View Full Version : Power Window Problems

02/19/2007, 11:07 AM
I have a 2001 VehiCross with only 30000 miles and both of my power windows are freezing up. The local dealer informed me (without even seeing the car) that the regulators need replacing. I can't believe that this has happened with just 30000 miles, and of course the warranty is up. Has anyone else had this problem and what is the best solution?

02/19/2007, 11:10 AM
hahaha.... welcome to the VX world. the windows, I'm afraid - are simply a part of owning a VX. Several 'fixes' available on this site... just do a search and you'll find em'. Valuable tool, that search function... so much info to be found!!!


p.s. - the 'hahaha....' part wasn't meant to be a jerk... I was laughing out of the all too familiar pain you/me/us/we feel about this issue....

02/19/2007, 11:16 AM
good place to start would probably be here

02/19/2007, 11:20 AM
good place to start would probably be here
bwahahahahaaa... totally. actually, if your regulators are waxed - you'll want to have those replaced, THEN attempt one of the few longer term 'fixes' found on this site.

I know mine... I did the following:

1) widen the track closest to the hood
2) bent it out towards the outside about 1/2 inch
3) reglued the plastic tabs w/ jb weld after roughing up my windows (where the tabs attach) with a dremmel.
4) lube, lube, lube....

all done after I had my regulators replaced under warranty ( as the previous binding rendered them almost useless...)

UPDATE: (02.20.07)
Here are some pics from this morning's work. I had to redo my passenger window before getting tint done - so figured what a perfect time to do it and snap some photos along the way...







02/19/2007, 11:30 AM
I was hoping to find the regulators somewhere other than the dealer. I've done the lubrication deal and it works for a short while and then it stops again. With all of us having these issues, even some within the warranty, don'e you think the damn regulators were inferior in quality? I have called the Isuzu Owner Relations number and they can't help me at all. I would appreciate anyone having any info on the regulators that I need.

02/19/2007, 11:59 AM
Hi ZeeBob,

Sorry to hear about the window probs. As the other posts suggested, there are two types of Vehicross:

1) Those with window problems, and
2) Those who will develop window problems soon.

It's a very curvy door with a sort-of-straight-glass window. The stress ultimately either wears out the regulator or just breaks the tabs off of the glass.

Regardless, it sucks. There are some cheap, temporary fixes and some more expensive temporary fixes. Supposedly the more expensive fixes last longer.

If anyone on this forum develops an iron-clad, permanent fix, they are guaranteed to win the Nobel Prize.

02/19/2007, 12:17 PM
If anyone on this forum develops an iron-clad, permanent fix, they are guaranteed to win the Nobel Prize.
It wasn't iron clad, but the fix I did (which I found on this site) worked a very long time on my Dragon. Vfrider1 bought my Dragon, and might chime in to say if the windows are still holding up. They lasted a long long time with the fix above...

However, Photo's right... it's a problem we all either 'have' or 'will have' - and the fixes are (seemingly) unique from situation to situation... It's kind of trial and error really.

Shoot, I think there was even a thread a while ago petitioning Isuzu on the issue - or something along the lines of going to the better business bureau, etc... I think all we ever got in response was a most dishonest, "Thank you".

haha... sucks for us.


02/19/2007, 12:28 PM

If this is not enough, search "window fix".

You will get about 7 pages of related threads to choose from.

02/20/2007, 11:35 AM
i added some pics from this mornings fix on my proton. same fix I did for the dragon that seemed to work more longer term...


07/24/2007, 07:55 PM
I hope the windows work by now.
Mine was "stuck" while ago.
I looked in the regulator, sprayed WD40, but none worked.
I tried silicon spray on the rails, and voila, it worked again!
Try it if the window is still stuck.

07/25/2007, 08:16 AM
Man, I started using that JIG-A-LOO stuff, as suggested by Mr. Dub, and wow, works even better than the silicone spray. My windows have been doing really well *fingers crossed*.

I also think it helps to keep your VX clean and make sure you don't have a lot of dirt/dust buildup on and around the windows.


07/25/2007, 09:48 AM
yea wd-40 helped my windows for a few hours then they got much worse.. ive used silicon with nice results