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01/05/2007, 08:19 AM
The Colorado front range is getting more snow today. To bad the weather guys only forecast only 18 inches this time. The more the merrier. Me and the VX love playing in the snow. I had to chain her up on all fours xmas day to get to my sisters. Awesome performance in the snow with chains on all fours.


01/05/2007, 08:27 AM
18 inches?! wow... that's a lot more than predicted for around my parts. Where is Pine again? (nearest town/city?).

VX does do great in the snow, even better with upgraded tires. But I do wish the snow fall would give us at least a 'little' reprieve so I can get a chance to wash all the mag chloride off her...


01/05/2007, 08:56 AM
Yeah, we got a dab here in Reno last night. Not enough to keep people home, but certainly enough to make people drive 15mph when they don't have to.

Also, about driving in the snow. Last night I dropped my VX into 4WD Low and drove up a hill on the road, just to try it out. What is the recommended speed you should stay under while in 4WD Low? I was coasting along at about 20-25 but I noticed an incredible amount of drag when I let off the gas. Is this normal when in 4WD Low? I kept my main shifter in Drive to avoid high RPMs...


E-ZooZoo One
01/05/2007, 09:19 AM
Color me 40 Shades of Jealous! --- The local National Weather Service just announced yesterday that the same trough in the jet stream that’s been responsible for all of the snow that you’ve been getting will continue preventing very much winter weather from visiting us here in West Virginia… For crying out loud, it’s 57* right now – DOH!

What is the recommended speed you should stay under while in 4WD Low? I was coasting along at about 20-25 but I noticed an incredible amount of drag when I let off the gas. Is this normal when in 4WD Low? I kept my main shifter in Drive to avoid high RPMs...
I have a whole lot more experience with a 5-speed / Tera-Low’d Rodeo, but last year I did get to play around in the snow with the VX a little bit…

In the VX, a top speed in 4-Low of about 20-25 mph sounds about right to me… as does the drag effect that you experienced. --- When letting off of the throttle, you *should* notice an immediate loss of forward momentum – that’s just the lower gearing doing its thing.

01/05/2007, 10:49 AM
OK cool, I figured that was about right, and yes, when I let off the gas, she wants to slow down to a crawl it seems. As long as it is normal, I'm cool and the gang...

:) Bart

In the VX, a top speed in 4-Low of about 20-25 mph sounds about right to me… as does the drag effect that you experienced. --- When letting off of the throttle, you *should* notice an immediate loss of forward momentum – that’s just the lower gearing doing its thing.

01/05/2007, 11:42 AM
Im in Southern, IN and having abnormal 60 degree weather for this time of year. I WANT SNOW>

1.) To test the VX in

2.) I gotta snowboard sometime this year. Just bought a new set up.

01/05/2007, 01:36 PM
Here's a Fresh Pic from Fort Collins....they missed a bunch of the Denver snow today, but the neighborhoods are still only VX accessible. :p


01/05/2007, 01:46 PM
Awesome pic....

01/05/2007, 02:19 PM
Philadelphia weather forecast for next 15 days

This is NOT winter in Philly!!!

Friday, Jan 5
Cloudy, breezy and mild
Low: 55 °F High: 62 °F

Saturday, Jan 6
Warmer with decreasing clouds
Low: 42 °F High: 71 °F

Sunday, Jan 7
Some sun, then clouds; cooler
Low: 41 °F High: 52 °F

Monday, Jan 8
Rain possible in the morning
Low: 30 °F High: 48 °F

Tuesday, Jan 9
Mostly cloudy and breezy
Low: 28 °F High: 42 °

Wednesday, Jan 10
Breezy with periods of sun
Low: 27 °F High: 41 °F

Thursday, Jan 11
Mild with plenty of sunshine
Low: 33 °F High: 47 °F

Friday, Jan 12
Clouds and breaks of sun
Low: 34 °F High: 46 °F

Saturday, Jan 13
Clouds limiting sunshine
Low: 34 °F High: 49 °F

Sunday, Jan 14
Cloudy with rain possible
Low: 35 °F High: 50 °F

Monday, Jan 15
Low: 35 °F High: 50 °F

Tuesday, Jan 16
Low: 20 °F High: 42 °F

Wednesday, Jan 17
Plenty of sunshine
Low: 17 °F High: 36 °F

Thursday, Jan 18
Plenty of sunshine
Low: 16 °F High: 33 °F

Friday, Jan 19
Mostly sunny
High: 31 °F Low: 20 °F :confused:

