, I have heard of an abandoned casino somewhere around Reno. Which reminds me, we need to do some exploring this summer. I want to find some more of the ghost towns in Nevada.


03/17/2008, 08:57 AM
Yeah, I have heard of an abandoned casino somewhere around Reno. Which reminds me, we need to do some exploring this summer. I want to find some more of the ghost towns in Nevada.


Thats funny I was talking with beau about all of us doing that. Cari's parents are coming in August and her dad is into mining so I want to find some old mine towns to map out for when they are here.

03/17/2008, 09:11 AM
Thats funny I was talking with beau about all of us doing that. Cari's parents are coming in August and her dad is into mining so I want to find some old mine towns to map out for when they are here.

I have a pretty decent book about ghost towns in Nevada and there are a few websites that tell you where they are.


03/17/2008, 10:10 AM
Thats cool, definately have to make some trips out to some this year.

don moore
03/17/2008, 09:07 PM
thats the one..with the hotsprings..but it was a mess inside ..I found a open window and did some exploring inside ..it was like being in a aftermath movie...
..wish i was still there ..but eugene is my home ..maybe ill come down there with the wife for a visit ...Ill let the reno gange know.:smilegray