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View Full Version : My VX should be in the garage in the winter

Jim Hanzak
01/24/2007, 04:11 PM
The latest stop at autozone, I was informed that I should not be driving my VX in the winter. Some guy told me its a Collector item. What the fun is that???? No VX in the snow???? Pffft!!!!

01/24/2007, 04:35 PM
I've been told the same thing about taking mine out on my "minor" off road 'ventures. I usually get the old "I can't believe you take that there"! ;eeky; I just laugh and say why own a 4x4 if your not going to use it...if I wanted to tackle those big bad speed bumps at the mall I would have bought a car (or jeep, if thats what they own)! :thumbup:

01/24/2007, 05:04 PM
Felt the same way about my 59 Studebaker I had a while back. It was my daily driver, and I didnt baby it. Much more fun to drive it every day- just like my VX.

01/24/2007, 06:24 PM
They seem like the same kind of people found sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of some retirement home regretting not having done more with their lives. Or the people you see with extended cab fullsize pickups lifted to the clouds and bedecked with every "offroad" gadget made for their vehicle, triple chrome shocks, etc, who you absolutley know have never gone onto dirt a day in their lives. They don't see purpose in what they do, they just buy/like the look.

01/25/2007, 08:27 AM
Wait a second, arent cars made to be driven? If you dont drive it, sell it.

I remember years ago I went to a Chevy dealer and was looking at the Camaro SS anniversary edition. All white with orange stripes. Beautiful car. I talked to the salesman about it, and it was apparent off the bat that he didnt want to sell me the car because he seemed to think I "looked too young" to have this car. Since when does age account for personal success? You sell cars.... I BUY them. ;) He did everything and said everything to try to sway me from buying it. He said "this isnt the kind of car you drive.... its for safe keeping in a garage since its a gem". Another older gentleman was also looking at the car as well and said "Well in that case, this isnt the car for me. If I spend money on a vehicle like this, it is gonna be driven, not paid for and forgotten. I feel disrespected simply because you are disrespecting this young man. I will buy a car elsewhere". Right on brother!

My VX spends a lot of time in the garage, but that's only because I have a daily driver that gets better mileage. It allows me to look forward to weekend driving in the VX though.

01/25/2007, 05:10 PM
Now see... I disagree with all of you to an extent. 0177 doesn't leave it's stall, if there are rain clouds anywhere near my part of Fla.. The window washers have never been squirted, The heater has never been run... the AC only once or twice. No one ever sat in the back seats(they are in a closet in a guest bedroom). Does all this mean I enjoy the car any less than you?? This thing has made me smile every time I look at it, since the day I brought it home six years ago. I've plenty of cars to beat up, or commute in, or work out of.... why should I not treat this one like the special, weirdo,little jewel it is?? True, I want one to "cut up" A VX... it won't be 0177. Many cars drive better (sorry kids) very few look better. In 20 or 30, when I'm gone, my kids will have this one... and it'll have about 35000 on the clock :p :p :p Wayne

01/26/2007, 09:31 AM
Yeah, I also disagree to a certain degree. The VX is a truck that is meant to be driven, yes. But, I also think it is a truck that is meant to be looked at. While my VX is the only car I have at the moment, my plan is to drive it until it is paid off, then garage it and only drive it for fun on the weekend. It would be nice to keep my VX safe 90% of the time, and only drive it on the weekends and when I go on trail rides. This way, the chances of wrecking it are kept to a minimum.

I've never owned a vehicle that I love as much as my VX, and I would like to keep it for a long, long time. It isn't a "collector car" just yet, but in time it certainly will be.

For now tho, I love driving it everyday!


01/26/2007, 06:54 PM
I got my VX about a month ago from this dood who was very anal about keeping the car as pristine as possible. I took it out to empty some big mud puddles and rally around on the fire roads behind my house. It was nice to see the torque on demand light flashing up and down.I had just had a subwoofer installed, but I told the installers not to batton it down so I could remove it for cargo space. That sub must have bounced about 2 feet in the air and was upside down when I finally checked it. The next day when I looked to see how muddy I got it, I noticed a scratch in the door panel and I almost crapped my pants. I was able to buff it out with some polishing compound,to my great relief. So I kinda think if your gonna go crazy offroad with it, have fun,and be prepared to see it slowly deteriorate.

01/27/2007, 06:08 AM
One of the great things about this SUV is that it combines the best of form AND functionality. You don't see that very often. Unfortunately, it's really hard to fully enjoy both, which is probably why so many owners have bought more than one.