01/05/2007, 03:38 PM
Here's a Fresh Pic from Fort Collins....they missed a bunch of the Denver snow today, but the neighborhoods are still only VX accessible. :p


Kinda looks like a kid eating spagetti (You know, like in a highchair, with a bib!) Only in a good way!
Those VX's really eat it up (the snow that is) ;)

01/05/2007, 04:00 PM
HOLY CRIPES Bim, that thing is CRUMMY!! :freek:
You know, if you hose it down and let the water freeze you could chip off the ice and maybe some of the dirt will come with it. :winkb:
I'm totally kidding. Mine is so dirty right now I have NO room to talk.

01/05/2007, 04:18 PM
Would you believe that it was clean and spotless this morning? If you look closely at part of the front fender, you can see some shine popping through. :rolleyes:


E-ZooZoo One
01/06/2007, 08:21 AM
The local National Weather Service just announced......that Hell has officially frozen-over!

While watching the Weather Channel last night, I saw where they listed all of the places that broke their all-time high temps yesterday...
My very own little burg of BFE, WV was the very first city on the list, with a high of 69* !!!

No kidding - on top of this mountain, here in "Nature's Air-Conditioned City", that's warmer than some of our summer daytime highs! :eekgray:

01/06/2007, 02:19 PM
And how about this!!! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070106/ap_on_re_us/colorado_avalanche
:eek: So crazy! Global warming my arse!

01/06/2007, 02:55 PM
:eek: So crazy! Global warming my arse!

Believe in the strength of "el nino"!!!!! :dance:

01/06/2007, 09:34 PM
Abnormal weather today...

Normal weather tomorrow...

Get used to it. It's called Global Warming.

01/06/2007, 09:50 PM
Where's Al Gore???


01/06/2007, 10:37 PM
Come on man, that's "Climate Change", not "Global Warming". Don't forget to put a red spin on it...

:) Bart

Abnormal weather today...

Normal weather tomorrow...

Get used to it. It's called Global Warming.

01/07/2007, 11:11 AM
LOL!! A "red" spin and an "Exxon" spin.

A part of global warming are large storms, so don't be fooled by winter storms such as the recent few in Colorado. Overall, they are still seeing above normal temps. The change isn't going to be all of the sudden. Such at our record hurricane season 2 years ago, then almost nothing last year. Look at the subtle changes also, such as Manate's in Texas, and Sharks in New England IN WINTER!!

01/07/2007, 11:35 AM
Yeah, all tree hugging hippie crap aside, Global Warming is real, and humanity is on its way out...and we will bring most of the world's life forms with us.

I have felt this was since I was about 12 years old...and everyone thought I was just overly pessimistic. Now, its all coming full circle. But that's how 90% of humanity is, just ignore problems until you can't anymore.

We will pay for our greed and callous disregard for the environment. And sooner than we think I'm afraid.

I don't know about everyone else, but I think about what my VX is pumping into the atmosphere everyday....and yes, I feel bad about it.

My next vehicle will be a hybrid most likely, no matter how ugly they are, but still, I think it is all too little, too late.

We are doomed.


LOL!! A "red" spin and an "Exxon" spin.

A part of global warming are large storms, so don't be fooled by winter storms such as the recent few in Colorado. Overall, they are still seeing above normal temps. The change isn't going to be all of the sudden. Such at our record hurricane season 2 years ago, then almost nothing last year. Look at the subtle changes also, such as Manate's in Texas, and Sharks in New England IN WINTER!!

01/07/2007, 11:59 AM
I don't know about everyone else, but I think about what my VX is pumping into the atmosphere everyday....and yes, I feel bad about it.

My next vehicle will be a hybrid most likely, no matter how ugly they are, but still, I think it is all too little, too late.

We are doomed.


I concur

01/07/2007, 01:51 PM
Oh my...I was about to grab a strawberry lollipop out of the pantry and kick back with some football, but now I think I'll just go fetal in the corner and weep bitterly.......What have we done????????????????

01/07/2007, 01:56 PM
[South Park mode on]


[South Park mode off]


01/07/2007, 02:36 PM
I live up in Park City, UT at 8000ft and usually atleast once a week I get to the drive the VX 2 miles uphill in 1 - 2 feet of snow. After about 18" it gets pretty tough to travel through. This morning we woke up to 3ft drifts. It's fun but I have a plow just for getting through those. The VX w/studded tires performs amazing through the snow and ice.

01/07/2007, 03:35 PM
Oh my...I was about to grab a strawberry lollipop out of the pantry and kick back with some football, but now I think I'll just go fetal in the corner and weep bitterly.......What have we done????????????????

You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!

01/07/2007, 03:37 PM
I hope everybody remembers their swimming lessons...


01/07/2007, 04:35 PM
I'm gonna take my lessons from Kevin Costner. Was Water World Prophetic?

01/07/2007, 06:23 PM
I'm gonna take my lessons from Kevin Costner. Was Water World Prophetic?

I took golf lessons from him, and he kept trying to hold me from behind....strange.

01/11/2007, 08:09 AM
To get back on topic, I routinely* drive my VX in 4-Low up to about 45 mph. It sounds like the wheels are going to come off at that speed with the engine revving high through the low gearing and the t-case locked and whirring underneath, but it's still within the rev band of the engine. Just make sure you NEVER use 4-Low on dry roads! It needs the poor traction of snow, ice, or dirt to keep the axles from winding up.

* denotes routine behavior in "winter" which has yet to come to the Northeast! And on that off-topic topic, don't whip yourself too much about global-climate-warming-change... the scientific data says that it is happening, but it's only scientific opinion that says mankind is responsible for it. This is a critical distinction, but it is one that seems perpetually lost in all dialogue on the subject. Nature is more likely taking us for a ride than we are taking it for a ride.

01/11/2007, 08:53 AM
And on that off-topic topic, don't whip yourself too much about global-climate-warming-change... the scientific data says that it is happening, but it's only scientific opinion that says mankind is responsible for it. This is a critical distinction, but it is one that seems perpetually lost in all dialogue on the subject. Nature is more likely taking us for a ride than we are taking it for a ride.I agree with everything you say up until the last line. There is enough hard evidence out there that much of the scientific community is starting to agree that mankind is at least partly the cause of the rapid global warming trend we've been experiencing over the last several decades. Yes, there are natural fluctuations, but if you study the science a little bit, I think it's difficult to deny that mankind is having an effect. Where there is still significant debate is to what extent and what can or should be done about it.

Electric and hybrid cars are definitely a step in the right direction, but there is another issue that needs to be addressed, which is America's dependence on foreign energy. This is another hot issue that has nearly reached the boiling point on several occasions, particularly during the oil crisis in the 70's and the present war in Iraq. The problem with electric and hybrid technology is that they still can't compete with the gas powered vehicles they are intended to replace. Diesel engines use compression, which is about 30% more efficient that gasoline ignition engines, and get much better fuel economy. The diesel passenger cars on the U.S. market today are far better than their gasoline versions, IMO. The only reason U.S. passenger cars favor gasoline is because of marketing and politics (which drove the "cheap" gas we've been chugging all these years).

I believe the best interim solution is to go diesel, phasing out petroleum based energy and replacing it with renewable biofuels. An all electric car that can hold a candle to a diesel in the same price range does not yet exist and is probably many years away from being mass produced. I've put my money where my mouth is and bought a 2006 VW Jetta TDi as my daily driver, and ultimately I'd like to drop a diesel in the VX.

OK, I'm getting off my soap box now!!! ;Db;

01/11/2007, 09:00 AM
Oh my...I was about to grab a strawberry lollipop out of the pantry...
MMMmmmmmmmmm.... Strawberry lollipops. :homer:

On the snow front - predicted snow yet again in the ol' Mile High. Tonight through the weekend and possibly into Monday, but nothing major... Unless MOTHER EARTH hiccups on us at the last minute...!!!!



01/11/2007, 09:04 AM
Just make sure you NEVER use 4-Low on dry roads! It needs the poor traction of snow, ice, or dirt to keep the axles from winding up.On the other topic... Do you guys agree with this? I've never heard that before. I have heard that you shouldn't exceed 25-30 MPH, which is the advice I've been heading.

01/11/2007, 09:06 AM
don't whip yourself too much about global-climate-warming-change... the scientific data says that it is happening, but it's only scientific opinion that says mankind is responsible for it. This is a critical distinction, but it is one that seems perpetually lost in all dialogue on the subject. Nature is more likely taking us for a ride than we are taking it for a ride.

Well, I agree to a certain point. If you look at natural history, you will understand that planet earth is in a constant state of change. Species come and go, weather changes frequently, and there are many reasons for it.

I however personally think that mankind is just prodding some of these changes along faster. Most serious global changes take many hundreds of years to happen, often thousands. And then there are some sudden changes that can drastically affect the planet rapidly (like massive volcanic eruption, massive tectonic shifts, meteors, etc.). But humanity has caused some changes to happen in a mere 100 years. Basically a sliver in time when looking at how long life has existed on the planet.

I think that what we as a species must focus on, is not necessarily worrying about global climate changes that are going to happen anyway, but changes that we can make NOW to help better the quality of all life on earth for generations to come. Planet earth will be here for a lot longer than we will be. Nature has a way of correcting things. Some species will die out, some will survive, and that is the way it has always been. But since a certain balance needs to be maintained for us mammals, we need to think about what we can do to ensure our environment is livable for us in the future, but instead we think about what is convenient NOW, and that is why we as a species will probably not survive for much longer.

I am not very hopefull. :)


E-ZooZoo One
01/11/2007, 09:30 AM
Just make sure you NEVER use 4-Low on dry roads! It needs the poor traction of snow, ice, or dirt to keep the axles from winding up.
On the other topic... Do you guys agree with this? I've never heard that before. I have heard that you shouldn't exceed 25-30 MPH, which is the advice I've been heading.
Believe it!
4-Low + hard pavement will eventually = *snap* *crackle* and/or *pop*

The driveline on Isuzus is not intended to be engaged without some slippage coming from somewhere - be it the TOD system in High-range (if so equipped - like our VXs), or a loose and/or slippery surface.

01/11/2007, 09:32 AM
I agree about bio-diesel. The problem I see with electric is that if we become totoally dependent on electric power, then we are going to need more nuclear and/or coal power plants, which create nasty byproducts as well. The problem of nuclear waste disposal would get more outta hand than it already is.

:confused: Bart

I agree with everything you say up until the last line. There is enough hard evidence out there that much of the scientific community is starting to agree that mankind is at least partly the cause of the rapid global warming trend we've been experiencing over the last several decades. Yes, there are natural fluctuations, but if you study the science a little bit, I think it's difficult to deny that mankind is having an effect. Where there is still significant debate is to what extent and what can or should be done about it.

Electric and hybrid cars are definitely a step in the right direction, but there is another issue that needs to be addressed, which is America's dependence on foreign energy. This is another hot issue that has nearly reached the boiling point on several occasions, particularly during the oil crisis in the 70's and the present war in Iraq. The problem with electric and hybrid technology is that they still can't compete with the gas powered vehicles they are intended to replace. Diesel engines use compression, which is about 30% more efficient that gasoline ignition engines, and get much better fuel economy. The diesel passenger cars on the U.S. market today are far better than their gasoline versions, IMO. The only reason U.S. passenger cars favor gasoline is because of marketing and politics (which drove the "cheap" gas we've been chugging all these years).

I believe the best interim solution is to go diesel, phasing out petroleum based energy and replacing it with renewable biofuels. An all electric car that can hold a candle to a diesel in the same price range does not yet exist and is probably many years away from being mass produced. I've put my money where my mouth is and bought a 2006 VW Jetta TDi as my daily driver, and ultimately I'd like to drop a diesel in the VX.

OK, I'm getting off my soap box now!!! ;Db;

01/11/2007, 09:35 AM
On the other topic... Do you guys agree with this? I've never heard that before. I have heard that you shouldn't exceed 25-30 MPH, which is the advice I've been heading.

Yeah, definitely...put your truck in 4-lo & find a peice of bare asphalt (hi traction), now do a few full lock turns & feel the truck "crab" around as the axles load & unload torque by making the tires slip.
It's not recommended, as it's hard on cv's & U-joints...but a good way to see if all your 4WD bits are performing their job properly.

01/11/2007, 02:20 PM
I agree about bio-diesel. The problem I see with electric is that if we become totoally dependent on electric power, then we are going to need more nuclear and/or coal power plants, which create nasty byproducts as well. The problem of nuclear waste disposal would get more outta hand than it already is.Right now, if it were to happen overnight, you're right. It wouldn't solve anything. But it will take us a long time to move from fossil fuels to all electricity, and that time could be used to develop cleaner, renewable energy production from Solar, Wind, BioFuels, and other alternative energies. The technology has already been proven. The problem is mostly a financial one - alternative energy thus far isn't very profitable - it's a movement associated with pot smoking hippies like Willie Nelson who want to save the world but could care less about profit. Not a very good business model.

01/11/2007, 02:27 PM
...put your truck in 4-lo & find a peice of bare asphalt (hi traction), now do a few full lock turns & feel the truck "crab" around as the axles load & unload torque by making the tires slip.
It's not recommended, as it's hard on cv's & U-joints...but a good way to see if all your 4WD bits are performing their job properly.How 'bout I just take your word for it? ;Db;

So is our rear diff "limited slip" then? If not, wouldn't that "crab" effect occur to the rear axle in Hi also?

01/11/2007, 02:32 PM
Oh, and another neat thing about BioDiesel:

There's a company called Global Green (GGRN) that is developing a prototype algae-based bioreactor. It's basically a reactor that can be retrofitted to smokestacks so that the CO2 emissions are used to grow algae whose dried biomass is nearly 50% oil that can be used to produce BioDiesel. IIRC the yield per acre as about 1000 times that of soybeans.

01/11/2007, 02:39 PM
Well, you just hit the nail on the head. Our country is essentially not a democracy. It is more of a capitalist dictatorship. Money talks. Our government is basically just big business's evil twin brother. Nothing will happen if it doesn't line someone's pockets up top. Doing things because they are right, died along time ago. Doing things because it makes someone rich, that is how we operate here in the US, and just about everywhere else too....people who believe in ideals and revolution have no power, cause they have no money. And all the people in the middle would rather succumb to day to day conveniences than make the drastic lifestyle changes that are needed to push things in the right direction. And I say all this, knowing that I am no exception. Its just the way it is...


Right now, if it were to happen overnight, you're right. It wouldn't solve anything. But it will take us a long time to move from fossil fuels to all electricity, and that time could be used to develop cleaner, renewable energy production from Solar, Wind, BioFuels, and other alternative energies. The technology has already been proven. The problem is mostly a financial one - alternative energy thus far isn't very profitable - it's a movement associated with pot smoking hippies like Willie Nelson who want to save the world but could care less about profit. Not a very good business model.

01/11/2007, 02:56 PM
Yeah, I wish the "Native Americans" would have won... of course if they did there would probably be global warming problems from the immense amounts of methane venting from the butts of over-populated buffalo!

