View Full Version : VX/Trooper Repair Manual?

03/20/2007, 07:51 AM
I did a few searches last night, and found little to nothing that is helpful as far as literature on VX repair/maintenence. I found a crapload of repair documentations on Rodeos, Amigos, and Passports, but VX and Troopers seem to be the redheaded stepchildren. I find it hard to believe that Haynes and Chiltons show nothing. No books nor online lit.

Now, am I just completely missing it? I know there has to be something. I was gearing up to go ahead and do a complete re-seal job when I did the S/C but I want some literature to plan ahead.

Someone point me to some good documentation please. What do you other shadetree mechanics use and how good is it?

03/20/2007, 08:15 AM
have you tried the workshop manual CD that tone has for download on his website? its been helpful for me removing body panels, havent really done anything with the engine w/ it though, but it lokos very thorough

03/20/2007, 08:57 AM
Its a free download at the bottom of this page


03/20/2007, 10:04 AM
Ya, I have the disk, but was more interested in not having to have a laptop resting on the airbox while I got all greased up under the hood. A book is quite ideal in this situation. I am currently going through the same diving-through-flaming-hoops ordeal with my WRX. No damned hard copies available.

03/20/2007, 12:57 PM
Pricey :eek: but Helm is the only authorized publisher of Isuzu Service manuals. :yeso:

Helm - Isuzu (http://www.helminc.com/helm/Result.asp?Style=helm&Mfg=AIM&Make=AIM&Model=VEHI&Year=2000&Category=&Keyword=&Module=&selected%5Fmedia=&mscsid=KBGFEKWAV0T08M856NE1VHHGGLQ1DKTE)


03/20/2007, 02:00 PM
There's also the workshop manual that Scott loaded in the download section, I know, lap top on the air box, but just print the pages you want for that days project.

03/20/2007, 03:37 PM
Ditto on the Helm. Think I saw one on e-pay the other night, grouped with some other stuff. I paid like a hundred bucks, six years ago...but it was printed on some fiber/plasticy stock, that wipes clean, and is trooper/vx.

03/20/2007, 04:22 PM
You could take the workshop cd manual to a print shop and see if they'll print it all out on good stock for you. It would probably be a lot cheaper than buying one.

There was also a set of hardcopy manuals on eBay recently that someone posted about.