View Full Version : Under the CD Changer?

01/17/2007, 11:05 AM
What is that exactly?
I'm at work (without my manual) and It's driving me crazy, as I'm daydreaming of future mods and accessories.
And haven't I seen pictures of owners doing something with that space, like a storage cubby or something?
I already have a cubby ordered for the CD changer slot, so I'm aware of that.


01/17/2007, 11:10 AM
its just piece of trim, not much room behind it though, about 4.3 billion wires there, id say maybe 3 inches of space max behind that cover

01/17/2007, 11:33 AM
its just piece of trim, not much room behind it though, about 4.3 billion wires there, id say maybe 3 inches of space max behind that coverI don't think there's even 3 inches, maybe 1 inch. I think I recall someone mounting some gauges there once. There really isn't much room to do anything there without some major wire rerouting.

01/17/2007, 11:52 AM
was it cyrk? hah he has gauges everywhere else.. i know what youre talking about though, there are 3 mounted right there.. looks nice, i think someone also put the rancho adjustable shock controller there.. not sure

i was going to put RCA input jacks there for my monitor/head unit but havent gotten around to it, i keep thinking they will stick out too far

01/17/2007, 12:29 PM
It's a tight 3 inches behind the cover, but with some leeway at the sides and top. When I had some extra ECU covers (the part your looking at) I've mounted some different things there, like my first SIRIUS controller.

The ECU itself can be relocated by either purchasing or fabricating extension cables. If you're particularly handy with cabling you can de-pin the existing connectors and just extend the current bundle, but it would be advisable to use identical wire and color coding. It's pretty common practice to relocate the ECU in rally cars, especially if you have two or more with different programming so you can switch between say a gravel ECU and an asphalt ECU.

E-ZooZoo One
01/17/2007, 12:32 PM
I've never removed the cover in our VX, but in the`97 Rodeo (same dashboard) that's where the ECM lives...


Nevertheless, I was able to install my Rancho Control Unit there...


But just so you know - it was a VERY tight fit.


01/17/2007, 02:21 PM
Sweet feedback, thanks guys.

I just inspected it on lunch break and realized how little room is really there.
Why did I think someone on this board placed a power outlet of some sort in that spot? Ring any bells?
(Gasmask perhaps?)
Or was that in place of the changer?

just got off the phone with Merlin, and the cubby box for the changer spot is on its way.
$12 total. They are currently in stock for anyone else curious.

01/17/2007, 03:34 PM
You might be able to fit a couple of power outlets there if you ran a wire and mounted the inverter somewhere else (like behind the dash or under a seat).

01/17/2007, 05:10 PM
Has anyone ever tried to move the ECM straight back, like you would a hard drive in a computer case? May make for some additional space without any rewiring.

01/18/2007, 08:02 AM
By the Way,

I'm sure I could search for this, but someone will probably reply faster than I could find it...

When I install the cubby box, do I have to put it in at the same time that I pull the changer, or can I just slap it in there anytime afterward?
I want to pull the changer this weekend, but I will not receive the cubby until next week.

01/18/2007, 08:13 AM
When I install the cubby box, do I have to put it in at the same time that I pull the changer, or can I just slap it in there anytime afterward?
I want to pull the changer this weekend, but I will not receive the cubby until next week.

You can install it afterward, but you will have to pull the trim off to mount it.

Speaking of mounting, I had to use the brackets from the changer to give the pocket a solid mount. And it took a little creativity to get the depth and alignment just right, IIRC.

01/18/2007, 08:18 AM
yea once the changer is out all you will need to do to install the cubby is pull that small bottom peice of trim off, not hard at all... i think you can get away with just pulling that piece off to remove the changer too.. iirc there is a plug connection behind the 12v outlet in the dash you can disconnect so you dont have to pull everything out

01/18/2007, 09:51 AM

etlsport, are you ever offline?

01/19/2007, 08:17 AM
once.. i think it was in 1932...

haha i think it shows that im online much more than i am (granted... i am on alot) but when i open a web browser, vehicross.info is my home page, so i show up as online anytime i open a browser until i go to another site.. so also i see new posts anytime i open it so i respond quickly.. and basically.. yeah.. im a nerd :cool:

01/19/2007, 08:32 AM
Yeah, I put my power inverter where the CD changer was:


BTW: Since this photo was taken, I have re-routed the cig lighter cable through the back and into the ash tray where it is hidden until I need it.


Sweet feedback, thanks guys.

I just inspected it on lunch break and realized how little room is really there.
Why did I think someone on this board placed a power outlet of some sort in that spot? Ring any bells?
(Gasmask perhaps?)
Or was that in place of the changer?

just got off the phone with Merlin, and the cubby box for the changer spot is on its way.
$12 total. They are currently in stock for anyone else curious.

01/19/2007, 08:36 AM
Don't worry man, you're not the only one. I sit in front of a PC all day long...


once.. i think it was in 1932...

haha i think it shows that im online much more than i am (granted... i am on alot) but when i open a web browser, vehicross.info is my home page, so i show up as online anytime i open a browser until i go to another site.. so also i see new posts anytime i open it so i respond quickly.. and basically.. yeah.. im a nerd :cool:

01/19/2007, 08:47 AM
yea.. i spend my days infront of my computer.. and if i didnt take internet breaks... id go crazy looking at cadd all day

hey bart have you thought about just hardwiring your power inverter to the battery since its got an on/off switch?

01/19/2007, 08:51 AM
Yeah, I was gonna do that, but then I thought it would be much easier to just go through the back of the ash tray instead of through the firewall and all that. Plus, I don't know jack about wiring and what not, so I opted for the easy course...now it looks much cleaner and I didn't have to run any wires anywhere.

:) Bart

yea.. i spend my days infront of my computer.. and if i didnt take internet breaks... id go crazy looking at cadd all day

hey bart have you thought about just hardwiring your power inverter to the battery since its got an on/off switch?