01/11/2007, 03:17 PM
Well, you just hit the nail on the head. Our country is essentially not a democracy. It is more of a capitalist dictatorship. Money talks. Our government is basically just big business's evil twin brother. Nothing will happen if it doesn't line someone's pockets up top. Doing things because they are right, died along time ago. Doing things because it makes someone rich, that is how we operate here in the US, and just about everywhere else too....people who believe in ideals and revolution have no power, cause they have no money. And all the people in the middle would rather succumb to day to day conveniences than make the drastic lifestyle changes that are needed to push things in the right direction. And I say all this, knowing that I am no exception. Its just the way it is...I'd call it a capitalist oligarchy. Either way, the government stopped acting in the interest of the people a long time ago when corporations and SIGs started buying politicians. BUT, just because the system is flawed doesn't mean its irrepairable. And frankly, I don't believe our lifestyles have to change all that much. In fact, getting most people to change is futile, which is why we need to implement the technology we already have so people won't have to change their behavior very much. I personally have started making changes in my life that really haven't inconvenienced me at all. I LOVE my new diesel Jetta, it gets 3x the fuel mileage of my VX, and it can run BioDiesel. I think it starts with educating people, because there are many simple, smart choices that people can make but they don't because they're force-fed all sorts of ideas through the media and advertising that are just plain wrong.

01/11/2007, 03:21 PM
Here's a Fresh Pic from Fort Collins....they missed a bunch of the Denver snow today, but the neighborhoods are still only VX accessible. :p


http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/P10100022.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/P10100022.JPG)

I used to plow my neighbors driveways just by driving back and forth a few times, so they could get their cars out of their garages and to the main streets.
I used to drive in bogs deep enough to let water come through the doors, even the dipstick would still be above water. I did add longer axle vent hoses.
I even drove it over the concrete wall that seperates oncoming traffic.
And over logs 3 feet in dia.

I love my VX but it has it's limits.

I agree with all who say 4 low is only for poor traction and lower speeds.

I could "crab" my 1 ton in a circle insde of its length. you can really feel the front tires pulling sidways. Yes I did break many U-joints.
But I was young.

We had snow here today but I only used the power button to clean up any slippery spots. I save 4 low for at least 5-6" of snow.

I won't touch the warming issue other to say during WWll, they were burning cities daily. Modern cities and cars produce a large amount of heat and runoff. but with mountains over a mile high. I doubt there could ever be a "Waterworld".
, unless mountains sink?

01/11/2007, 03:34 PM
Well, you just hit the nail on the head. Our country is essentially not a democracy. It is more of a capitalist dictatorship. Money talks. Our government is basically just big business's evil twin brother. Nothing will happen if it doesn't line someone's pockets up top. Doing things because they are right, died along time ago. Doing things because it makes someone rich, that is how we operate here in the US, and just about everywhere else too....people who believe in ideals and revolution have no power, cause they have no money. And all the people in the middle would rather succumb to day to day conveniences than make the drastic lifestyle changes that are needed to push things in the right direction. And I say all this, knowing that I am no exception. Its just the way it is...


Same as the Romans, maybe?

If we all lived like native Indians. We would have burned all the wood to heat our Teepee's, and if we didn't kill all the buffalo to eat, we would have killed alot of our neighbors so they didn't eat all the buffalo first.
The real answer came from hippies, = It was callecd ZPG, or zero population growth. Tax the parents of more than two children, Like Singapore has had to do.

01/11/2007, 04:53 PM
We must fight the corporations, they sit there in their...corporation buildings acting all corporatey and making money.

Darn Isuzu and their conspiracy and capitalist um...dictatorship...that forced me to buy a 15 mpg SUV that seats 2+2.

I put a jihad on them.... And if you don't believe it, then you better kill me now... cause I'll put a jihad on you too.

01/11/2007, 05:31 PM
How 'bout I just take your word for it? ;Db;

So is our rear diff "limited slip" then? If not, wouldn't that "crab" effect occur to the rear axle in Hi also?

It is limited slip, & if you don't have enough LSD additive in there, you will hear a chattering coming from the rear end when making tight turns.