View Full Version : Key Fob

02/26/2007, 04:42 PM
New VX owner, thanks for the info on the site...yep, I got window problems, yep, I got bit of H2O in the floor boards...but the site has all the know fixes I think.

I see that on EBAY there is a ISUZU remote for sale but the seller states that this cannot be programmed except at an ISUZU dealer....truth or not?

and thanks to all for all the info....MikeM out of Virginia

02/26/2007, 04:46 PM
definately not true, its fairly easy to program a key fob assuming its the right one... there have been a few of them turning up on ebay claiming to work for the VX that dont, make sure you get a two button remote.. should have a top button that says 'lock/unlock/panic' and a bottom button that says 'option' (which really means "useless")

welcome to the addiction!

02/26/2007, 04:49 PM
Not sure about the EBAY ones. I was given this link (http://www.cruisingforremotes.com/onlinestore/detail.cfm?ID=JBAB237131&storeid=1) concerning a replacement.