I've always tried to take good care of my vehicles, but I definitely wouldn't avoid putting them to the test just to keep them looking pretty. It seems to me that it's WAAAY too much work to keep a vehicle that you drive in showroom condition. On the other hand, if I ever have enough money to buy a vehicle that just sits in my garage to look at and polish and admire, then I'll probably also have the time to waste doing that stuff. Woohoo, bring on the retirement years!!! ;Db;

01/27/2007, 06:36 AM
On the other hand, if I ever have enough money to buy a vehicle that just sits in my garage to look at and polish and admire, then I'll probably also have the time to waste doing that stuff. Woohoo, bring on the retirement years!!! ;Db;

Naaaaa...just send your man servant "Godfrey" out to do it for ya ! :cool:

While you watch.

01/27/2007, 08:38 AM
Naaaaa...just send your man servant "Godfrey" out to do it for ya ! :cool: Aw, H3LL no!! I'm not working my butt off for 50 years so some schmuck with a silly name can get all the enjoyment out of *MY* stuff! :eek:

01/29/2007, 07:50 AM
Well, its all moot now for me anyways.... I have to use the VX for commuting. Road debris from the highway attacked my WRX coming home from work Friday night and shattered the windshield. She has been sitting in the garage since then and the VX has gotten nothing but love since, haha.

01/29/2007, 08:29 AM
When you say shattered, do you mean completely shattered? Or just bad cracks? Man, of all the people on this forum, I think you have the worst luck with cars!! Sorry to hear about that!


Well, its all moot now for me anyways.... I have to use the VX for commuting. Road debris from the highway attacked my WRX coming home from work Friday night and shattered the windshield. She has been sitting in the garage since then and the VX has gotten nothing but love since, haha.

01/30/2007, 10:06 AM
Heh, ya, you are probably right about that. I am on the road more than I care to be though since I live far from everything, so my chances of this stuff are greater of course.

Ya, it's a lovely spiderweb over the passenger side. And as of today, it still is. The SafeLite guys came by this morning to replace it, but it appears that State Farm gave them the wrong info. Right car, just the wrong windshield. Apparently, the one they brough was missing some sort of top shade over the mirror. I can only equate that to being the radio antenna liner, but I could be wrong.

So, now I wait for a phone call for a reschedule. *sigh*

01/30/2007, 10:20 AM
I'm waiting for this to happen to my VX. Since I have been here in Reno, my windsheild has taken 3 or 4 really hard hits from rocks. No cracks yet, but the front end of my VX has lots of paint chips that were not there before I got to Reno. I try to keep a good distance from cars and trucks in front of me, especially the rock trucks, because they just spray debris allover the place.

:eek: Bart

Heh, ya, you are probably right about that. I am on the road more than I care to be though since I live far from everything, so my chances of this stuff are greater of course.

Ya, it's a lovely spiderweb over the passenger side. And as of today, it still is. The SafeLite guys came by this morning to replace it, but it appears that State Farm gave them the wrong info. Right car, just the wrong windshield. Apparently, the one they brough was missing some sort of top shade over the mirror. I can only equate that to being the radio antenna liner, but I could be wrong.

So, now I wait for a phone call for a reschedule. *sigh*

01/30/2007, 10:37 AM
The latest stop at autozone, I was informed that I should not be driving my VX in the winter. Some guy told me its a Collector item. What the fun is that???? No VX in the snow???? Pffft!!!!

That's pretty funny. I actually got my VX so I would HAVE something to drive in the winter! Granted, I also spoil my VX...and I certainly spend too much MONEY on my VX...but I'm not going to go all weird and, like, never touch it!

What else would that AutoZone guy recommend? Never sit in the leather seats, so they won't get torn? Never use the door handles, in case they wear out? Never use the windows, in case they break?

Oh, wait, that last one is true! :eek:

01/30/2007, 11:00 AM
Yeah, its certainly funny to see how we are are differnt, on one end of the spectrum we have Billy and Uncle_asa pushing their Vxes to the limit (especially uncle_asa with that spectacular jumping action) and then there are people like me who baby their VX as often as possible. My wife actually said the other day, "you would f$%k it if you could, wouldn't you?". LOL!

Now that I have had a taste of detailing the engine after my hair brained oil incident last weekend, I can't wait to do a REAL detailing once the weather is nicer.


That's pretty funny. I actually got my VX so I would HAVE something to drive in the winter! Granted, I also spoil my VX...and I certainly spend too much MONEY on my VX...but I'm not going to go all weird and, like, never touch it!

What else would that AutoZone guy recommend? Never sit in the leather seats, so they won't get torn? Never use the door handles, in case they wear out? Never use the windows, in case they break?

Oh, wait, that last one is true! :eek: